Garden party |
Child care |
Afternoon tea |
Pet-sitting |
Brunch |
Computer assistance/support |
Theme dinner |
Workout buddy |
Movie & discussion |
Weight-training plan |
Movie & singalong |
Snow shoveling |
Game-playing evening |
Yard work |
Beer-tasting or wine-tasting evening |
Fly-fishing class |
Scientific conversation over dinner |
Fly-tying class |
Travelogue and dinner |
Cooking/baking lesson |
Vacation cottage |
Craft lesson |
Tickets to an event |
Canning lesson |
NCG movie basket |
Woodworking lesson |
Gift basket/item from local merchant |
Nutrition class |
Massage gift certificate |
Fitness class |
Yoga certificate |
Farm produce |
Perennials |
Baked goods that evening |
Golf pass/green fees |
Baked goods during the year |
Firewood |
Canned goods |
Soup of the month |
Homemade meal |