What is happening in Religious Education at our Fellowship?
- This past month, the Children’s Circle learned about all the varieties of ways different religions instruct us to love each other and care for each alone, the role of love in Judaism, Christianity, and more.
- 25 Valentines were sent to patients in the hospital by students in the Children’s Circle and the Middle School Jedi program. MidMichigan Health News includes mention.
- Soup and Sources was held – celebrating love and what it is to be a good neighbor.
- The Youth Group met and made plans for a Food Art Gallery to raise money for the Midland Animal Shelter through the Humane Society.
- We have a middle-schooler participating in “Our Whole Lives” Sexuality Education at the United Church of Christ.
- The Religious Education team has began to explore options for a sleepover, a puzzle room break-out event, a possible youth con and more.