On an ongoing basis, we collect canned goods and other non-perishable items for the Midland Emergency Food Pantry Network (EFPN). The EFPN helps many people in Midland County. Here are some of the ways they have helped recently:
- A family living in a hotel had not eaten in 1.5 days. They were desperate for some food. They were helped that day.
- A young parent with 4 children is undergoing treatment out of town for cancer. Doctors are hopeful the treatment will work. EFPN provided them food for the trip as they had depleted all their resources.
- A recipient at one of the pantries was overwhelmed with emotion because of the amount of food they received.
- A father needed Ensure to help gain his weight back after having chemo treatments.
- A mother with a sick child used her food stamps to buy food that her sick child would eat. She did not have enough money to buy more food for the rest of the family.
During the month of March, we collected small items for Shelterhouse. Shelterhouse provides safe houses, shelter, advocates, counseling and more (all free of charge) to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in Midland and Gladwin counties.
Drop off your donations in the bin at our new UUFoM Donation Center located across from the office door.
April’s Focus – “Protecting Our Environment”