A special business meeting of the congregation will be held at noon on Sunday, June 2 for members to vote on (1) proposed changes to our By-laws recommended by the Board of Directors and on (2) a statement of advocacy proposed by the Living Our Values Everyday (L.O.V.E.) Team.
(1) Proposed By-laws changes are as follows:
Add to ARTICLE VI. BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Section 1. Composition and Election
Two or more members of the same household or family may not serve on the Board of Directors at the same time
Term Limits: No member may serve more than two consecutive two-year terms. A two-year interval must elapse before a person is eligible to be elected again after serving two consecutive full terms. Appointment or election to fill a partial term will not count toward the maximum of two consecutive two-year terms.
Vacancies: A vacancy on the Board of Directors occurring between Annual Meetings of the Congregation will be filled by majority vote of the remaining Board members. A Board member so-appointed will serve until the end of the fiscal year. If a full year still remains at the time of the next Annual Meeting, the Nominating Committee will recommend a candidate to be elected by the Congregation to serve the remaining partial (one-year) term.
(2) The proposed Statement of Advocacy is as follows:
We, the members of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland, hereby endorse the following Congregational Statement of Advocacy:
We affirm the full inclusion and participation of people of all genders in our religious community and in society at large.
In witness to this Statement of Advocacy, a “Progress Pride” flag will be hung on a flagpole on the Fellowship grounds.
Those who have been members for a minimum of 45 days are eligible to vote.
The required quorum for the meeting is thirty percent of members. Our By-laws may be amended by two-thirds majority vote. A Statement of Advocacy requires 75% affirmative vote of those present in order to pass.
A member may issue a general or limited proxy for use at a meeting of the Fellowship. No person shall be entitled to vote more than one proxy, proxies shall be in writing and filed with the Board Secretary before being exercised, and only members may be named as proxies. A proxy card is available online and at the Fellowship.