UUFoM Finance Committee Update

As of August 31, the financial health of UUFoM is good. Year to date, our income is above target and our expenses are below the budgeted amounts. In May, many of you provided additional financial support to allow the roof over our RE wing to be replaced, and that work was completed in July. Thank you so much!

Our Fellowship was also fortunate to receive funds through the Paycheck Protection Program in order to keep our employees paid.  However, we still don’t know if UUFoM will come through the pandemic unscathed.  We have more than $32,000 of pledge payments unpaid for 2020, our fundraisers are stalled right now, and we have seen decreases in the weekly offering, rental and interest income.

We will publish further newsletter updates to keep you informed as the year progresses. If you want more detailed information on UUFoM finances, financial reports are available from our treasurer, Vicki Rothhaar.
