Announced by Chris Nakamura
We have a tradition of honoring member’s significant contributions to the Fellowship through the Unsung Hero Award. This award gives our Fellowship a chance to highlight member’s efforts that are sometimes less visible and rejoice in the gifts that people have shared with our community.
These times are unprecedented. We need remind no one that we are living through a pandemic, that the pandemic has brought with it severe economic challenges for many, and that all of this sits upon a foundation of political challenges that exceeds anything in recent history. Locally we have also faced flooding that has affected members profoundly. The situation has left us physically separated, emotionally stressed and hurting and needing of the love and support of this community more than ever.
Our in-person services were suspended. But through the power of technology and a whole lot of behind the scenes work by individuals committed to the work of our Fellowship, Sunday services have continued online, and those services are wonderful. Our community has faced the real danger of becoming siloed, with members isolated from each other in their moments of greatest spiritual need. But through the efforts of caring individuals who’ve made it their business to reach out to people and tend to those needs, we stay in touch – we stay connected together as a community, and that community is strong. These are unprecedented times, which have called people to unprecedented action.
In our society we know well the role of awards in highlighting the contribution of the individual. That is an important role that awards play, and we appreciate that importance. What can sometimes get lost is the important role teams play in achieving great things –in achieving what the individual often cannot accomplish alone.
In this spirit, it is the decision of the board of directors of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland that the Unsung Hero Award for 2020 shall be shared by the members and friends who serve on the Worship and Pastoral Care Teams.
Members of the Worship Team are: Sarah Nuss-Warren, Shana Barth, Monica Hughes, Scott Hughes, Susan Mayer, Connie Ofori-Dankwa, Amy Rogers and Melanie Willison. Thank you all, for everything you do. With them we recognize Wendy Altmeier for her incredible efforts with the Worship Team to bring these online services to us each week. Wendy, thank you so much.
Members of the Pastoral Care Team are: Gisela Bailey, Mary Johnson, Donna King, Speed Maleki, Linda Rector, Amy Rogers and Beth Sperry. Thank you all, for everything you do. Last and so far from least, we recognize the contributions of our minister, the Reverend Eric Severson for his work with both of these teams. Eric, thank you so much.
The tireless efforts of these folks have sustained us publicly as a community, and privately as individuals through these ongoing challenges. Challenges, we will make it through and be stronger and wiser for. They have our heartfelt gratitude for all they do in support of this community. To celebrate those efforts we will work with buildings and grounds to determine an appropriate living tribute to be planted at our fellowship. Also, each individual will receive a small surprise to enjoy. Thank you again.