As we enter the winter holiday season, the pandemic is spiking again and resuming our normal in-person activities seems a long way off. Individuals and teams are, however, still meeting remotely and are taking care of fellowship business. Here are just a few examples:
As we bid a fond farewell to Heather Cleland-Host for her many years of service, a search is underway to find our next director of religious education. A DRE search team has been meeting, discussing needs, formulating a job description, and planning to publicize it. Under the pandemic restrictions, we have no idea what kind of response we might see, but we remain hopeful. If you have questions, please let me know.
The Engagement Team has launched a round-robin-style “share a story” activity among our new neighborhood groups, with each household building on a story together. (Watch for a little booklet to arrive in the mail in coming weeks and months.) The team also is planning to pilot a series of sessions around the UUA’s “New UU” membership curriculum, offering it initially to any members and friends who might want to take part. For details, contact Kathy Kinkema.
A new Health and Safety Team has been meeting to identify issues that need to be addressed. They’ll then look at solutions, procedures and policies that need to be in place to keep us all safe and healthy. If this area interests you, please contact Sandy Hay.
Finally, I want to offer my thanks and congratulations to members of the Worship Team and the Pastoral Care Team for receiving this year’s Unsung Hero award. They have gone above and beyond to keep us connected this year and deserve our appreciation. Thank you to them!
If you need extra support during the holidays (especially this year), my schedule is very flexible, so please reach out to me or to our monthly pastoral care contacts. Thank you!
I wish you all blessings in days ahead,
Rev. Eric