Building and Grounds finished moving all the wood chips to the correct locations. Thank you to Dan Sealey, Vicki Rothhaar, and Tim Wagner for moving a large amount of wood chips.
Marsha McDonald worked on the main front garden. Janelle Dombek, Linda Rector and Marsha worked on the gardens to the right of the door. They took out 5 or 6 wagon loads of weeds from that area and then put wood chips down.
Thank you to Vicki Reidelberger, Cricket Krengel, and others for their work on the memorial garden.
I forgot to thank Jim Falender and Carol Cooper for working on the trees during the Saturday workday at the end of May.
The old playground is now removed. Only the snail will remain as part of the new playground. Thank you to John and Kathy Kinkema, Sandy Hay, Tim Wagner, Luis Mulford, Jim Crissman, and Rev. Eric for their help with that. Next will be a site plan for the new structure.
Wednesday, June 23 (9:00am to noon) and subsequent Wednesdays, we need:
– to move the rocks from the drainage area. Some of the kids make a dam with them and that is not what we want in the ditch.
– a few more gardens need to be weeded – the garden up front near the fellowship sign and the garden near the start of the parking lot.
Thanks again for all the work to make things look nice at the fellowship.
Patricia Calahan
Building & Grounds Chair