Minister’s Reflections June 2021

This past year has been filled with disconnection and disorientation. Yet, as challenging as it has been, we have weathered it well, on the whole. I would like to propose a theme for the coming year: “Finding Our Way,” focusing on reconnecting with one another and reorienting ourselves again. It is a time ripe with possibility.

As I prepare for a July-August break, I am aware of so much that needs to happen before we resume indoor in-person gatherings. I appreciate the COVID-19 Task Force and the board’s diligence in monitoring the situation and willingness to balance the science with people’s emotional needs.

The board and task force are looking at what challenges we face and what safety measures need to be in place to protect our most vulnerable. The board will be seeking your input in coming weeks, so be sure to sign up for a listening session! We also recently sent out a survey with additional questions, so please click here to respond if you haven’t already! We also encourage you to plan outdoor summer gatherings, so be creative!

The Worship Team is looking at logistics and tech needs for offering multi-platform worship, as well as helping plan the coming year’s services. I’ll work with the RE Team to organize religious education materials and supplies, as well as on the DRE search process. I’ll work with the Engagement Team and others to reconstitute Hospitality Groups to figure out how we can best serve one another on Sundays.

Wendy, Sandy, and I are looking at what supplies, cleaning, updates, and general tasks will be needed. Andrew, others, and I will be figuring out how the choir can rehearse and perform safely together.

While I am away in July, I will be attending a celebration of life for my father, who died last December, then visiting family members out west. August will be my study leave, but I should be back in town and do plan to attend some meetings. If you have an emergency or need to talk with someone this summer, please contact [email protected] or call 989-708-1344 (Gisela in July) or 989-751-2520 (Judith in August).

I am already getting excited about the year ahead. I trust that you all will take the time you need over the summer to get your needs met and find some relaxation. Remember that we will hold a water communion service in the fall, so be thinking about collecting a little water wherever you find yourself this summer.

Rev. Eric