Saturday, August 15
(and more dates TBA)
Fellowship Grounds
The Seversons have been collecting supplies — colored tiles, glass marbles, rocks (some of them glow-in-the-dark!), 10-inch molds, mirrors, stamps for adding words, and plastic gloves to protect people’s hands.
This is a developing idea, much like the plant- and book-sharing event of a few weeks ago. We welcome ideas. We’re not sure yet whether people will ultimately take the stones with them or scatter them around the UUFoM gardens, or a bit of both.
What sounds like fun? What sounds meaningful?
This project started as “Wouldn’t UUFoM kids like to do this?” since Eric and Ellen used to make stepping stones with Jo to honor special events and people, but the idea has since mellowed into “Hey, wouldn’t people of all ages like to do this?” The Seversons are donating supplies as a gift to the fellowship.
We’re going to schedule several times and dates for making the stepping stones in August, trying to accommodate those frequently chaotic summer plans and vacations and work schedules. One “for sure” date: Sunday afternoon, Aug. 15. Other options will be announced in the Candle Flame and on Facebook. We’ll ask people to sign up for a time/day so we have enough supplies on hand.
Think about whom you would like to invite. Members and friends of UUFoM, of course. Grandchildren? People who used to be active in the fellowship but may have been less so in recent years? People you suspect are Unitarian Universalists and don’t know it yet?
Ideas are welcome. Contact Rev. Eric ([email protected]) or Ellen ([email protected]) with your thoughts. Thank you!