Maxine Guettler

Year we first attended: It was about 23 years ago, when my kids were in kindergarten and second grade.

Year I became a member: 2000

Leadership and team/committee involvement at UUFoM: Since becoming a member I have been on the RE Team, the Worship Team, Committee on Ministry, the Governance Task Force,  and the Ministerial Search Team. I have also been Member-at-Large on the Board, and a youth group leader.  Most recently, I am on the COVID Task Force, and Social Justice team. I attended Midwest Leadership School in 2009.

Why I chose to be a UU and join UUFoM: My husband John and I researched different churches in Midland and found that UUFoM was the most compatible with our beliefs. So I started attending with Jacob and Katie. I wanted them to have a religious education.
Bio:  I grew up in Midland and have lived here my entire life. My husband  John and I have been married 33 years and have two children.  My son, Jacob Guettler, is married to Jacob Sargent. They got married at the Fellowship in May of this year, under the willow trees. Jacob is starting a lawn and garden care business. My daughter Katie lives in Detroit, with her partner Danny. She is a vet tech and loves animals. As a family we enjoy spending time outdoors and camping. I enjoy taking walks and reading. I’m a retired RN, Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist. I am loving retirement, but recently started working a few hours every month to keep my brain engaged.  My parents live here in Midland and keep me busy, as they both require some help as they are aging.

Thoughts About the Future:  It’s been a hard two years. I dream about our fellowship growing and becoming the active place it was prior to the pandemic. I hope for a more active religious education program, as it was a great place for my kids growing up. These kids are the future of our religion. I’m excited to see Monica in the position of DRE. I would like to see everyone participating in teams and committees as this is what keeps our community afloat.I’m both excited and apprehensive about this opportunity to lead; but I look forward to working together to meet our goals and dreams.

Scott McDonald

Year I first attended:  1990

Year I became a member:  1991

Leadership and team/committee involvement at UUFOM:  Social Justice & Pastoral Care

Why I chose to be a UU and join UUFOM:  I spent many years looking for a place that shared my beliefs. I found Unitarian Universalism had beliefs and values that I held and couldn’t find elsewhere. I joined because I wanted to support the fellowship as best I could.

Bio:  I grew up in Muskegon, MI and now live in Midland with my wife Marsha.  We have 2 daughters, Jessica and Alison, who both attended RE at UUFOM. We also have 5 grandchildren, currently living in Clarkston, MI and West Charleston, VT.  I have a passion for the equal treatment of all and helping those in need.

Thoughts About the Future:  Looking toward UUFOM’s future, I dream about growth in interfaith relationships and activities, by working to build the quality of life in our area.

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Dan Sealey

Year I first attended:  1968

Year I became a member:  I was listed as a member in the directory of 1969. I signed our new membership book around 2010.
Leadership and team/committee involvement at UUFoM:  I served on the minister’s advisory committee for one term. I also helped manage the UU softball team for about 3 years.

Why I chose to be a UU and join UUFOM:  I learned about UU churches in New York State where I grew up. I liked hearing about the many ideas that matter in life being discussed in an open and honest way. I found that many of these same qualities were available in the Midland Fellowship.

Bio:  I grew up in the Finger Lakes region of New York State near the western shore of Seneca Lake, and am now a retired school teacher who enjoys living independently. I enjoy math, science, and engineering and have hobbies in those areas. I still have a passion for playing Old Timers’ ice hockey as long as my legs hold up. My wife passed away in 2015, so I am single. I live with my three cats Cassie, Rhomulus, and Purrthagorus, and my dog Keishka.

Thoughts about the Future: I want to see a group of concerned people who are able to see needs in our community and our country who are willing to try to improve the lives of our citizens.

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Michaele Malecki
Nominating Committee

Year I first attended:  1990

Year I became a member:  1995

Leadership and team/committee involvement at UUFoM:  I have served on many committees:  Religious Ed for many years, Nominating Committee for 2 years, the Ministry Team for several years, and have been active with the Auction Committee forever! I have also been part of Fundraising, Aesthetics, Hospitality, and the Welcoming Team. I have been on the Board twice, as Member at Large and Board Secretary. I am willing to serve on the Nominating Committee again because it is important to be an active participant, and because it’s mostly fun, and a little work!

Why I chose to be a UU and join UUFOM:  The UU Fellowship is my spiritual home, and the congregants are my friends. My sons, Rob and Andrew, were raised in the Fellowship, and believe that their core values were shaped by their time there.