October 28, 2023
Various Residences
Adults Only
It is back! A wonderful opportunity for fellowship, good eats, laughter, and getting to know people we don’t always get to talk to. For too long we have missed this fun event!
- Appetizers (together) at 5:00 pm at the home of Dot Hornsby. A few people are asked to provide appetizers with drinks provided by the fellowship.
- Main dinner (usually 6 to 8 people total) with various hosts. The host is asked to provide a main dish with 1 or 2 side dishes provided by guests.
- Dessert(together) at the home of Jill and Jim Crissman.
Please sign up at the fellowship for attendance and hosting if you are able to do so. Sign-up will start September 10 and end on October 15 and is only possible at the fellowship.
Questions? Please ask Judith Hill. Gisela Bailey is available after September 28.