Minister Reflections – April 2024

As we enter springtime, I have two thoughts: “How did we get to the end of April already?” and “So this is the new normal. …”

As we near the end of the “program year,” we may be tired, but the spirit of our fellowship is strong! Even as ministry teams seek new members, our ministries have held their own. And we’re getting new visitors (and members) all the time! I hope you will join me in helping them feel welcome and connected to the people and programs in our fellowship.

It’s such an exciting time! Spring begins a new (2025) budget cycle for your approval in October. Along with that comes preliminary planning for next year by our committees and ministry teams.
As our Vision-Mission Task Force helps us refine who we are and what we want to be in the next five years, I am looking forward to discerning with you how our ministries and staffing can best serve that evolving identity. I know that the board and its committees will be looking at how our facility and other shared resources can best be directed similarly.
The pandemic affected institutions around the world, and our fellowship is no exception. We adapted in multiple ways to maintain community, financial strength, and continue to serve you all through various ministries. Our staff members work very flexible hours, often from home, to help meet your needs. Nearly every staff member is present and works on Sunday mornings, and nearly all are available by email or phone. They are more than happy to arrange meetings with you by appointment. To schedule a visit with me, just call, email, text, or visit
I know that the next two months will be full and rich and will fly by. Summer will be here before we know it. I hope that you will treasure, as much as I will, this time together. Thank you.
Rev. Eric Severson, he/him/his
Office hours by appointment, Tuesday-Sunday
[email protected]
608-738-2694 (c)
Seek truth. Do justice. Center love.