Minister Reflections – June 2024

This year’s Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association conference has inspired me to ask you some key questions.
As many of us take a break from the seasonal activities that frame our lives, I want to invite us all to spend the summer considering what feeds your spirit. What gives you physical, emotion, or spiritual sustenance? What brings you joy and helps you feel alive?
And then … ask yourself and your friends, partners, and our children … how might our fellowship help you find those things? How might our fellowship feed you and your spirit? What opportunities would speak to your deepest needs? And what might you be willing to do to help make such things possible?
What comes immediately to mind as you read these questions? Jot it down! Text me or a friend! Post it on social media!
Our staff and ministry teams are busy planning the next program year; the 2025 budget and revised vision and mission statements are coming into shape; and I want to make sure that we build in the right elements to meet your needs.
What feeds your spirit? I look forward to your answers!
Have a great summer!
Rev. Eric Severson