Vision and Mission Task Force Update

The UUFoM Board appointed a task force in January to propose new vision and mission statements for the Fellowship, based on congregational responses in the workshops many of us attended last fall and winter. The members of the task force are Jim Stewart, Lisa Janetski, Marsha McDonald, Sandy Hay, and Vicki Reidelberger.

To begin our work, we read all the responses and condensed them so we could see what strong themes emerged. With this guidance from the congregation, we each wrote our own version of a vision statement and then combined our ideas. We used the same process in writing the mission statement and then expanded on that with some suggestions about how the congregation might approach our mission.

We’re planning to have a couple of fellowship-wide discussions in August and September to help us tweak the proposed statements before the congregation votes on whether to accept them at the annual meeting.

Copies will be available at the Fellowship. Here is a link to our proposed vision and mission statements: