2025 Stewardship Packet

As we prepared our 2025 budget, we reflected on the progress we’ve made and the strong community we’ve built together. Thanks to your continued support, we’ve been able to enhance our programs, expand our outreach, and maintain a welcoming space for everyone.

This year’s focus is on stewardship—the thoughtful and intentional management of the resources entrusted to us. Stewardship is about more than finances; it’s about investing our time, talents, and resources to sustain and grow our shared UUFoM mission.

We invite you to consider your 2025 pledge. Your contributions, no matter the size, enable us to carry out the programs and initiatives that make a real difference in people’s lives. From worship and community services to educational programs, your generosity supports the many ways we strive to improve and strengthen the community around us.

Please review the stewardship materials, which outline our vision for 2025 and how your pledge will help us achieve our goals. Thank you for your ongoing commitment. Together, we can continue to build a strong, vibrant, and inclusive community.

2025 Stewardship Form

2025 Stewardship Packet

Printed packets will be made available to those who need them (please conatct Wendy Altmeier, [email protected] if you need one).  A tablet will be available after services during Stewardship Sundays for those who wish to submit their pledges electronically but would like some technology support.
Questions about the pledge process can be addressed to the leader of the Stewardship Committee:
Craig Murchison

Questions about the budget can be addressed to:
Scott McDonald – Treasurer
Fred Thomas – Finance Chair

As always, thank you for your support of UUFoM!