Endowment Fund Soup & Extras Luncheon – March 30

The UUFoM Endowment Committee invites you to a Soup & Extras Luncheon on Sunday, March 30, from 12:15 – 2:00 PM in the area in front of the kitchen.

Listen to an update on the investments in the Endowment Portfolio. Ask the committee co-chairs, Jim Falendar and Tom Bailey, any questions you may have. Meet committee members Speed Malecki, Chris Nakamura, and Judy Donahue. Learn how, as a UUFoM member, you can help the Endowment grow. Enjoy delicious, member-made soup and extras, along with warm, congenial company.

Please RSVP  by March 26 to help the chefs plan accordingly.

See you on 3/30!

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