Author: WAltmeier

Movie Day at the Fellowship!

Saturday, October 21, at 1:00 PM – All are welcome!Join UUFoM and the Sanderson sisters on Saturday, October 21, at 1:00 PM, where we will watch Hocus Pocus in the sanctuary! During the multigenerational afternoon, popcorn will be available. Please bring your own drinks and snacks to share with others!  Doors open at 12:30 PM. See you … Continue reading Movie Day at the Fellowship!

Euchre/Game Night FUNdraiser!

Friday, November 3, at 6:30 PM(signup deadline is October 29)Sign up here! Fall is here, and it’s time to embrace cool weather and longer evenings by having fun indoors! Our next Euchre/Game Night FUNdraiser will be held on Friday, November 3, at 6:30 PM. Both euchre and non-euchre players are welcome! Sign yourself and your … Continue reading Euchre/Game Night FUNdraiser!

religion. ideology. & morality.

October 24, at 7:00 PMGrace A. Dow Memorial Library AuditoriumJoin The Breaking Bread Village and special guests, including our very own Rev. Eric Severson, former UCC Director of Educational Ministries Jennifer Ringgold, community leader Erin Patrice, and many more as they discuss religion, ideology, and morality on October 24, at 7:00 PM at the Grace … Continue reading religion. ideology. & morality.

Join a Small Group!

Small groups help new and longtime members and friends make significant connections at UUFoM. They give us opportunities to discuss issues important to us and develop our spirituality by sharing with others. Two current small groups, both of which meet on Zoom, are seeking additional members: Small groups provide many of us important ways to … Continue reading Join a Small Group!

UUFoM Fall Clean-Up Day 

Volunteers needed!Sign up here!Join the Building & Grounds Comittee on Saturday, October 21, while they host a clean-up day – both inside and outside on Saturday, October 21, 9:00 AM-Noon.

2023-10-15 The Autumn of Our Lives

Building on the October 1 service, we will compare how the “autumn of our lives” compares with those of our forebears. We will examine how we might better cope with the challenges and appreciate the opportunities and beauty of aging. Led by Rev. Eric Severson.

2023-10-8 Are We There Yet?

As religious progressives, we strive for personal and societal transformation. But we know that the pace of change can be painfully slow and incremental. Quite often we must temper our impatience. It can help to remember the perseverance and determination of heroes who have gone before us. Led by Rev. Eric Severson.

October Program Council Meeting

Our next Program Council Meeting will be held on Sunday, October 8, at noon in the McPeak Room. As a reminder, please send your annual reports to [email protected] as soon as possible to be included in UUFoM’s Annual Report. If you have any questions, please contact Wendy.