Author: WAltmeier

SJT Anti-Racism Discussion Group

Join the new Anti-Racism Reading Discussion Group this September! Anti-racism is a journey.  Opening our awareness to our privilege and the structural racism around us is an on-going process. The group will select its book, with an emphasis on non-fiction. It’s an open group, feel free to join a meeting that looks interesting. The initial meeting will … Continue reading SJT Anti-Racism Discussion Group

2024 Budget Q & A Session

Join Fred Thomas (Finance Chair), Scott McDonald (Treasurer), and Craig Murchison (Stewardship Chair) on September 24, after the service in the McPeak Room/Zoom as they answer your questions related to the 2024 Budget.

Pastoral Care Volunteers

Pastoral Care is in the process of updating our volunteer list. Therefore some of you will be getting a phone call from one of our team members asking if and how you may be able to help fellowship members if the need arises. Thank you so much in advance.

Painting Between the Lines…

Plans are underway to paint a whimsical mural on the RE walls. Hopefully, it can be painted in one day. Volunteers are needed who know that they can paint “between the lines” on figures pre drawn on the walls. If you are willing to volunteer your time, please call 989-430-2490 or contact Joanne Rummel at … Continue reading Painting Between the Lines…

The UUFoM Progressive Dinner

October 28, 2023Various ResidencesAdults Only It is back! A wonderful opportunity for fellowship, good eats, laughter, and getting to know people we don’t always get to talk to. For too long we have missed this fun event! Please sign up at the fellowship for attendance and hosting if you are able to do so. Sign-up will start … Continue reading The UUFoM Progressive Dinner

Pasty Sale!

Pasty Sale! We need help in the kitchen on Friday, September 29, to prepare pasties.Responsibilities include cutting vegetables, blending the filling mixture, making crust, assembling the pasties, timing the pasties in the ovens, wrapping finished pasties, doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen, and taste-testing! Sign up to help in the kitchen! In the past, this fundraiser … Continue reading Pasty Sale!

September 20223 – Upcoming Religious Education Classes

September 2023 – Religious Education  The Gift of Welcome September 10“Merging Streams” – Join us for an all-ages water communion service. Help us welcome one another by bringing water that represents important experiences you’ve had in the past year. Will include plenty of music and a “backpack blessing” for all learners returning to school. Led by … Continue reading September 20223 – Upcoming Religious Education Classes

2023-09-10 Merging Streams

Join us for an all-ages water communion service. Help us welcome one another by bringing water that represents important experiences you’ve had in the past year. Will include plenty of music and a “backpack blessing” for all learners returning to school. Led by Rev. Eric Severson and DRE Jennifer Page.

2023-09-03 – I Make a Difference Moments

Jacqueline Leapheart, public relations specialist at Adoption Option Inc, will share stories of journey and triumph by their social workers about children and families in the Great Lakes Bay Region. “At Adoption Option Inc. Child Welfare Organization, we believe that a child reached is a child saved.”