Author: WAltmeier

UUFoM Attending Loons Pride Game

🌈Come join the social justice team at The Great Lakes Loons Pride Night!🌈 Join the UUFoM Social Justice team as the Loons, Great Lakes Bay Pride, and MLB use the game of baseball to bring communities together and proactively engage and embrace the LGBTQ community with a focus on creating an environment where everyone feels welcome. When: Friday June 9, game time … Continue reading UUFoM Attending Loons Pride Game

UU Mount Pleasant is Hiring

Our neighbors at UUFCM are looking to hire a Director of Religious Education (6-10 hours a week) and an Administrative Assistant (7 hours per week). Please feel free to pass on this information and encourage candidates to contact Rev. Drew Franz directly. 

Stop Gun Violence Events

Friday, June 2, 7:00 PMSt. John’s Episcopal Church, MidlandWe would also invite you to join with the Great Lakes Bay Region Moms Demand Action Group and St. John’s Episcopal Church in a National Gun Violence Awareness evening program on June 2, 7:00-8:00 PM at St. John’s Episcopal Church, Midland.

5/21/2023 – “Beauty Calls Us Together – Celebrating 100 Years of Flower Ceremony”

Join us as UUFoM musicians perform a song cycle with accompanying readings created by Kathryn Canan, Rev. Suzelle Lynch, and Ruben Piirainen. Composed in 2023, it will honor the 100-year anniversary of the Flower Ceremony; that is an annual ritual begun in 1923 by the Rev. Dr. Norbert Čapek, in Prague, Czechoslovakia, to celebrate beauty, … Continue reading 5/21/2023 – “Beauty Calls Us Together – Celebrating 100 Years of Flower Ceremony”

Flower Ceremony

UUFoM will honor the 100-year anniversary of the Flower Ceremony; that is an annual ritual begun in 1923 by the Rev. Dr. Norbert Čapek, in Prague, Czechoslovakia, to celebrate beauty, human uniqueness, diversity, and community. Please bring flowers with you on Sunday — from your garden or the grocery store. If you can’t, don’t worry. … Continue reading Flower Ceremony

 Article 2 Discussion

Next Discussion: Sunday, May 21 – 12:30 PM Sign up here! Lunch provided. On April 23, about 20 of us met to discuss values and the proposed changes in the UUA Article 2. Article 2 of the Unitarian Universalist Associate by-laws is the home of the UU Principles, Purposes, and Sources. When the Universalists and Unitarians merged, they … Continue reading  Article 2 Discussion