Author: WAltmeier

Outdoor Fun

Several people responded to the Fellowship Interest Survey with requests for outdoor activities. We had fun times outdoors at the Fellowship this summer. Now you have challenged the Engagement Team to continue planning for outdoor fun through the winter. In the planning works is a scavenger hunt Sunday afternoon, January 2. We will share our … Continue reading Outdoor Fun

A Note from the Treasurer

We have had several checks show up at the UUFOM without anyone’s name on them.  It takes time and effort to investigate these so we know what the check is for and who to credit it to.  Please, if you will have a check sent to the UUFOM from another financial institution make sure your name … Continue reading A Note from the Treasurer

Religious Education Volunteers

The RE Team is looking for additional volunteers to assist with Sunday classes and volunteer in the nursery to assist Jan Shea. They would appreciate your help! If you want to help with stories, crafts, future service projects, and conversations with some enthusiastic and energetic young members of the congregation, please sign up –

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care Team is wondering– would you feel safer and  more comfortable with a regular caller, on YOUR schedule, to say Hello and find out if you need any help that we could provide?  We can hook you up with a ride, take you shopping, keep you company on a visit to the doctor or help … Continue reading Pastoral Care

Music in the Winter Twilight

Friday, December 10 from 6:45-7:15 p.m. at Dow Gardens is your only opportunity to see and hear the UUFoM choir sing its full holiday program including favorites such as Dark of Winter,  Chanukah, O Chanukah, Follow that Star, and Riu, Riu Chiu. This program will not be repeated on Sunday morning at the Fellowship. The Fellowship choir’s … Continue reading Music in the Winter Twilight

UUFoM Men’s Group

Facilitated by Rev. Eric and Chris Seman, this group will explore a mature, liberal religious masculinity: male-positive, pro-feminist, gay-affirming, culturally and racially inclusive, open to all who identify primarily as male. Our primary objective will be to give men an opportunity to talk together and support one another’s personal and spiritual growth. Discussions will include … Continue reading UUFoM Men’s Group

Michigan UU Social Justice Network

Please join our statewide nonpartisan event to demand the Senate pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021. Get rid of the filibuster if that’s what it takes!We are mobilizing with UUtheVote/Side With Love and the national Declaration for American Democracy Coalition’s Week of Action, FREEDOM TO VOTE … Continue reading Michigan UU Social Justice Network

UPDATED: Upcoming Fellowship Office Closures

Our Office Administrator, Wendy Altmeier will be out of the office and the Fellowship Virtual Office will be closed on the following dates.  All emails and phone calls will be returned on the next virtual in-office business day. Newsletter submission deadlines are listed below.   Wednesday, November 24 – Friday, November 26(Newsletter submission due Sunday, November … Continue reading UPDATED: Upcoming Fellowship Office Closures