Author: WAltmeier

NEW: Stepping Stones are Ready!

If you created a stepping stone over the summer but have not picked it up yet, please contact Ellen Severson to confirm whether you intend for it to stay at the fellowship or when you will be picking it up. Thank you!

NEW: Celebrate the New Playground

Sunday, October 17 after the service Join in a ribbon-cutting and dedication ceremony to celebrate our new playground and those who worked on it! Cookies and cider will be available! Please let us know if you will be attending by clicking on the link below, leaving a comment or emailing Wendy. Thank you!

Annual Information Update/Add

Please help us stay connected by updating (or adding) your information to our database. Members: only your name(s), address, email address(es), and phone number(s) will be shared on the password-protected page of our website, for other congregants to keep in touch. Only key staff members and leaders will have access to other information, in our … Continue reading Annual Information Update/Add

Fall Clean-Up Day

Add to your calendar!The Fall Clean-Up Day is planned for Saturday, October 2, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. A rain day is planned for October 9. The city will do a final pick up of sticks during the week of October 11. After that, we hope to have the grounds ready for winter.

Name Tag Updates

As we’ve joined back together a few questions have surfaced. The Covid task force has come together to determine that we do not need to sanitize the name tags. This is based on data from the CDC dated April 5, 2021. Data from surface survival studies indicate a 99% reduction in infectious SARS COVID-19 and … Continue reading Name Tag Updates

Team Leader Meeting

All ministry team and committee leaders are invited to a Zoom gathering at 2:00 p.m. this Sunday, September 26, to help us begin “finding our way” together. Click here to join the meeting! Email Rev. Eric if you have any questions.

Submit Joys and Sorrows Early!

In order to streamline our multi-platform worship service, we ask that you share your joys and sorrows ahead of time, using the link below. Greeters also will have a clipboard at the door, in case you forgot during the week. Thank you! Share your joys and sorrows here!