Author: WAltmeier

UUFoM and UU T-Shirts Needed!

Suzann Petersen has generously agreed to make a t-shirt quilt of UUFoM t-shirts for our Serendipity Auction! However, she needs 12-20 UUFoM t-shirts to make a quilt, and we have only identified five. If you have an old UUFoM t-shirt (or a UU-themed t-shirt that would be compatible) that you would like to donate, please … Continue reading UUFoM and UU T-Shirts Needed!

Midland Area Interfaith Friends Potluck Gathering

UUFoM will be hosting the next Midland Area Interfaith Friends Potluck/Meeting. It will be on March 24, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM. If you are available to help set up, organize the food or clean up after, please let Maxine Guettler know at 989-492-4413, or sign up at the fellowship. Thank you!

Serendipity Auction Spring Fling: Important Details

Our March 24 auction donation deadline is coming up fast, and we still need many more items! To donate an auction item, register it online by March 24th at, or speak with an auction team member for assistance. This year’s auction charity will be the Arc of Midland. The Arc of Midland is a non-profit organization … Continue reading Serendipity Auction Spring Fling: Important Details

Spiritual Care Conference Hosted by MyMichigan Health

Thursday, April 18Great Hall, MidlandJoin Rev. Eric Severson and other faith leaders as they discuss different religious and cultural traditions related to end of life. The cost is free to attend. You can attend either session or both. Sign up at MyMichigan.

RE Snack Donations Request

Can you help? RE is in need of NUT-FREE, individually-wrapped snacks for our classes on Sunday. DRE Jennifer Page will graciously accept donations on Sundays. Thank you for your generosity!