Category: News

UUFoM Middle and High Schoolers – Upcoming Trips

During the second half of the religious education year, our older youth has the opportunity to visit other religious organizations and learn about different faiths. Youth (middle and high schoolers) are invited to attend. Currently, Patricia Calahan and Carol Cooper will be transporting and supervising our youth. Buddhism – MayOn Saturday, May 18, our middle and high schoolers will … Continue reading UUFoM Middle and High Schoolers – Upcoming Trips

UUFoM and UU T-Shirts Needed!

Suzann Petersen has generously agreed to make a t-shirt quilt of UUFoM t-shirts for our Serendipity Auction! However, she needs 12-20 UUFoM t-shirts to make a quilt, and we have only identified five. If you have an old UUFoM t-shirt (or a UU-themed t-shirt that would be compatible) that you would like to donate, please … Continue reading UUFoM and UU T-Shirts Needed!

Midland Area Interfaith Friends Potluck Gathering

UUFoM will be hosting the next Midland Area Interfaith Friends Potluck/Meeting. It will be on March 24, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM. If you are available to help set up, organize the food or clean up after, please let Maxine Guettler know at 989-492-4413, or sign up at the fellowship. Thank you!