5/28/2023 – “Remembering Well”
Join us for a respectful time of remembering — through reading, song, and ritual — military service members who have died. Led by Rev. Eric Severson.
Join us for a respectful time of remembering — through reading, song, and ritual — military service members who have died. Led by Rev. Eric Severson.
Join us as UUFoM musicians perform a song cycle with accompanying readings created by Kathryn Canan, Rev. Suzelle Lynch, and Ruben Piirainen. Composed in 2023, it will honor the 100-year anniversary of the Flower Ceremony; that is an annual ritual begun in 1923 by the Rev. Dr. Norbert Čapek, in Prague, Czechoslovakia, to celebrate beauty, … Continue reading 5/21/2023 – “Beauty Calls Us Together – Celebrating 100 Years of Flower Ceremony”
“In Good Hands” – Receiving support, being held in good hands, is more than just an insurance slogan. Becoming fully present to one another is a task not only for professional and lay ministers, but everyone. Reliably trusting and depending on others is the bedrock of society. Celebrate with us some of the rituals human … Continue reading 5/14/2023 – “In Good Hands”
“The Heart of Leadership”- The heart of leadership is tapping into the heart and not simply the agenda. This time together aims to cultivate a true leadership style mindset using the art of storytelling, team building, empathy, self-awareness, and lived experiences. Leadership is deeper and bigger than the office. It starts within. Led by Erin … Continue reading 5/7/2023 – The Heart of Leadership
“The Divinity of Youth” – In a poem by Christopher Morley, a “strange divinity” suffuses every child. Let us gather in reverence and celebration of the youngest among us. Will include a child dedication ceremony, led by Rev. Eric Severson.
“Unitarian Universalist Musicians’ Palette” – Join us Music Sunday to listen to a diverse palette of music performed by our many talented musicians, including the UUFoM choir. As Unitarian Universalist musicians, we hold both joy and responsibility in gathering diverse music to enrich our Sunday services each week. Drawing from our many spiritual and sacred … Continue reading 4/16/2023 – Unitarian Universalist Musicians’ Palette
“Like a Box of Chocolates” – Join us for a celebration of unity and community with an Easter chocolate communion service. Led by Rev. Eric Severson.
“The Pillars of Islam and Personal Revelation” – Muslims believe that they were created with one and only one purpose: to worship Him. And that worship manifests itself in several ways. The five pillars of Islam are the foundation upon which Muslims build their faith and the avenues which bring them closer to Him. The … Continue reading 4/2/2023 – The Pillars of Islam and Personal Revelation
“Revelations and Epiphanies” – In an open, ongoing search for truth and meaning, we are subject to revelations and epiphanies all the time. Join us in examining the challenges and opportunities. Led by Rev. Eric Severson.
“The Wheel Turns to Spring!” – Join us for an intergenerational service celebrating Ostara — the return of the sun and springtime — marked by the vernal equinox. Led by Rev. Eric Severson and DRE Monica Hughes.