Become a Member
As you consider membership in the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland, we invite you to:
- Attend Sunday worship (currently online and in person) and coffee hour, get to know others, and see if you feel at home.
- Complete a visitor information slip online or at the greeter station, so that you can receive our weekly eNews and learn about the many ways to connect.
- Attend an introductory “UUFoM and You” orientation session, offered periodically throughout the year.
- Get involved in educational, spiritual, or service opportunities that interest you.
- Meet with the minister so that he may learn more about you, what you are seeking in a spiritual home, explain the rights and responsibilities of membership, and learn how the congregation can best minister to you.
- Sign the membership book during one of the new member signing ceremonies prior to a worship service. If you are unable to participate in one of these ceremonies, make arrangements with the minister to sign at another time.
- Participate in a new member welcoming ceremony (typically during a Sunday service).
Members of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland receive:
- A greater sense of connection and commitment to/from a spiritual community and something greater than themselves.
- Ministerial services for weddings, child dedications, and memorial services at no cost.
- Facility rentals at no cost for private events.
- Full voting rights regarding the annual budget, electing leaders, and other important church issues.
- The Unitarian Universalist Association’s publication, UUWorld.
See Membership FAQ for more details.