- A covenant of right relationship (covenanted ground rules)
- Why are we here?
- What is important to us about the way we behave with each other?
- Format
- Opening
- Reading/chalice lighting
- Review of covenants(right relationship, welcoming, service)
- Check-in
- “Weather report” (What is going on in your life right now?)
- How is it with your spirit?
- Content/focus
- Activity and/or discussion
- Check-out
- How are you feeling now?
- Appreciation and Aspiration (Likes/wishes)
- Final thought
- Closing
- Reading/extinguishing chalice
- Trained facilitator
- “Small group” size (max 8-10 people)
- Regular meetings (at least once a month)
- Service to the church and/or larger community
- Welcoming of new members
- Support structure within a congregation
- Ministerial involvement
- Congregational support
- Ongoing facilitators’ meetings with minister or designated leader