If you have tested positive for or been vaccinated for COVID-19 and are willing to share that information in confidence, please contact Maxine at [email protected]. Thank you! Stay well!
February 4, 2023 Announcement
The UUFoM COVID-19 Task Force, after consulting county, state, and federal public health agencies, recommends that masking now be optional for all, including while singing. Masks are recommended only if you have recently been exposed to or infected with COVID, or you’ve been told by a health professional to wear a mask based on your personal risk factors. To maintain good air flow, we still will use furnace fans, room fans, and air purifiers; we will continue to have masks available; and we will continue to encourage SMART health awareness and hygiene. Please contact a member of the task force if you have any questions. Thank you.

Help Us Stay SMART with COVID
This is a tool to help guide us as we move forward. Because COVID has been unpredictable, guidelines may change. We will continue to have hand sanitizer and masks available for those who may need them.
S= Status. We recommend anyone who is eligible for vaccination, get vaccinated. Vaccines are the best tool for protection against COVID. Be fully vaccinated with the primary series and up to date with the available boosters.
M = Mask. Masks continue to be optional at this time, with the exception for singing. Masks offer respiratory protection for the COVID virus. The N95 and KN95 is 95% effective and offer the best protection. Respect those wearing masks and give them distance. No one shall ask a person to remove their mask. The masking requirement may be reinstituted if COVID risk conditions become moderate. For now, masks are required for singing.
A = Adapt and be respectful of leadership decisions. The leaders of UUFoM are basing decisions upon the best science and knowledge we have today.
R = Respect and distance. Respect distance of others. Ask permission before hugs or handshakes. Be respectful of each individual’s decision.
T = Track symptoms. Self monitor for anything out of the normal for you. If you do not feel well, please stay home and take advantage of the virtual option for the service. Consider testing yourself if you do not feel well or have symptoms. Symptoms of COVID may include any of the following:
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
If you test positive for COVID within 48 hours after attending a service or event at UUFoM, please contact Rev. Eric Severson.
Remember, we are all in this together!