Social Justice
The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland lives out its mission and values by working toward justice in the public sphere. Our commitment to love overflows in service to building a better world today and for the future. We currently do this through areas included in the UUA Justice and Inclusion initiatives:
- UU the Vote
- Disability and Accessibility
- Economic Justice
- Climate and Environmental Justice
- LGBTQ+ Welcome and Equality
- Racial Justice and Multiculturalism
- Immigration
- Reproductive Justice
- International Justice and Peace
Mission and Procedures
The Social Justice Team is charged to:
1) Lead the congregation in implementing social justice efforts in the form of service, education, organizing, advocacy, and witness.
2) Develop, oversee, and implement criteria and protocol for selecting special offering recipients, including creating and maintaining accountable relationships with recipients.
3) Respond to urgent social justice events and/or needs.
4) Be aware of social justice resources in the Great Lakes Bay Region and UUA and help connect congregants to opportunities and/or organizations.
Social Justice Teams
The goal of our Social Justice Teams is to encourage congregants to get involved in either action or education in one or more of the above areas. Activities may include:
- sponsoring Statements of Advocacy for the congregation to adopt
- organizing service projects
- facilitating classes, workshops, or discussion groups
- contributing to worship services
- encouraging congregants to attend other community events
- coordinating with similar groups in the Tri-Cities region, and more
More specifically, these examples might include:
- Community Involvement
- Advocating for Gun Control
- Economic Justice (Food and Housing Security)
- CROP Walk
- Phoenix Community Farm
- Environmental Justice
- Installation of solar panels
- Adopt-a-Road clean-up
- LGBTQ Justice
- Great Lakes Loons baseball Pride Night booth
- Great Lakes Bay Region Pride Festival booth
- Ruth Ellis Center winter clothing and blanket collection
- Transgender Day of Remembrance within the community
- Gender equity issues
- Welcoming Congregation
- Racial Justice
- Book and issue study and discussion group
- Sponsor of Midland Juneteenth Celebration
- Collaboration with other Racial Justice groups and projects
Team Leadership
Current team: Susan Mayer, Scott McDonald, Jennifer Stried-Mullen, Maxine Guettler, and Alan Ells
For more information about our social justice efforts, please contact any of the team members above or email [email protected].