Middle School/High School
Sample Day
10:30 Youth begin in the service
10:45 “Entering & Centering” (chalice lighting and meditation)
11:00 “Exploring & Focusing” (lesson and activities)
11:45 “Closing & Parting” (reflection and extinguishing the chalice)
Providers: 2 Volunteers
Location: RE Wing (Upper Level)
Times offered: Every Sunday
Middle and high schoolers start in the worship service
Pick-Up: Youth are released on their own at 11:45 a.m.
Teacher/Child Ratios: Two volunteers minimum (Safe Church Policy)
Students in grades 6 to 12 have opportunities to meet outside of Sunday morning for the purposes of building spiritual community, leadership development, outreach to the region, and involvement in the MidAmerica Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association, including attending weekend youth conferences across the Upper Midwest.
OWL: Our Whole Lives
The Our Whole Lives curriculum is based on a philosophy of comprehensive sexuality education designed to help youth make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual behavior. It equips them with accurate, age-appropriate information in six subject areas: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture.
Grounded in a holistic view of sexuality, the program helps youth clarify their values, build skills, and understand the physical, spiritual, emotional, social, and political aspects of sexuality. It promotes sexual and emotional health in our communities and fosters meaningful dialogue among peers, partners, families, and friends. The curriculum’s approach speaks to the needs of today’s youth and helps prepare them for a meaningful tomorrow. UUFoM has partnered with Midland’s United Church of Christ congregation to offer these classes with developmentally appropriate material, from kindergarten through high school. The program is taught by specially trained facilitators. Parent orientation is included.