You are the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland!
Sunday, November 12 will be a special day honoring UUFOM’s history. During the worship service at 10:30, members who have joined through the decades since the founding in 1954 will tell us about their memories of the Fellowship during the decade in which they joined.
Following the service, everyone will be invited to post their memories of events significant to them. A lunch of lasagna, salad, and bread will be provided for all; please bring cookies or bars to share for dessert if you can. Activities for children will be available after the service. Hosted by the Transition Team (Pete Carlson, Linda Rector, and Dan Sealey, with Rev. Connie Grant).
Leaves are falling, the air is cooler, and the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays are just around the corner. Most of us look forward to these yearly gatherings with family and friends to enjoy each other and give thanks.This year again, please consider members of our fellowship who have no family to go to,
and maybe you can find a place for one more guest at your table. From the Pastoral Care Team
November 5th
“Metaphors Be With You”
Our metaphors determine and reflect how we position ourselves in relation to ultimate reality. An exploration of “metaphorical theism.”
Speaking: Rev. Connie Grant.
November 12th
“Honoring the History UUFOM
You are the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland!"
Members who have joined through the decades since the founding in 1954 will tell us about their memories of the Fellowship during the decade in which they joined. Following the service, everyone will be invited to post their memories of events significant to them.
November 19th
“Breaking Bread Together”
A Thanksgiving worship service for all ages. Please bring a loaf (or other form) of bread representing your heritage
and accompaniments such as cheese, jam, or fruit.
During the service, we’ll partake of the bread in celebration of the sustenance we share.
Following the service we’ll share a simple meal of bread and the accompaniments you bring.
Speaking: Rev. Connie Grant.
November 26th
“Only 28 Shopping Days Until Christmas”
Can we avoid the frenzy of the season without resorting to Grinch-hood or Scrooge-osity?
Speaking: Judith Hill
We need help in the kitchen on Friday, November 10th and Saturday, November 11th to prepare pasties for the Pasty Sale. Responsibilities include cutting vegetables, blending the filling mixture, making crust, assembling the pasties, timing the pasties in the ovens, wrapping finished pasties, doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen among other jobs. Six or more per shift will work out well. Sign up by clicking here, sending an email to [email protected] or signup on the sheet at the Fellowship.
In the past, this fundraiser has been successful in part because the ingredients and supplies have been donated. In anticipation of making and selling 260 pasties, we will need many ingredients. The complete list of ingredients can be found on our website.
Please have all ingredients to the Fellowship kitchen by Sunday, November 5th with the exception of the ground beef and pork. The ground meat (FRESH – NOT FROZEN) should be at the Fellowship in the refrigerator by Friday, November 10th.
You can sign up here for your donation, email [email protected], or sign up on the sheet at the Fellowship. Please fill in the date when you deliver items to the kitchen or email [email protected].
Finally, we will be having a Pasty Fundraiser in November! Click here to place your order or sign up at the Fellowship for a Traditional (beef and pork mix) or a Vegetarian (lentils with olive and sesame seed oil) Pasty, or both! You will be able to pick up your frozen pasty(s) at the Fellowship starting November 12th. Cost: $5 each
A Chosen Faith Discussion Group
A monthly exploration for adults. All meetings are 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Our next meeting is Tuesday, Nov 27 where we discuss Direct experience of transcending mystery and wonder.
This autumn season in Midland has been glorious. Not only the sunny, blue-sky days, but the cloudy, rainy ones, too. Autumn feels like a rich season in my own life. I am reminded of this passage by the Unitarian minister William Channing Gannett, which I found as a lithographed motto published by
the Milton Bradley Company in 1908.
"The course of life is a thousand trifles then some crisis and then a thousand trifles and a crisis. Nothing but green leaves under common sun and shadow and then a storm or a rare summer day. And far more than the storm or the perfect day the common sun and the common shadow do make the autumn rich. It is the Every Days that count. They must be made to count or the years have failed."
Gannett was also the author of the 1887 statement for the Western Unitarian Conference titled “Things Commonly Believed Among Us,” including these points:
"We believe that to love the Good and to live the Good is the supreme thing in religion…. [H]eaven and hell are states of being…. We believe that we ought to join hands and work to make the good things better ad the worst good, counting nothing good for self that is not good for all….”
While not all of Gannett’s words have held up over time, these words seem timeless.
It is the Every Days that count.
In faith,
Are you interested in facilitating a Covenant Group as part of a newly-launched small group ministry program? A Covenant Group is a small relational group made up of six to twelve people who meet regularly on an ongoing basis for their own spiritual growth and for connection with each other and with the Fellowship. Covenant Group members share what going on in their lives and explore a topic of mutual interest, within a structured format and a covenant for their own group’s relationship and interaction.
The role of a facilitator is to help the group stay on track and accomplish its purpose. A facilitator might choose to use pre-existing session plans or to build a group around a focus such as aging, social concerns, or play.
Orientation of facilitators will be through participation in a facilitators’ group, which will continue to meet monthly. Facilitator orientation is planned for the fall, with program launch in January.
Do you have an idea for the focus of a group you would like to lead? Please contact Rev. Connie Grant at [email protected] or Cathy French at [email protected] with ideas or questions.
Pastoral Care Ministry Team
Pastoral Care November contact:
Donna Wedge (989) 600-7567
New to our Fellowship? Just discovered you might need more help with an issue than you had counted on? Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team is here for you. We can provide a meal, a ride, some respite or a supportive ear and a cup of coffee. Don't be shy – we are a covenant family.
We are compiling an updated volunteer list where you can identify ways to help a fellowship member in need. Please click here to fill out the Pastoral Care Volunteer Form online.
Joys & Sorrows of the congregation are available to members and friends on our website.
11/2 6:30 PM Engagement Team
11/4 CUUPS Samhain Event
11/5 10:30 Sunday Service
12pm Women's Group
7pm AA Meeting
11/6 6pm 3 Jewels Sangha
11/7 6:30pm Improv Group
11/8 7pm Choir Group
8pm AA Meeting
11/9 11:30am Staff Meeting
Check out what's going on throughout the month by viewing our calendar on our website!
The office will be closed Thursday, November 23rd in observance of Thanksgiving.
Fellowship Office Hours
Monday 10am-1pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 9am-3pm
[email protected]
Rev. Connie Grant
Office Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 11am-3pm or by appointment
[email protected]
(847) 840-8542
In case of pastoral emergency, call anytime
Wendy Altmeier
Office Assistant
Office Hours
Monday 10am-1pm
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:30am-1pm
[email protected]
Heather Cleland-Host
Director of Religious Education
Office Hours
Tues. & Thurs. 1pm-4 pm
Weekday mornings and Sunday by appointment
[email protected]
Sandy Hay
[email protected]
(918) 698-0311
In case of building emergency, call anytime
Publication will be each Thursday, with a submission deadline the Monday before. The idea is to provide more information, more often, in ways that are usable and useful.
Please send your submissions to [email protected] by Monday of your intended week of publication.