Newsletter 2017-1116 Week 3

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November 16, 2017

**REMINDER:  The Fellowship office will be closed on Thursday, November 23rd. 
Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday Morning at 10:30am

November 19th        
Worship Service - Breaking Bread Together
A Thanksgiving  worship service for all ages.  Please bring a loaf (or other form) of bread representing your heritage and accompaniments such as cheese, jam, or fruit.  During the service, we’ll partake of the bread in celebration of the sustenance we share.  Following the service we’ll share a simple meal of bread and the accompaniments you bring.

Rev. Connie Grant leading.

Soup & the Sources Cancelled

The Soup & Source event this Friday has been cancelled.  The Soup and Sources will be rescheduled to a time that is TBA. Lifespan Religious Education will also be seeking to assess ways to schedule these gatherings such that future scheduling difficulties are avoided. Additionally, materials will be provided ahead of the event so that everyone knows what to expect.
Stewardship Campaign Update
If you were unable to attend the annual business meeting last month, you may not be aware that, as of that date, our stewardship campaign received just over $141,000 in pledges for 2018, which was about $12,000 short of our goal.  Although this was a shortfall, it was actually greater than last year’s (2017) campaign amount.  All factors considered, we are very excited by this result.
Still, this presented the board (and our membership) with a decision on whether to cut the budget back to meet the $141,000 result or extend the campaign.  Considering the impact those cuts would have on our operations, and contemplating the renewed energy and spirit we’ve witnessed this fall, the board proposed and the membership agreed to extend the campaign to see if we can come closer to our goal by the end of the year.  Since that time, we have received additional pledges and the shortfall has been reduced to about $8,800.
We feel we have important work to do as a Fellowship, and we need your help.   If you haven’t pledged yet, please consider doing so now.  We would emphasize that we are asking for your promise of financial support next year.  It doesn’t have to be paid today, or this coming January, just sometime next year.  We need your promise so we can know what we’ll have to cover our expenses.
If you have already given us your pledge, thank you.  We’re asking now if you can consider a modest increase.  If that can’t happen, we understand.
If you can see your way clear to make a pledge or increase your pledge, let us know either by dropping it in the box below the chimes, give it to stewardship chair, Judy Donahue or to one of our board members.  Alternatively you can email your pledge amount to Judy at [email protected] or fill it out online.
In the event that we don’t meet our goal, the board will meet at year’s end and adjust our 2018 budget to correspond to the pledge amounts we have in place, considering that our mandate from the congregation.   
Thank you sincerely for your consideration of our request.
A message from the UUFoM Finance Committee -
Although it is not unusual as we approach the end of the year, there are still a significant number of 2017 pledges not yet paid in full.  As you know, we use these pledge amounts to budget for our year, so it is very important to the financial health of the Fellowship that we receive as much of the overall pledge payments as possible.  A shortfall in 2017 pledge payments could result in cutbacks to next year’s budget. 
If you find you will be unable to pay the remainder of your 2017 pledge before the end of the year, we would really appreciate it if you could let either Barb Rajewski or Tom Bailey know that as well.  It will help us make the decisions necessary for next year.
We can’t emphasize enough how grateful we are for the support of our members and friends, and hopefully this message will be perceived as it is intended -  not as a demand, but rather as a reminder and plea for action.
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Honoring the History of UUFoM

At last Sunday’s worship service, we heard stories from UUFOM’s history over the decades, told by some people who have joined the Fellowship since the 1950s.  Following the service, everyone had an opportunity to write down their own recollections of things that have happened over the years, and to post their notes on a timeline in the sanctuary and gallery.  If you weren’t there last Sunday—or even if you were—you still have the opportunity to add your notes to the timeline.

You can write not just the facts of what happened—and of course the facts themselves are subject to your memory and interpretation-- but how you feel or felt about those events.  Feel free to write about events that may have been challenging or difficult, as well as those that were happy.  You may also want to look around and see what others have posted, which may in turn spark additional memories and reactions.  Post-it notes and pens will be available nearby.

The timeline will stay up for another week or two, to give you a chance to add notes and read what others have written.  And after the butcher paper comes down, Rev. Connie and the Transition Team (Pete Carlson, Linda Rector, and Dan Sealey) will read, process, and offer reflections.
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'Tis the Season

Leaves are falling, the air is cooler, and the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays are just around the corner. Most of us look forward to these yearly gatherings with family and friends to enjoy each other and give thanks.This year again, please consider members of our fellowship who have no family to go to,
and maybe you can find a place for one more guest at your table.  From the Pastoral Care Team

Sharing Tree

It’s time for the Sharing Tree!

We will have the opportunity this year to buy Christmas gifts to help those in need. There are green and red tags on the tree. The green tags are gifts that have been requested for this holiday season.  The red tags are to help the United Way fulfill needs throughout the year.

This year the red tags give you the option to text or go online to purchase clothing, entertainment, transportation, groceries, utility payments, and household or personal items via donation/gift cards.

All gifts should be wrapped and returned to the tree by November 26 (or you can drop it off at the United Way office by December 3.) Please contact Maxine Guettler  if you have any questions: 989-492-4113 or [email protected].

Thank you for your generosity!
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November Worship Services

November 26th        
“Only 28 Shopping Days Until Christmas”

Can we avoid the frenzy of the season without resorting to Grinch-hood or Scrooge-osity?
Speaking:  Judith Hill 

A Chosen Faith Discussion Group

A monthly exploration of the sources from which the living tradition of Unitarian Universalism draws.  All meetings are 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Our next meeting is Monday, Nov 27 where we discuss direct experience of transcending mystery and wonder.
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Pastoral Care Ministry Team 

Pastoral Care November contact:
Donna Wedge (989) 600-7567

New to our Fellowship?  Just discovered you might need more help with an issue than you had counted on?  Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team is here for you.  We can provide a meal, a ride, some respite or a supportive ear and a cup of coffee.  Don't be shy – we are a covenant family.

We are compiling an updated volunteer list where you can identify ways to help a fellowship member in need.  Please click here to fill out the Pastoral Care Volunteer Form online

Joys & Sorrows of the congregation are available to members and friends on our website.

This Week

11/16  7pm W.O.M.A.N.
11/19 10:30 Sunday Service
           7pm AA Meeting
           12:15 CUUPS
11/20  6pm 3 Jewels Sangha
11/21  6:30pm Improv Group
11/22  12pm Pastoral Care Meeting
           7pm Choir Rehearsal
           8pm AA Meeting
11/23  Happy Thanksgiving 
           Fellowship Closed

Check out what's going on throughout the month by viewing our calendar on our website!  Submit meeting requests to [email protected]

Fellowship Office

The office will be closed Thursday, November 23rd in observance of Thanksgiving. 

Fellowship Office Hours

Monday 10am-1pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 9am-3pm
[email protected]

Rev. Connie Grant
Office Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 11am-3pm or by appointment
[email protected]
(847) 840-8542
In case of pastoral emergency, call anytime

Wendy Altmeier
Office Assistant

Office Hours
Monday 10am-1pm
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:30am-1pm
[email protected]

Heather Cleland-Host
Director of Religious Education

Office Hours
Tues. & Thurs. 1pm-4 pm
Weekday mornings and Sunday by appointment
[email protected]

Sandy Hay

[email protected]
(918) 698-0311
In case of building emergency, call anytime


Publication is Thursday, with a submission deadline the Monday before.  Please send your submissions to [email protected] by Monday of your intended week of publication.
Copyright ©2017 UUFoM, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland
6220 Jefferson Avenue
Midland, MI 

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