Sunday Morning Service at 10:30am
November 26
“Only 28 Shopping Days Until Christmas”
Can we avoid the frenzy of the season without resorting to Grinch-hood or Scrooge-osity?
Judith Hill speaking.
Children's Circle - "Thanksgiving Pizzazz"
Each child will have a project box for their work which may span multiple Sundays. Children will put inside whatever project they are working on. This may be a journal, art, a science exploration, a credo poem, etc. We hope to provide the opportunity for members with special talents or skills to share with the children their art, skills, or other hobbies.
The UUFOM Board met on Tuesday October 24. The Fellowship’s Annual Meeting took place on the following Sunday and much of what was discussed Tuesday was in preparation for that meeting.
An important item was the 2018 budget. As of the Annual Meeting we were approximately $12,000 short of our pledge goal. Since then more pledges have come in and we are now about $8,000 short. The Pledge Drive is not yet officially over and things may still improve. As a result, the Finance Committee will meet in December before the last Board Meeting to make any necessary changes (cuts) to the 2018 budget which hopefully will be few.
Linda Rector reported that we had eight potential new members and we saw them become full members on November 12.
As of the board meeting, we still needed two people to fill vacancies on the Nominating Committee.
The final matter discussed at length was the process for selecting the Search Committee. That process was begun at the Annual Meeting and is currently under way.
As we certainly all know, this is the season for gratitude and I’m not sure where to start. In this writing I’m going to limit myself to being thankful for all the members of our Fellowship who "hung in there” when the going got rough over the last couple of years. You not only refused to leave but you participated and contributed, ultimately making our Fellowship even better than it was before.
I’m proud of every one of you and am grateful for our association.
See you all at the Fellowship.
Robert "Speed" Malecki
Board President
The Fellowship was given the opportunity this year to buy Christmas gifts to help those in need. There are green and red tags on the tree. The green tags are gifts that have been requested for this holiday season. The red tags are to help the United Way fulfill needs throughout the year. and give you the option to text or to purchase clothing, entertainment, transportation, groceries, utility payments, and household or personal items via donation/gift cards online.
All gifts should be wrapped and returned to the tree by THIS SUNDAY, November 26 (or you can drop it off at the United Way office by December 3.) Please contact Maxine Guettler if you have any questions: 989-492-4113 or [email protected].
Thank you for your generosity!
A Chosen Faith Discussion Group
An exploration of sources from which Unitarian Universalism draws, based on A Chosen Faith: An Introduction to Unitarian Universalism by John Buehrens and Forrest Church. Suitable for longtime members as well as those who may be new to Unitarian Universalism, led by Rev. Connie Grant. Please sign up by emailing [email protected], registering on the "Sources" bulletin board at the Fellowship or sign up here. Plan to attend all the sessions or as many as you can.
All meetings are 7:00 – 8:30 pm.
Monday, Nov 27: Direct experience of transcending mystery and wonder
Tuesday, Dec 12: Words and deeds of prophetic women and men
Tuesday, Jan 30: Wisdom from the world’s religions
Tuesday, Feb 20: Jewish and Christian teachings (loving our neighbors)
Tuesday, Mar 20: Humanist teachings (reason and science)
Tuesday, Apr 17: Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions
Sacred time is time that is set aside, honored or filled with special meaning. In December, many of us are gathering together with friends and family to celebrate traditional holidays or the New Year. This is in a sense a sacred time for many of us. For the month of December, we will be allowing time to celebrate what is meaningful to us, whatever that might be.
Soaring with the Sources programming will resume in January.
Children's Circle - December
THEME: Sacred Time Together
This month we are celebrating our time together and exploring what excites us. We will be focused on how we spend time together and celebrating the holidays. This is also the month of our Winter Pageant.
November 27 Thanksgiving Project Box Pizzazz
Each child will have a project box for their work which may span multiple Sundays. Children will put inside whatever project they are working on. This may be a journal, art, a science exploration, a credo poem, etc. We hope to provide the opportunity for members with special talents or skills to share with the children their art, skills, or other hobbies.
December 3 – Holiday Stations We will have four stations where children will learn about one aspect of a holiday celebrated by members of our community at each station. This year, one of the stations will be dedicated to a UU holiday named Chalica, which begins on Monday December 4 and celebrates each of the Seven Principles by lighting a candle and sharing about a Principle each day for a week. Chalica Kits will be available for interested families. The remaining three holiday stations will also be featured in the Pageant.
December 10 – Pageant Rehearsal and Free Play – Children who are in the pageant will be rehearsing for the pageant, and children who do not have a specific role in the pageant will get to choose between Free Play activities and getting a sneak preview of the pageant before the rest of the congregation. Additional rehearsal time will continue after the service with lunch.
December 17 – Sacred Trees Pageant – The Youth Group is in charge of our pageant this year. Details are still in the works, but rumors are that it will involve sacred trees and the story of the Lorax!
December 24 - Project Box Pizzazz - Each child will have a project box for their work which may span multiple Sundays. Children will put inside whatever project they are working on. This may be a journal, art, a science exploration, a credo poem, etc. We hope to provide the opportunity for members with special talents or skills to share with the children their art, skills, or other hobbies.
December 31 - Project Box Pizzazz - Each child will have a project box for their work which may span multiple Sundays. Children will put inside whatever project they are working on. This may be a journal, art, a science exploration, a credo poem, etc. We hope to provide the opportunity for members with special talents or skills to share with the children their art, skills, or other hobbies.
Sacred Trees Pageant - December 17
Calling all children who wish to be part of the Pageant!!!
We are looking for all children and youth who are interested in participating in this year’s pageant on December 17. If your child is interested in acting, sharing a reading, singing or playing music, we are looking for you! This year, the Youth Group is joining me in taking the lead for the pageant. Be sure to come to support our youth and children!
This year’s pageant theme is sacred trees, such as the Tree of Life, the Christmas Tree, Yule Log, and the Bodhi Tree. We will be practicing the same “pain free, fun filled” minimal rehearsal techniques from last year. The Youth have a fantastic idea to use the story of the Lorax to bring all these trees together. Youth(6th–12th grades), who are interested in being part of the planning, are encouraged to come to the Planning Meeting after the service November 26 (11:30 to 1PM). More details will follow after their planning session. Other youth and children who would like to participate should email Heather Cleland-Host at [email protected].
Planning: -Youth Group Planning Meeting, November 26, 11:30 -1:30 (Sack lunch!)
Rehearsals: -December 3 (after the service) – Roles will be assigned & the story presented.
-December 10 (during the service) + Lunch + December 10 (after the service)
Pageant Day: -December 17 (Plan on an early arrival for older children and youth)
From the Director of Religious Education
Sacred Time – Ever Changing
This is a time of the year that is in many ways set apart from the rest of the year. Whatever your tradition, the world suddenly transforms with Thanksgiving and does not return to “normal” until after the New Year. Time together in this month is somehow more tangible than other times of the year. We treasure our friends and family who are with us, and we feel the presence, and sometimes absence, of those we have lost. We celebrate the joy of new additions, and we journey onwards with hopeful anticipation of the changes that might come.
This month, in Lifespan Religious Education, we are exploring what it is to be together, celebrating and experiencing the holidays. We will be learning about the traditions of different religions and what is sacred to one another. In the Lifespan Team, we are continuing to shape the program that will continue into the New Year.
Some things to be watching for:
- The Youth Group is taking on the pageant! The Pageant is on DECEMBER 17!
- Guest at your Table Boxes are available at the Fellowship! If you missed picking up your box before Thanksgiving, be sure to get one afterwards. The small change collected in these little boxes adds up to helping many people through the UUSC. Bring whatever you collect in after the holidays, or simply turn in your donation to UUSC to Amanda Clifton.
- Our Children’s and Youth RE programs have been taking form and blooming. We have a regular attendance of 15-20 children and youth. Early in 2018, we will be holding some training opportunities for new and existing volunteers to learn about what has changed and also about helpful techniques for working with each age group.
- Three Jewels Sangha will not be holding meditation in December. We will be meeting in January to explore new directions, like the possibility of a new Buddhism class, whether or not to continue to have meditation, visits with other Buddhist groups and monasteries. Be watching for new information about the date for this meeting.
- November’s Soup and Sources (Courage of Prophetic People) was moved to January due to scheduling complications related to the holidays. In case you are not familiar with Soup and Sources, we are exploring each of the Sources each month. The multi-age programming for these events is very flexible and designed to shift to reflect the ages and skills of those attending. As we say with our services, each one is different. Try out a few, if you have only been to one, or especially, if you have never attended!
Yours in the Spirit of UU, Heather Cleland-Host (Director of Religious Education)
November 27, December 24 & 31, Additional Sundays TBA
On November 27 we will be launching our project box program with Tony Tienda. Tony will be introducing the children to various forms of art for the children to choose from to explore what is meaningful to them. Each child will have a project box for their work which may span multiple Sundays. Children will put inside whatever project they are working on. This may be a journal, art, a science exploration, a credo poem, etc. We hope to provide the opportunity for members with special talents or skills to share with the children their art, skills, or other hobbies. If you have a passion that you think might work for this program, please contact the Director of Religious Education, Heather Cleland-Host
Lifespan Religious Education Calendar
All locations at the Fellowship unless otherwise indicated
Sunday November 26: Children’s RE (Project Box Pizzazz)
Sunday November 26: Youth Group and Pageant Planning (after the service)
Monday November 27: A Chosen Faith Discussion Group, 7pm
Sunday December 3: Children’s RE (Holiday Stations) & First Pageant Rehearsal (after service)
Sunday December 10: Pageant Rehearsal (during and after service, lunch included)
Tuesday December 12: A Chosen Faith Discussion Group, 7pm
Sunday December 17: Sacred Trees Pageant (during the service)
Sunday December 17: Yule Celebration (Sponsored by Ancient Shores CUUPS)
Sunday December 24: Christmas Eve (Project Box Pizzazz)
Sunday December 31: New Year’s Eve (Project Box Pizzazz)
Every Sunday: Children’s Religious Education Classes, 10:30 to 11:45am
Three Jewels Sangha: No Monday Meditation for December for the Holidays
Religious Education Volunteer Opportunities
1. We have opportunities during the service and outside of the service. We can use help volunteering or
with projects. Contact Heather Cleland-Host, [email protected]
2. Sign up online for Volunteering on Sundays!
3. SOURCE EXPLORATION OPPORTUNITY: Do you have a Source that especially inspires or interests you? We are devoting a month to each of the Sources. Commit to spending a month on the Source you are passionate about. Volunteer for 2-3 Sundays in that month, instead of just 1-2. If you have never volunteered, start as a Doorkeeper the first week. Volunteer next as an Activity Leader (Wizard), and finally as a Storyteller. Explore the Source with the Children! (We also have opportunities to be a Jedi Knight or Master in the Middle School Program – again consider signing up for a series of weeks instead of just one).
4. Volunteer as the Adult Religious Education (ARE) Contact. We are actively seeking a point person for Adult Religious Education classes. The ARE Contact would be the go-to person for anyone interested in leading adult classes and would attend the Lifespan Ministry Team meetings. Contact the Director of Religious Education, Heather Cleland-Host or the minister, Rev. Connie Grant.
Pastoral Care Ministry Team
Pastoral Care November contact:
Donna Wedge (989) 600-7567
New to our Fellowship? Just discovered you might need more help with an issue than you had counted on? Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team is here for you. We can provide a meal, a ride, some respite or a supportive ear and a cup of coffee. Don't be shy – we are a covenant family.
We are compiling an updated volunteer list where you can identify ways to help a fellowship member in need. Please click here to fill out the Pastoral Care Volunteer Form online.
Joys & Sorrows of the congregation are available to members and friends on our website.
11/26 10:30 Sunday Service
7pm AA Meeting
11/27 7pm A Chosen Faith
11/28 6:30pm Improv Group Rehearsal
7pm Board Meeting (offsite)
11/29 7pm Choir Rehearsal
8pm AA Meeting
11/30 11:30am Staff Meeting
1:30pm Pastoral Care Meeting
Check out what's going on throughout the month by viewing our calendar on our website! Submit meeting requests to [email protected]
The Fellowship Office will be closed December 25 through January 1
Fellowship Office Hours
Monday 10am-1pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 9am-3pm
[email protected]
Rev. Connie Grant
Office Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 11am-3pm or by appointment
[email protected]
(847) 840-8542
In case of a pastoral emergency, call anytime
Wendy Altmeier
Office Assistant
Office Hours
Monday 10am-1pm
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:30am-1pm
[email protected]
Heather Cleland-Host
Director of Religious Education
Office Hours
Tues. & Thurs. 1pm-4 pm
Weekday mornings and Sunday by appointment
[email protected]
Sandy Hay
[email protected]
(918) 698-0311
In case of building emergency, call anytime
Publication will be each Thursday, with a submission deadline the Monday before. The idea is to provide more information, more often, in ways that are usable and useful.
Please send your submissions to [email protected] by Monday of your intended week of publication.