Newsletter 2017-1222 Week 3

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December 22, 2017

Sunday Morning Service & Religious Education at 10:30am

December 24
"Stories of the Season"
Some unconventional stories for the winter holidays, appropriate for people of all ages.  Nursery care will be provided.  Rev. Connie Grant speaking
December 24 at 7pm
Christmas Eve Service - “Each Night a Child is Born is a Holy Night”
Christmas Eve service with stories, carols, and candle lighting, celebrating the spirit and the potential born in every child.  Rev. Connie Grant speaking

Cookies are welcome for coffee hour to follow the service.

A Message From the Board President

The Board met for the last time in 2017 on Tuesday, December 19. 

The main topic of discussion was the 2018 budget and this year’s pledge drive. Our pledge drive came in about $8,800 short of our goal of $153,200. This basically means that barring other sources of revenue, we will have to cut $8,800 worth of expenses next year. The Finance Committee will be meeting shortly after the first of the year to discuss these cuts and then will present the revised 2018 budget to the Board for approval.  

Finally, I’d like to thank the members of the Board: Charlie Enright, Jill Haver-Crissman, Janelle Dombek, John Kinkema, Sara Clavez, as well as Rev. Connie Grant for all their hard work, wisdom and wit. It truly was a privilege working with them.

Also, thanks to the entire Fellowship for the opportunity to serve as your Board President. It’s been a year of change and growth and I’m extremely confident that next year will be our best ever. 

Thank you, and I’ll be seeing you at the Fellowship.

Speed Malecki, Board President 


To our members and friends:
 As we approach the end of the year, we are seeing that we still have a number of pledges not yet paid.  As you know, we use these pledge amounts to budget for our year, so it is very important to the financial health of the Fellowship that we receive as much of the overall pledge payments as possible.  A shortfall in 2017 pledge payments could result in cutbacks in next year’s budget. 
For the board, I am asking that you please review your pledge payment status and get any remaining balance for 2017 to us soon as possible before the end of the year.   If you have any question as to the amounts you have already paid this year or what your remaining pledge balance might be, please don’t hesitate to contact me (phone 989-600-2294 or email [email protected]) or our Treasurer, Barb Rajewski (phone 989-980-2101 or email [email protected]).
If you find yourself unable to pay the remainder of your 2017 pledge before the end of the year, it would be greatly appreciated if you could let either Barb or me know that as well.  It will help us make the decisions necessary for next year.
I can’t emphasize enough how grateful we are for the support of our members and friends, and hopefully this message will be perceived as it is intended -  not as a demand, but rather as a reminder and plea for action.
In Fellowship,

Tom Bailey
Finance Chair

Ministerial Search Process Report

Following the service on January 14 there will be a time for discussion of the search process with the congregation followed by the election of the Search Committee.  We have been assigned a Transition Coach, the Reverend Misty-Dawn Shelley.  She will meet with the 2018 Board members Saturday, January 13 and will be the officiant at the Sunday, January 14 worship service. 

The following nine members have agreed to be on the ballot and to serve on the Search Committee if elected:  Tom Bailey, Carol Cooper, Maxine Guettler, Mary Johnson, Sasha King, Robert Malecki, Chris Nakamura, Vicki Rothhaar and Tim Wagner. 

New Members

UUFoM welcomed ten new members to the Fellowship in November and December.  

Linda Bozzelli
Elspeth Hetrick
Sandy Hay
Kathryn Hay
Cathy Mitzel
Christopher Nakamura
Sarah Nuss-Warren
Beth Sperry
Christina VanPoucker
Catherine Young

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Guest At Your Table

Will You Welcome a “Guest at Your Table”?

The idea behind Guest at Your Table is to take a box home and place an amount of money in the box each day over the winter holidays, an amount that we might spend to host a guest in our homes.  Guest at Your Table donations support the work of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, protecting and promoting basic human rights.

This year’s Guest at Your Table theme — Small Change Is Big Change — celebrates the bravery, innovation, and reach of UUSC’s grassroots partners. UUSC currently partners with over 75 grassroots organizations on the front lines of critical human rights issues.  

These organizations respond to great challenges with limited resources, confronting such issues as persecution in Burma (Myanmar), encroaching erosion in the South Pacific, and immigration detention conditions in the United States.

Small Change Is Big Change conveys the impact of donations to UUSC,  responding to extraordinary challenges of today, addressing root causes of injustice, and building capacity to respond to future challenges.

Please pick up a box or envelope in the lobby and bring it back to the Fellowship in January.  Please contact Amanda Clifton at [email protected] with questions.

Ruth Ellis Center:  Blanket & Scarf Collection

Blankets and scarves needed.  If you would like to knit or donate a scarf or blanket for the Ruth Ellis Center for LGBTQ youth, we are holding an informal collection all winter long. Scarfs and blankets should NOT be made of cotton, and should NOT be too colorful (especially not rainbow colors). Items will be delivered once a month until the end of March. Please contact Jacob Guettler [email protected] or 989-492-4414 if you would like to donate, or if you have any questions.  
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Upcoming December Services

December 31
“Still Watching”
On the evening of this day in 1862, Black US Americans gathered across the country for “Watch Night” services on “Freedom’s Eve,” in anticipation of President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation becoming the law on January 1st.  Tonight many will gather in memory of this, one of the most important days in our history.  Yet, few White folks know anything about this, which makes me think we still need to keep watch. Rev. Heather Collins speaking.

Rev. Heather Collins entered the field of pastoral education in 2002, and now teaches and manages the Clinical Pastoral Education program at Covenant HealthCare System. Heather received a Masters of Divinity degree from Duke University in 1993, was ordained  by the UU Congregation of Gwinnett in Lawrenceville, GA, and was installed as their first full-time minister in1995.  After finishing a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail, Heather and her husband, David Bowen, moved to Saginaw in 2015 to be near family.  They share their Victorian home with their dog, Suli, their cat, Myst, and the dust and debris of renovation.

Three Jewels Sangha

Sangha Tea:  What Next?

Everyone who is interested in Three Jewels Sangha and its future is invited! Sunday, January 7 after the service, we will be holding a tea (yes, you can bring coffee from the coffee hour as well) and discussion about what the future of the Sangha should look like. Should we continue meditation on Monday nights or move it to a different night? Shall we plan more trips? Hold a class? Invite speakers? Something else?  Please come join us as we explore the future!

Soaring with the Sources

Soup and Sources: Prophetic Lives
January 15 Monday (Martin Luther King Day) at 5:30 PM
Come join us for our next Soup and Sources on Martin Luther King Day!  Soup & Sources is a fun multigenerational program where we gather together for a social dinner and then learn together about the Sources.  Soup and Pizza will be provided (If you like making soup, let me know.) We will have soup, pizza, and salad (please email if you have special food needs.) We will have activities as you arrive to help meet each other, during the meal (small groups to eat together,) and following the meal. The program is for all ages – kid and adult friendly! 
THIS MONTH: We are inviting everyone to consider who has changed the world around us.  Who are the people who have in the course of our lives and in history shown the courage to speak, gifting us with their wisdom and insight.  Or perhaps the courage to act – to save a life, or to challenge us.  We are asking everyone who attends to spend a little time leading up to the day learning about a person who changed lives and bringing what you learn to the dinner.  Bring someone special to you OR request one from the Director of Religious Education ([email protected]) OR take a chance and ask someone who is very different from you and who you do not know well – ask them who they would think of.   We are especially looking for people that have changed history from “behind the scenes.” That is, we are not looking for your every day list of famous historical people.   
What to bring: Yourselves! If you feel inspired, you can bring a dessert to share, but this is intended as a free event.
Please RSVP by Sunday January 14, so we can know how much pizza to order:
Heather Cleland-Host, Director of Religious Education, (989) 423-5932, [email protected]

"Our Whole Lives" Comprehensive Sexuality Program

"Our Whole Lives" Comprehensive Sexuality Program to be offered at Midland UCC.

Midland UCC is offering an "Our Whole Lives" program for 7th through 9th grades in January and is extending an invitation to our youth to attend their program this January.  There will be a required Parent Orientation on January 6 and the program itself will begin on January 19 and run through March.  If you are unable to attend the Parent Orientation, then you may meet separately with the UCC Director of Religious Education to cover the same material.  Midland UCC is located at 4100 Chestnut Hill Drive.  Their denomination and ours worked together to create this program, and we have collaborated in the past. 

Children's Circle Orientation

Sunday, January 21 after the service
We are looking for special volunteers who are interested in spending a few weeks exploring a Source in Children’s Religious Education.  We welcome those who wish to teach a few times scattered over the month, but signing up for a series of Sundays – perhaps every week for three weeks, or every other Sunday each month.  Choose a Source and a month and volunteer with the Director of Religious Education and come spend some special time with the source.  (January is the 3rd Principle, February is the 4th and March and April are #5 & #6.)
Never volunteered or interested in a refresher – come join us after the service on January 21!  We will be going over changes to the program and providing opportunities for new volunteers to talk with experienced volunteers and learn new ideas.  Come learn and share:
  • Current Program Structure overview
  • What’s new with the program?
  • What to do if a lesson finishes early, etc?
  • Sharing time!
  • Scheduling – YES! There WILL be opportunities to sign up!
We will have lunch and childcare, so that as many volunteers parent and non-parents who wish to do so can participate.

A Chosen Faith Discussion Group

An exploration of sources from which Unitarian Universalism draws, based on A Chosen Faith: An Introduction to Unitarian Universalism by John Buehrens and Forrest Church.  Suitable for longtime members as well as those who may be new to Unitarian Universalism, led by Rev. Connie Grant. Plan to attend all the sessions or as many as you can.  

All meetings are 7:00 – 8:30 pm.  
Tuesday, Jan 30: Wisdom from the world’s religions
Tuesday, Feb 20: Jewish and Christian teachings (loving our neighbors)
Tuesday, Mar 20: Humanist teachings (reason and science)
Tuesday, Apr 17: Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions
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Social Justice Webinars

MidAmerica UUA is partnering with the Minnesota Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Alliance (MUUSJA) to present a series of six social justice webinars beginning January 9, 2018. There will be one webinar on the second Tuesday of each month between January and June. MUUSJA's Executive Director Rev. Ashley Horan and Statewide Organizer Pastor Danny Givens will host.

There will also be webinars next year on covenant, building safety, dealing with disruptive behavior, congregational discernment, accessibility, and endowments. Watch for further details in next month's MidAmerica Messenger or visit

Courage for Change Workshop

A ONE DAY Workshop is being offered in collaboration with UUA MidAmerica and Southern Regions at Thomas Jefferson Unitarian Church in Louisville KY on February 17, 2018. Unitarian Universalist and social justice facilitator, Chris Crass (, will offer a ONE DAY workshop entitled "Courage for Racial Justice, Courage for Collective Liberation." This workshop will begin with brief worship and include small and large group discussions, storytelling, theological reflection, and participatory exercises. Concluding segment will focus on "What are you bringing back to your congregation?" and "How will you be accountable for your plan?" The purpose of this workshop is to help build Social Justice communities and cultures rooted in UU values with the courage to do racial justice work.  Chris encourages activism and leaders, building capacity, and putting Unitarian Universalist congregations in touch with one another.  Adult cost is $64 and Youth cost is $24.  Childcare is available upon request.  Light breakfast and lunch will be provided. Register and get more information at Courage for Change Workshop.
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W.O.M.A.N., LLC is a local progressive action group dedicated to positive change and resistance. We are based in Midland, Michigan. W.O.M.A.N. formed in response to the election of Donald Trump to resist the misogynistic, xenophobic, and racist rhetoric and policy direction. They are committed to forward progress in human and civil rights with equal economic opportunity and compassionate policy.

Participation in W.O.M.A.N. is open to anyone regardless of gender who is an ally and who wants to work to affirm and promote the dignity and respect of all people, along with equal economic opportunity for all.W.O.M.A.N. actively supports progressive candidates for office at the local, regional, and national level.  For more information or to get involved, please contact them via email at [email protected] or contact Sarah Schulz.  W.O.M.A.N. meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland.  Their next meeting is Thursday, January 18th at 7pm.
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Fellowship Office Holiday Schedule

Rev. Connie will be out of the office from December 25 through January 18.

The Fellowship Office will be closed December 25 through January 1.

Newsletter News

The Newsletter will not be published on 12/29/2017.  Publication will resume on January, 5, 2018.  Please have all articles for this newsletter emailed by Tuesday, January 2, 2018.  

Pastoral Care Ministry Team 

Pastoral Care
December contact:  
Evelyn Lipowitz (989) 631-0119
January contact:  Mary Johnson (989) 859-1490

Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team is here for you.  We can provide a meal, a ride, some respite or a supportive ear and a cup of coffee.

We are compiling an updated volunteer list where you can identify ways to help a fellowship member in need.  Please click here to fill out the Pastoral Care Volunteer Form online

Joys & Sorrows of the congregation are available to members and friends on our website.

The Next 2 Weeks...

12/24 10:30 AM Sunday Service - Stories of the Season
   7:00 PM Christmas Eve Service - “Each Night a
Child is Born is a Holy Night”
   7:00 PM AA Meeting
12/26  6:30 PM Improv Group Rehearsal
12/27  8:00 PM AA Meeting
12/31 10:30 AM Sunday Service - "Still Watching"
  10:30 AM Children's Circle - Project Box Pizzazz
   7:00 PM AA Meeting
1/01  7:00 PM CUUPS Full Moon Ritual
1/02    6:30 PM Improv Group Rehearsal
1/03  7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal
   8:00 PM AA Meeting

Check out what's going on throughout the month by viewing our calendar on our website!  Submit all meeting and room requests to [email protected]

Fellowship Office

The Fellowship Office will be closed December 25 through January 1

Fellowship Office Hours

Monday 10am-1pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 9am-3pm
[email protected]

Rev. Connie Grant
Office Hours
Out of Office - December 25 through January 18
[email protected]
(847) 840-8542
In case of a pastoral emergency, call anytime

Wendy Altmeier
Office Assistant

Office Hours
Monday 10am-1pm
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:30am-1pm
[email protected]

Heather Cleland-Host
Director of Religious Education

Office Hours
Tues. & Thurs. 1pm-4 pm
Weekday mornings and Sunday by appointment
[email protected]

Sandy Hay

[email protected]
(918) 698-0311
In case of building emergency, call anytime
Copyright ©2017 UUFoM, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland
6220 Jefferson Avenue
Midland, MI 

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