Newsletter 2018-0104 Week 1

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January 6, 2018

Sunday Morning Service & Religious Education at 10:30am

January 7
"Moms And Bodhisaatvas: The Spiritual Work of Compassionate Caregiving"
When we take care of another person, we change two lives - our own, as well as the person we care for. How are we changed? How can we recognize the spiritual labors of caregivers? How can we support them as they become agents of compassion through tasks both menial and extraordinary?  Elspeth Hetrick speaking
Children's Circle - "Anansi & the Wisdom Pot (West African Fable)"
The spider Anansi collects all the Wisdom of the world into a pot in hopes of winning a golden crown.  Ultimately, he drops his pot and it breaks spreading wisdom all over the world so that everyone has a peace of it.  The lesson of the story is to listen to everyone because everyone has a bit of wisdom.  (From Spirit Play curriculum:

Ministerial Search Process Report

Following the service on January 14 there will be a time for discussion of the search process with the congregation followed by the election of the Search Committee.  We have been assigned a Transition Coach, the Reverend Misty-Dawn Shelly.  She will meet with the 2018 Board members Saturday, January 13 and will be the speaker at the Sunday, January 14 worship service. 

The following nine members have agreed to be on the ballot and to serve on the Search Committee if elected:  Tom Bailey, Carol Cooper, Maxine Guettler, Mary Johnson, Sasha King, Robert Malecki, Chris Nakamura, Vicki Rothhaar and Tim Wagner. 

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Guest At Your Table

Did You Welcome a “Guest at Your Table”?

Please return your box or envelope to the Fellowship in January.  Please contact Amanda Clifton at [email protected] with questions.

Ruth Ellis Center:  Blanket & Scarf Collection

Blankets and scarves needed.  If you would like to knit or donate a scarf or blanket for the Ruth Ellis Center for LGBTQ youth, we are holding an informal collection all winter long. Scarfs and blankets should NOT be made of cotton, and should NOT be too colorful (especially not rainbow colors). Items will be delivered once a month until the end of March. Please contact Jacob Guettler [email protected] or 989-492-4414 if you would like to donate, or if you have any questions.  
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Upcoming January Services

January 14
Rev. Misty-Dawn Shelly speaking.  

Children's Circle - "Golden Deer Teaches Forgiveness (Buddhist)" - This is a Buddhist story telling of generosity and forgiveness. The golden deer rescues a poor man who then betrays the deer to hunters.  When the king of the hunters learn how he betrayed the deer, he raises his arrow to kill the man, but the deer places himself between the arrow and the man, begging compassion and forgiveness.  (From Spirit Play curriculum:
January 21
Rev. Connie Grant speaking.
Children's Circle - "Bhagavad Gita (Hinduism)" - The Bhagavad Gita is a long ballad telling of a warrior who is conflicted on the battle field of a civil war.  The warrior stops on the verge of the battle to question the righteousness of what he is about to do - raising his sword against his brother.  We will be exploring only a small portion of the conversations that make up the bhagavad Gita.  (Tapestry of Faith materials)

January 28
Rev. Connie Grant speaking.

Children's Circle - "Love is The Golden Rule (Tapestry of Faith)" – This story comes to us from the Tapestry of Faith Curriculum, Love will Guide Us.  In this story, a little girl named Maya learns about the different versions of the Golden Rule in many different religions: Do not do to others what would hurt you (Buddhism), This is the sum of duty: do nothing to others which would cause them pain” (Hinduism), And it harm none, do what you will (Wicca), Love your neighbor as yourself (Christian), etc.  Eventually she creates her own version of the Golden Rule.  This lesson concludes the Third Source.

Three Jewels Sangha Tea

Sangha Tea:  What Next?  Everyone who is interested in Three Jewels Sangha and its future is invited! Sunday, January 7 after the service, we will be holding a tea (yes, you can bring coffee from the coffee hour as well) and discussion about what the future of the Sangha should look like. Should we continue meditation on Monday nights or move it to a different night? Shall we plan more trips? Hold a class? Invite speakers? Something else?  Please come join us as we explore the future!

Soaring with the Sources

Soup and Sources: Prophetic Lives
January 15 Monday (Martin Luther King Day) at 5:30 PM
Come join us for our next Soup and Sources on Martin Luther King Day!  Soup & Sources is a fun multigenerational program where we gather together for a social dinner and then learn together about the Sources.  Soup and Pizza will be provided (If you like making soup, let me know.) We will have soup, pizza, and salad (please email if you have special food needs.) We will have activities as you arrive to help meet each other, during the meal (small groups to eat together,) and following the meal. The program is for all ages – kid and adult friendly! 
THIS MONTH: We are inviting everyone to consider who has changed the world around us.  Who are the people who have in the course of our lives and in history shown the courage to speak, gifting us with their wisdom and insight.  Or perhaps the courage to act – to save a life, or to challenge us.  We are asking everyone who attends to spend a little time leading up to the day learning about a person who changed lives and bringing what you learn to the dinner.  Bring someone special to you OR request one from the Director of Religious Education ([email protected]) OR take a chance and ask someone who is very different from you and who you do not know well – ask them who they would think of.   We are especially looking for people that have changed history from “behind the scenes.” That is, we are not looking for your every day list of famous historical people.   
What to bring: Yourselves! If you feel inspired, you can bring a dessert to share, but this is intended as a free event.
Please RSVP by Sunday January 14, so we can know how much pizza to order:
Heather Cleland-Host, Director of Religious Education, (989) 423-5932, [email protected]

"Our Whole Lives" Comprehensive Sexuality Program

"Our Whole Lives" Comprehensive Sexuality Program to be offered at Midland UCC.

Midland UCC is offering an "Our Whole Lives" education for 7th through 9th grades in January and is extending an invitation to our youth to attend their program.  The program will begin on January 19 and run through March.  Please contact Heather Cleland-Host immediately to participate.

Children's Circle Orientation

Sunday, January 21 after the service
We are looking for special volunteers who are interested in spending a few weeks exploring a Source in Children’s Religious Education.  We welcome those who wish to teach a few times scattered over the month, but signing up for a series of Sundays – perhaps every week for three weeks, or every other Sunday each month.  Choose a Source and a month and volunteer with the Director of Religious Education and come spend some special time with the source.  (January is the 3rd Principle, February is the 4th and March and April are #5 & #6.)
Never volunteered or interested in a refresher – come join us after the service on January 21!  We will be going over changes to the program and providing opportunities for new volunteers to talk with experienced volunteers and learn new ideas.  Come learn and share:
  • Current Program Structure overview
  • What’s new with the program?
  • What to do if a lesson finishes early, etc?
  • Sharing time!
  • Scheduling – YES! There WILL be opportunities to sign up!
We will have lunch and childcare, so that as many volunteers parent and non-parents who wish to do so can participate.

Deepening: A Covenant Group Experience

Sunday, January 28 at noon
Would you like to strengthen your connections with others at UUFOM and enhance your participation in the Fellowship, while deepening your own spiritual life? Try a Covenant Group!  

This will be an opportunity to try out the Covenant Group experience before deciding whether you want to join (or even facilitate) an ongoing group. This sample session will include a focus reading, chalice lighting, a short check-in for each participant, and a discussion of the topic, followed by a brief check-out and closing reading. Whether or not you decide to be part of an ongoing group, this session offers the possibility of learning something about yourself and each other!

A Covenant Group consists of up to ten people who gather around an interest, affinity, or activity to
meet regularly over time for spiritual growth, community building, and congregational participation.
Group meetings follow a specified format, and each group is led by a trained facilitator who also
participates in an ongoing facilitators’ group. Each group establishes covenants including ground rules
for the group’s relationship and interaction, commitment to welcome new members to the group, and
service to the Fellowship and the community.

Questions? Please contact Rev. Connie Grant at [email protected]. A light lunch will be
provided if you register by January 25 on the Gallery bulletin board or at [email protected].

A Chosen Faith Discussion Group

An exploration of sources from which Unitarian Universalism draws, based on A Chosen Faith: An Introduction to Unitarian Universalism by John Buehrens and Forrest Church.  Suitable for longtime members as well as those who may be new to Unitarian Universalism, led by Rev. Connie Grant. Plan to attend all the sessions or as many as you can.  

All meetings are 7:00 – 8:30 pm.  
Tuesday, Jan 30: Wisdom from the world’s religions
Tuesday, Feb 20: Jewish and Christian teachings (loving our neighbors)
Tuesday, Mar 20: Humanist teachings (reason and science)
Tuesday, Apr 17: Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions

“Living Our Values” Summit

Sunday, February 4 at 12pm
A conversation around what “Living Our Values” looks like at UUFOM

UUFOM’s strategic plan, adopted in 2016, includes “Living Our Values (Service and Advocacy)” as one of three strategic directions for the congregation. The text of the resolution is as follows:
As a Fellowship, and as individuals, when we are filled with love, that love overflows in service to building a better world today and for the future. We offer our members opportunities to enrich their lives through service and advocacy in targeted issue areas important to our Fellowship because they respond to the needs of our community and fulfill our commitment to the Unitarian Universalist Principles.
These four areas of focus were identified:
  • Homelessness
  • Protecting our Environment
  • LGBT rights
  • Racial Justice
Are you interested in finding additional ways to work together on any of these or other areas? Could there be an “action of the month,” and how would that be decided and managed? What other ideas do you have about projects or approaches? Let’s consider the possibilities!

Euchre Night FUNdraiser

Friday, February 9 at 6:30pm.  
Signup Deadline - February 4

All are welcome at our next Euchre Night FUNdraiser, to be held on Friday, February 9 at 6:30 PM.  Sign yourself and your card-playing friends up soon!  Light snacks, drinks and dessert will be provided.  All skill levels are welcome, but be prepared for some serious competition!!  $10 per person, and make sure to bring quarters in case you get euchred.  Signup deadline is Sunday, February 4 for both card-players and childcare. If you have any questions, contact Janelle Dombek or Michaele Malecki. 
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Lost & Found

At the Fellowship, we have many items turned in to our Lost & Found.  Are you missing:
  • A camera
  • Car keys
  • A cell phone
If you are missing any of these items, please call or email [email protected] to identify your objects.

This Week


10:30 AM Sunday Service - "Moms And Bodhisaatvas: The Spiritual Work of Compassionate Caregiving"
  10:30 AM Children's Circle - "Anansi & the Wisdom Pot"
  12:00 PM 3 Jewels Sangha Tea
  7:00 PM AA Meeting
01/09  6:30 PM Improv Group Rehearsal
01/10 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal
   8:00 PM AA Meeting

Check out what's going on throughout the month by viewing our calendar on our website!  Submit all meeting and room requests to [email protected]

Pastoral Care Ministry Team 

January contact:  Mary Johnson 989-859-1490
Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team is here for you.  We can provide a meal, a ride, some respite or a supportive ear and a cup of coffee.

We are compiling an updated volunteer list where you can identify ways to help a fellowship member in need.  Please click here to fill out the Pastoral Care Volunteer Form online

Joys & Sorrows of the congregation are available to members and friends on our website.


The Weekly Candle Flame is published each Friday.  Submission deadline is Monday for Friday publication.  Please send submissions to [email protected].

Fellowship Office

Fellowship Office Hours
Monday 10am-1pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 9am-3pm
[email protected]

Rev. Connie Grant
Office Hours
Out of Office - December 25 through January 18
[email protected]
(847) 840-8542
In case of a pastoral emergency, call anytime

Wendy Altmeier
Office Assistant

Office Hours
Monday 10am-1pm
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:30am-1pm
[email protected]

Heather Cleland-Host
Director of Religious Education

Office Hours
Tues. & Thurs. 1pm-4 pm
Weekday mornings and Sunday by appointment
[email protected]

Sandy Hay

[email protected]
(918) 698-0311
In case of building emergency, call anytime
Copyright ©2017 UUFoM, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland
6220 Jefferson Avenue
Midland, MI 

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