Newsletter 2018-0309 Week 2

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March 9, 2018

Spring Forward!  Turn clocks ahead one hour at 2:00 am on Sunday, March 11!

Sunday Morning Service & Religious Education at 10:30am

March 11
“Matters of Language” 
Words are powerful tools, and language is often identified as one of our defining human characteristics.  If “we shape our tools and then our tools shape us” (as Marshall McLuhan stated), what are the implications for the words we use as we “side with love”?  Rev. Connie Grant speaking.
Upcoming Services

Children's Circle - "The Wise Teacher’s Test" This story is from the Spirit Play CD.  It explores the question of what – rightfully or wrongfully – is the right path of wisdom.
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Serendipity Auction

“You cannot step into the same river twice.”
Thus spake Heraclitus.
You can, however, log in to the same website twice,
Or three times,
Or four times,
To fill out a donation form at this link

UUFOM 2018 auction donation form

for the Greco-Roman Night
Serendipity Auction

Log in today!
Submission deadline is 3/25/18.
Tempus fugit!

(Vicki will be available after the 3/18/18 service to
offer instructions to the digitally-challenged.)

Click here for 2018 Serendipity Auction Donation Ideas
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Upcoming Services

March 18
“Expressing the Inexpressible”  
Guest speaker Ray Lacina is professor of English at Delta College and writer of fiction, both speculative and mainstream. His novel, “Visle Wars,” a fantasy set in 12th-Century Damascus, was published last year.  Ray holds a Ph.D. in American Literature from the University of Toronto and began his formal teaching career in Saudi Arabia.   
March 25
“You Can’t Go Wrong with Ambiguity”  
Or can you?  Ambiguity carries a challenge:  to “disambiguate”  or to hold the ambiguity in creative tension.  Rev. Connie Grant speaking.

Soup & Sources - March

Soup and Sources: What is truth? Science & Religion
March 16 at 5:30pm
Joint Activities
7PM Break-Outs: Children’s Movie & Source Discussion
Soup & Sources is a fun multi-generational program where we gather together for a social dinner and then learn together about the Sources.  We will be eating together and sharing some multi-generational activities together, followed by breakouts based on those who would prefer to play and those who would prefer to have a discussion of this month’s Source. 
Soup and Pizza will be provided (If you like making soup, let me know.) We will have soup, pizza, and salad (please email if you have special food needs.) We will have activities as you arrive to help meet each other, during the meal (small groups to eat together,) and following the meal. The program is for all ages – kid and adult friendly! 
THIS MONTH: We are exploring the Fifth Source.  The fifth source calls us to draw on Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit.  For this reason, this month’s theme is Truth.
What to bring: Yourselves! If you feel inspired, you can bring a sweet dessert to share, but this is intended as a free event.
Please RSVP to [email protected] by Sunday March 11, so we can know how much soup or pizza to order.

Got Race? 

Rev. Dr. Thandeka traces the hidden history of racial identity-formation and how whites and blacks were made in America on Thursday, March 29 at 7:00 pm at UUFoM. 

Thandeka is a Unitarian Universalist minister, scholar, and congregational organizer.  Information about Thandeka and her Love Beyond Belief™ work is available at event is free and open to the public.

Love Beyond Belief™:  Practicing the Heart of our Unitarian Universalist Faith

A spiritual vitality workshop for the congregation, led by Rev. Dr. Thandeka, renowned Unitarian Universalist theologian, minister, and congregational consultant.  Friday March 30 – Saturday March 31
Love Beyond Belief™ is a spiritual practice for insight, reflection, and action guided by compassion. Each step begins with the discovery of connections that create awe, care, and joy.  The discoveries heal broken hearts, mend injured souls, and calm restless minds because unconditional love is felt. 
The 2005 Commission on Appraisal Report, “Engaging Our Theological Diversity,” found that “almost universally among UUs, personal experience is considered the most important source of religious conviction.” Using our personal experience, this weekend workshop is designed for us to develop a deeper sense of who we are as Unitarian Universalists and gain an expanded sense of what we can do together. 
The goals of this workshop are to deepen our spiritual practice, expand our theological understanding of the UU tradition, and strengthen our commitment and spiritual ability to create communities of lovingkindness that heal and transform the world.
Friday , March 30
6:30 – 9:30 pm   Part I Building a foundation for a Unitarian Universalist theology of personal experience

Saturday, March 31
9:45 am Coffee and tea
10:00 am – noon   Part II Creating a common vocabulary for a Unitarian Universalist theology of personal experience
12:00 – 12:30 pm lunch
12:30 – 3:30 pm   Part III Practicing a Unitarian Universalist theology of personal experience

Please register here by Wednesday, March 28. 

Food Art Gallery

April 1, 2018 - After the Service

The UUFoM Youth Group will host a Food Art Gallery after the service on April 1.  EVERYONE is invited to make an edible food sculpture for the Gallery.  The congregants will be able to buy tickets to vote for the pieces.  The piece of art which receives the most votes will win!  Sculptures will also be auctioned (silently) for congregational consumption.  There will be additional items for fun purchase and take home.  All funds raised will go to the Humane Society of Midland which runs the Midland Animal Shelter.

Considering Membership?

How do people of diverse beliefs become part of one congregation?  “UUFOM and You,” led by Rev. Connie Grant, Linda Rector, Judy Donahue, and Sara Clavez, will be held on Saturday, April 28, 9AM - 12PM (note date change.)

If you think you may have found a spiritual home at UUFOM and are ready to consider becoming a member, or if you are already a member and want to know more, please come!   Register here or contact Rev. Connie Grant at [email protected].
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March Focus on Hunger and Homelessness

In March, we are collecting small items for Shelterhouse at UUFOM.  Shelterhouse provides safe houses, shelter, advocates, counseling and more (all free of charge) to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in Midland and Gladwin counties.  The Shelterhouse Resale Shop, located in the Kmart shopping center on Saginaw Road, accepts donations of gently used clothing, home goods, accessories, toys, books, etc.  They are always looking for volunteers to help in the shop with donation processing, sales floor, stock prep, and pricing.  See the Shelterhouse website for other volunteer opportunities including help with children’s activities, transportation, clerical, grounds keeping, maintenance and cleaning.

On an ongoing basis, we collect canned goods and other non-perishable items for the Midland Emergency Food Pantry Network.  Drop off your donations in the bin at our new UUFoM Donation Center located across from the office door.

Ruth Ellis Center:  Blanket & Scarf Collection

Blankets and scarves needed.  If you would like to knit or donate a scarf or blanket for the Ruth Ellis Center for LGBTQ youth, we are holding an informal collection all winter long. Scarves and blankets should NOT be made of cotton, and should NOT be too colorful (especially not rainbow colors). 

Thank you to everyone who donated blankets and scarves to the Ruth Ellis Center.  All donations will help keep homeless LGBTQ youth warm this winter. The collection will continue until the end of March. We are grateful for everyone's generosity as we continue to live our UU values. If you have any questions, please contact Jacob Guettler: [email protected] or 989-492-4414
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Covenant Group Update

Covenant Group facilitator training is being scheduled for the second half of March, so that group member registration can begin in April.  If you are interested in being trained as a facilitator, please contact Rev. Connie Grant immediately at [email protected].  And if you are interested in joining a group, please watch for registration information in April.

A Covenant Group is a small relational group made up of six to twelve people who meet regularly on an ongoing basis for their own spiritual growth and for connection with each other and with the Fellowship.  Covenant Group members share what going on in their lives and explore a topic of mutual interest, within a structured format and a covenant for their own group’s relationship and interaction.  The role of a facilitator is to help the group stay on track and accomplish its purpose.
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Three Jewels Sangha

Three Jewels Sangha

March 14, 21, 28

Tea in the Emerson Room at 5:30
Meditation in the Meditation Room at 6pm

Come join us for meditation and tea!   Every Wednesday we will begin at 5:30pm for tea and conversation in the Emerson Room, followed by group meditation starting at 6pm downstairs in the Meditation Room.  We will be trying a variety of meditation practices, including completely silent meditation. 

The type of meditation planned for each week will be announced on the Facebook page for the group and by email.   If you would like to be put on the email list, please contact Dani Fillmore at [email protected].

A Chosen Faith Discussion Group

An exploration of sources from which Unitarian Universalism draws, based on A Chosen Faith: An Introduction to Unitarian Universalism by John Buehrens and Forrest Church.  Suitable for longtime members as well as those who may be new to Unitarian Universalism, led by Rev. Connie Grant. Plan to attend all the sessions or as many as you can.  

All meetings are 7:00 – 8:30 pm.  
Tuesday, Mar 20: Humanist teachings (reason and science)
Tuesday, Apr 17: Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions
The Midland Community Orchestra, under the direction of Gina Provenzano, will present a winter concert on Sunday, March 11 at 3:00 in the Bullock Creek Auditorium. The program will feature music by female composers Amy Beach and Linda Robbins Coleman, as well as Bach, Dvorak, Mendelssohn, Berlioz and Rimsky-Korsakov. Jan Pickering, Cindy Mikulin and Susan Mercy will be featured soloists.

The concert is FREE

The Midland Community Orchestra will be holding their 2nd annual Chamber Ensemble Showcase on Friday, March 16 at Creative 360 at 7:00 p.m. Admission is FREE.
Desert in My Backyard - One Woman's Journey Into Silence

March 22 7PM
Creative 360

Jeanne Lound Schaller shares stories from her book that she began at 33 and completed at 71. These stories include where and why a little prayer house was built; how walking and sitting meditation influenced her spiritual journey; and her ever deepening commitment to peace and nonviolent conflict resolution. Since 2000, Jeanne co-initiated the Midland Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice, The Helen M. Casey Center for Nonviolence, Choosing a Culture of Understanding, and the Midland Chapter of the Nonviolient Peaceforce. Refreshments will be served. Books will be available for purchase.

Please pre-register by calling 989-837-1885.
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Key Access to UUFoM - More Information

To ensure security of our Fellowship property, we need to know the location of all building keys.  A number of our existing keys are unaccounted for, having been given to various members without being tracked.  We are instituting a new procedure to issue UUFOM keys based on need, and to retrieve keys from members when their need has passed. 
To start with a fresh slate, we are re-keying all the doors at UUFOM.  Each of the new keys will be numbered, and a record will be kept of who has each one.  Keys will be issued to members and employees who require building access to perform their assigned roles.  Special keys will also be issued for entry to the offices, piano, sound system cabinet, and maintenance rooms.  Members who receive keys will be required to return them when they no longer need them (e.g. when they leave their role). 
The locks will be changed on or after March 19, 2018.  A list of keyholders can be found under the password-protected section of the UUFOM website here.  If you feel you need a key but are not on the list, you may submit a key request form and fill out and return the completed form to the rack outside the Fellowship Office. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

Website Updates

Our website is currently being updated.  If you have any questions, please contact Wendy - [email protected].  

This Week

03/11 10:30 AM Sunday Service 
  10:30 AM Children's Circle
  7 PM AA Meeting
03/12 7 PM Religious Education Team
03/13 11:30 AM Staff Meeting
  6:30 PM Improv Group Rehearsal
03/14 5:30 PM Three Jewels Sangha
  7 PM Choir Rehearsal
  8 PM AA Meeting
03/15 7 PM Private Rental
03/16 5:30 PM  Soup and Sources
Submit all meeting and room requests to [email protected]

Pastoral Care Ministry Team 

March contact:
Gisela Bailey 989-708-1344

Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team is here for you.  We can provide a meal, a ride, some respite or a supportive ear and a cup of coffee.

We maintain a volunteer list where you can identify ways to help a fellowship member in need.  Please click here to fill out the Pastoral Care Volunteer Form online

Joys & Sorrows of the congregation are available to members and friends on our website.


The Weekly Candle Flame is published each Friday.  Submission deadline is Monday for Friday publication.  Please send submissions to Wendy Altmeier, Office Assistant, using only this address [email protected].

Fellowship Office

Fellowship Office Hours
Monday 10am-1pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 9am-3pm
[email protected]

Rev. Connie Grant
Interim Minister
Office Hours

Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 11am-3pm or by appointment
[email protected]
(847) 840-8542
In case of a pastoral emergency, call anytime

Wendy Altmeier
Office Assistant

Office Hours
Monday 10am-1pm
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:30am-1pm
[email protected]

Heather Cleland-Host
Director of Religious Education

Office Hours 
Tues. & Thurs. 10am-12pm or by appointment

[email protected]

Sandy Hay

[email protected]
(918) 698-0311
In case of building emergency, call anytime
Copyright ©2017 UUFoM, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland
6220 Jefferson Avenue
Midland, MI 

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