Sunday Morning Service & Religious Education at 10:30am
April 29
"What is the Meaning of Life?" That's an easy question, isn't it? Rev. Connie Grant speaking.
Upcoming Services
Children's Circle - Grandmother Fish is an engaging story about the evolution of homo sapiens from Great-Great-Great Grandmother fish. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onmv77cA8xc Guest: Judith Hill (woodcarving)
Jedi Academy - Humanist Manifesto
SATURDAY - How do people of diverse beliefs become part of one congregation? “UUFOM and You,” led by Rev. Connie Grant and Sara Clavez, will be held on Saturday, April 28, 9AM - 12PM.
If you think you have found a spiritual home at UUFOM and are ready to consider becoming a member, or if you are already a member and want to know more, please come!
Covenanting with new members will be included in the service at 10:30 on May 6.
6:00 PM
(bring food items at 5:30 PM)
Donated auction items should be dropped off at UUFOM
during these times:
Friday, April 27, 7:30-9:00 PM
Saturday, April 28, Noon-2 PM
It’s time for our annual spring cleaning and meet-the-earth ritual of pulling weeds, removing brush, throwing away trash, cleaning up indoors, and making our UU Fellowship building and grounds look smashing.
Please plan to come and work alongside your fellow UUs on Saturday, May 5. We’ll start around 9 AM and work until we’re all tired and hungry, which is usually around 1pm. We have inside jobs (cleaning & organizing) and outside jobs, repairs and some simple improvements to do, and a great need for dirt-to-your-elbows weeding. Please bring yourselves, rakes, shovels, a dandelion digger, pruning shears, gloves, a hat, and anything else you think might be needed. This is a great opportunity to get to know your fellow UUs! Please contact Tim Wagner if you’d like to add something to the job list.
Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.
May 6 Aisha’s Moonlit Walk – This is a series of stories about a girl exploring the pagan seasonal holidays through the course of the year. We will be reading from the story about spring. https://www.amazon.com/Aishas-Moonlit-Walk-Stories-Celebrations/dp/1558964851
May 13 A Tree in the Ancient Forest – This story uses a Spirit Play CD story about the ecosystem around an ancient tree. https://dawnpub.com/our-books/tree-in-the-ancient-forest/
Please note that there have been changes to the story schedule due to the cancellation on April 15.
Guest presenters in Children’s Circle include Tony Tienda (UV Artwork – 5th Source), Jon Cleland-Host (Fun with Science – 5th Source), Andrew Schulz (Earth-themed music – 6th Source -- cancelled due to ice storm, but kids still had fun in service!), Judith Hill (woodcarving – 6th Source), and Jessie Parham (gardening – 6th Source). Thank you!
Jedi Academy & Youth Group
April 29 Humanist Manifesto
May 13 Circle of Trees
Jedi Academy and the Youth Group meet every other Sunday to allow full attendance of all its members. Jedi Academy is a religious education program run during the service, and the youth group meets after the service for lunch and fun from 12-1PM. At the next meeting on April 29 they will be going to the Animal Shelter.
From the Director of Religious Education
RE-Flection: Called to Volunteer
We are coming to the close of the Religious Education program year. We have spent a year reflecting on the gifts of Six Sources of religious inspiration that Unitarian Universalists have identified. These six are not all-inclusive of course, but they give a window into the breadth of Unitarian Universalist faith. The six are areas that speak to many of us – that call us.
A call is an interesting thing. Ministers and other religious professionals often speak of their ministry as a calling. Activists urge others to change the world with a call to action. Children are told to find their calling – what are you drawn to do, to be? Where are your talents? The expression has been used in both theistic religious ways – to express being called by God to do something, for instance. It has secular usage to simply describe a powerful draw to action. We might talk about a need to act or being called by love and joy and hope. I recently found myself in a conversation about the difference between a job and a calling. Some jobs we do out of duty or necessity, but the jobs we find most meaningful are the once that call us – that we feel passionately driven to go beyond mere job duties. A person who is called to heal works late into the night beyond their official hours. A person who is called to create art might spend days absorbed in their work. A minister or counselor might take calls late into the night, changing a life or two.
I think calling also applies to our church community – we are called to be part of this congregation, to help each other grow, to share our gifts with each other, young and old. Volunteers have one of the most amazing callings. Volunteering can be rewarding when you see the results achieved, but just as often, the rewards are unseen. We do not know the difference we made in a moment spent talking with a child, sharing a story, or feasting together. Thank you to all of you who made religious education classes your calling this year. Your dedication and commitment are what made this program a success.
Thank you!
Yours in the Spirit of UU,
Heather Cleland-Host
2018-2019 Religious Education Program
"Seeking Meaning - the Journey”
The Lifespan Religious Education Team is happy to offer preliminary information about our religious education program for next year. After focusing on how we covenant to be with each other through the Seven Principles, and then on the Sources we draw on for inspiration and courage, we are turning toward the individual and community journey toward articulating our own faith: who am I? who are we? how do we connect to each other and the world? We will explore ways to create our own “credo” or statement of belief, and the ways that we as a congregation journey together and support each other in our paths.
For the Children’s Circle, we plan to use curricula with a focus on journeying or welcoming and with a focus on the formation of a loving, supportive community. For the Middle School, we will be using the Lodestone program, which explores big questions such as life and death, Unitarian Universalist values, ethical money usage, and racial justice. We will also be creating a Coming of Age program for interested older middle schoolers. Rev. Connie will be leading a Credo-building workshop for adults and older teens.
Over the next month, we will be sharing more with you and inviting you to share your ideas for this program. Looking forward to many wonderful conversations!
Parents' Circle: Craft With Us
April 29 after the service
Calling One, Calling All-- Come along and make ART with us!
The UUFoM Parent's Circle is having a fun get-together!
What's included? For the kids – Supervised activities, arts and crafts supplies, and snacks. For the adults – Good conversation, a fun art project, a chance to learn something new, and shared laughter.
What do you need to do? Bring your child and your creativity. Please bring a lunch for your child if they will need a meal. If your child is an infant in arms or you feel uncomfortable leaving them with our caregivers, bring them to sit on your lap and they can stay with you!
For more information, contact Elspeth Hetrick at [email protected].
WHEN: May 11, 2018, 6-8:30pm
WHAT: A dinner and puzzle night for multigenerational teams.
WHO: Children and Adults who sign up will be matched to form teams.
- Fill out a sign-up card introducing yourself, including a hint by which your partner will know you. It could be something obvious like that you will be wearing a hat, or you will skip into the Fellowship when you arrive, or something that requires conversation like that you like turtles and have rescued snappers.
- Shortly after arriving, you will be given another person’s introduction and hint, and you will be tasked with finding your partner.
- Everyone will share their meal and get to know each other.
After dinner, each team will solve a series of puzzle challenges. Everyone needs to complete their challenge so that all the attendees can open the treasure. (Puzzles and challenges will be scaled to the age of the younger partner).
Soup & Sources: The Call of Nature (Sixth Source)
May 20 after the service
This will be our last Soup and Sources event of the year, so we are doing something a little special and holding it after the service. We will have a soup contest, pizza, and fun activities exploring how we draw on different Sources including nature for our health and peace of mind. As a special treat, we will be combining the regular CUUPS meeting with this event. We will have a presentation by CUUPS members who will be sharing how Nature is a part of their spirituality. Fun activities will follow for children and adults alike. Contact Heather Cleland-Host for more information.
Re-keying has been delayed, and will be scheduled as soon as the locksmith obtains necessary key blanks.
Our Sexton, Sandy Hay, will announce hours when keys can be picked up.
04/28 |
9 AM |
UUFoM & You |
6 PM |
Serendipity Auction |
04/29 |
10:30 AM |
Sunday Service |
10:30 AM |
Children's Circle |
10:30 AM |
Jedi Academy |
12 PM |
Youth Group |
12 PM |
Parent's Circle: Craft With Us |
7 PM |
AA Meeting (Rental) |
5/1 |
6:30 PM |
Engagement Team |
7 PM |
Improv Group Rehearsal (Rental) |
5/2 |
5:30 PM |
Three Jewels Sangha |
7 PM |
Choir Rehearsal |
8 PM |
AA Meeting (Rental) |
5/3 |
6 PM |
WOMAN with Gretchen Whitmore (Rental) |
5/5 |
9 AM |
Clean Up Day |
Reserve a space.
Pastoral Care Ministry Team
April contact: Evelyn Lipowitz 989-631-0119
May contact: Donna Wedge 989-600-7567
Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team is here for you. We can provide a meal, a ride, some respite or a supportive ear and a cup of coffee.
We maintain a volunteer list where you can identify ways to help a fellowship member in need. Please click here to fill out the Pastoral Care Volunteer Form online.
Joys & Sorrows of the congregation are available to members and friends on our website.
The Weekly Candle Flame is published each Friday. Submission deadline is Monday for Friday publication. Please send submissions to Wendy Altmeier, Office Assistant, using only this address [email protected].
Fellowship Office Hours
Monday 10am-1pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 9am-3pm
[email protected]
Rev. Connie Grant
Interim Minister
Office Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 11am-3pm or by appointment
[email protected]
(847) 840-8542
In case of a pastoral emergency, call anytime
Wendy Altmeier
Office Assistant
Office Hours
Monday 10am-1pm
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:30am-1pm
[email protected]
Heather Cleland-Host
Director of Religious Education
Office Hours
Tues. & Thurs. 10am-12pm or by appointment
[email protected]
Sandy Hay
[email protected]
(918) 698-0311
In case of building emergency, call anytime