Sunday Morning Service & Religious Education at 10:30am
June 3
“Flower Celebration”
How is this congregation like a bouquet of flowers? Bring a flower (or a few) from your garden (or flower shop) and take a different flower home. We’ll celebrate the traditional Unitarian flower communion and recognize the many volunteers who help this congregation flourish. This is a multigenerational service. Led by Rev. Connie Grant and the Engagement Team.
Upcoming Services
Special Congregational Meeting
A special business meeting will be held after the service on Sunday, June 3 for members to vote on proposed changes to our By-laws. Those who have been members for a minimum of 45 days are eligible to vote. Our By-laws may be amended by two-thirds majority vote, with a required quorum of thirty percent of members. A member may issue a general or limited proxy for use at a meeting of the Fellowship. No person shall be entitled to vote more than one proxy, proxies shall be in writing and filed with the Board Secretary before being exercised, and only members may be named as proxies.
It is customary to review, clarify and update By-laws periodically. This is particularly important to accomplish before the search committee gathers our documents to share with ministerial search candidates. The Board has prepared these proposed amendments for your consideration.
In addition to editorial changes, the proposed changes:
- address membership eligibility and termination
- Sunday services, creation of an executive team
- the purpose of a minister and their role with respect to paid staff
- deletion of the Committee on Ministry
- deletion of the Shared Leadership Team
When you follow the link to the By-laws proposal, you will see the words we are proposing to remove have a line through them. Proposed additions are in italics.
Click here to view the By-laws proposal. If you will be unable to attend the meeting, please designate a proxy so that we meet our quorum of thirty percent of members. Proxy forms are located under the chimes and available to print here.
Fellowship Office Summer Hours
Beginning June 1 through Labor Day, the Fellowship Office will be open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm. Please email the office if you need to get in touch at any other time.
UUFoM Booth at the Great Lakes Gay Pride Fest
The fellowship will be present this year at the Great Lakes Bay Pride Festival and we are looking for volunteers to fill two hour shifts at our booth. The festival will be held on June 30th, 12-4 pm at Wenonah Park in Bay City.
We are looking for 5 volunteers per shift to help us out. Shifts are available from 12-2pm and 2-4 pm, or you can stay for the whole event. If you have any questions, please contact Jacob Guettler by email or 989-492-4414.
Sign up at the Events board or sign up online!
Upcoming Services - 10:30 AM Sunday
June 10
“Looking Forward” Some thoughts about where you and I are headed over the next year, before we part ways a year from now. Reflections on being “in the interim.” Rev. Connie Grant speaking.
June 17
“Good Enough Parents” What does it mean to be a “good enough” parent? What are the roles of those who directly “parent” our children and of the “village” in which we all live? Rev. Connie Grant speaking.
Re-keying the Fellowship has been scheduled for Monday, June 4.
Our Sexton, Sandy Hay, will be available the following days/times to pick up new keys. If you are unable to come during these times, please contact Sandy.
Tuesday, June 5 - 10am-12pm
Wednesday, June 6 - 10am-12pm, 6pm-7pm
Thursday, June 7 - 10am-12pm
Day Camp: Journey of Discovery
Where kids can be themselves!
Discovery Camp is back! This time with full days!
When: Monday – Thursday, June 25-28 from 9am to 4pm
Where: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland
Who: Children between the ages of 5 and 12. (Minimum twelve (12) campers)
Cost: $60 for three days (M-W) and $75 for four days (M-Th)
Extended care available until 5pm for $5/day.
Expenses are shared by the Fellowship and families. We have both volunteer and paid staff to keep costs low to each family. Discounts are available for families with multiple children. No child should be unable to participate due to finances. (Message Heather Cleland-Host for more information – this will be held in strict confidentiality).
THEME: We will be having four days of fun journeying from “port” to “port” on a grand adventure of self-discovery and community building, learning more about who we each are and what is important to ourselves and our community. We will start on the first day preparing for our journey and putting together our crew (team building). Subsequent days will be spent exploring various “ports” – like Port Legend or Port Courage. We will have fun activities like: building ships for our journey, creating traveling clothes (tie dye shirts), swabbing the decks (water fun), escaping from the Isle of Deception (Solving Puzzles), creative Expression through drama, drumming, & art, and plenty more!
Sign up at the Events board or Sign Up Here!
Would you like to strengthen your connections with others at UUFoM and enhance your participation in the Fellowship, while deepening your own spiritual life? Join a Covenant Group!
A Covenant Group consists of up to ten people who gather around an interest, affinity, or activity to meet regularly over time for spiritual growth, community building, and congregational participation. Group members practice deep listening as they share what’s going on in their lives, getting to know each other and themselves. Group meetings follow a specified format, and each group is led by a trained facilitator who also participates in an ongoing facilitators’ group. Each group establishes covenants including ground rules for the group’s relationship and interaction, commitment to welcome new members to the group, and service to the Fellowship and the community.
All groups meet at the Fellowship unless otherwise specified. Members, friends, and potential members of the Fellowship are welcome to join a covenant group. To register, please complete a registration form and return it to [email protected] or to the box under the Events! bulletin board at the Fellowship.
Contact respective facilitators with questions about a specific group. Contact Rev. Grant ([email protected]) with general questions or to discuss becoming a covenant group facilitator.
Creating a Spiritual Autobiography Through Art
We will use all kinds of artistic media, including but not limited to paint, fabric, clay, movement, and written words to create and share our own spiritual autobiographies as we nurture and support one another both in times of celebration and joy and times of challenge! You need not be an artist to find and use your creative side. Goals include deepening and challenging our own spiritual understandings and where Unitarian Universalist thinking fits in. Meets second Sundays of the month, 12:15 – 2:15 pm, beginning June 10. Facilitator Cathy French, [email protected].
Our Examined Lives
Using various sources of inspiration, from poems to quotations to music to books, we’ll connect, deepen and expand together as we share about our lives, perspectives, wishes, and dreams. Meets at Shannon’s Midland home, second Mondays of the month, beginning June 11, 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Maximum seven members. Facilitator Shannon Sonoras, 989-708-5348 (text or call).
Heart Songs
Is there a song in your heart or a sound track in the back of your mind? We will join in informal singing of the songs that speak from our hearts and to our hearts. Meets every other week through the summer, Wednesdays from June 13 through August 8, 6:30 – 8:30 pm. This short-term group can accommodate an unlimited number. Facilitator Sara Clavez, [email protected].
Where Do We Go from Here?
How will we live the rest of our lives with as much quality as possible? How will we consider the choices and decisions we will probably need to make about our lives in the next 20 or so years? We’ll discuss and share our feelings about such topics as living with illnesses, various housing options, and end-of-life possibilities. The group will decide what we want to learn more about and go from there. Meets third Wednesdays of the month, beginning June 20, 4:00 – 5:30 pm. Facilitator Linda Rector, [email protected].
“Cakes for the Queen of Heaven”
How would your life have been different if you had grown up with a female image of the divine? “Cakes for the Queen of Heaven” is a woman-honoring workshop series of feminist theology that examines pre-Judeo-Christian cultures that worshiped the female as divine. More than Goddess 101, “Cakes for the Queen of Heaven” examines important elements of today’s women’s lives: personal, interpersonal and societal. Meets June 25, July 23, August 27, September 24, October 22, November 12, December 10, January 28, February 25, March 25, April 22, and May 27 in 2018-2019, 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Facilitator Christina VanPoucker, [email protected].
The Books We Carry with Us
Informed by the books (fiction or non-fiction) that have informed us on our life journeys, we will share ideas and feelings on up-to-the-minute and age-old topics. Participants will be invited to suggest books that have influenced their lives. Meets at Amy’s Midland home, second Tuesdays of the month, beginning July 10, 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Maximum eight members. Facilitator Amy Rogers, 989-750-6989.
2017-2018 Lifespan Religious Education Survey
The 2017-18 Religious Education Program year is now complete, and the Lifespan Religious Education Team is seeking feedback from those who participated in the program this past year (2017-18) as an adult volunteer or participant in adult or multigenerational programming, or as a parent of a child who participated in the children and youth program. We are also inviting teens to complete the survey if they wish. The team will use the responses to continue to improve the program. We need your responses by June 17 (Sunday).
The link to the evaluation can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3QF97WG
This evaluation is intended to look at the program as a whole (not any person in particular), and it will be conducted annually to assess the overall health of the program.
The evaluation takes only 5-10 minutes to complete, but if you are interrupted, you can return and complete the evaluation. TO DO SO, you need to click "SAVE" for the completed information to be saved, and then you can come back and finish the evaluation later, so long as it is done by the deadline (Sunday June 17). Names are encouraged, but optional. Please contact Heather Cleland-Host (Director of Religious Education), if there is more than one person in your household completing the evaluation (and only ONE computer, tablet, or comparable device) or if you cannot access SurveyMonkey and need a hard copy.
Your feedback is important to this effort and greatly appreciated!
How can it be summer already? What about that ice storm yesterday? OK, it’s not really summer yet according to the calendar, and the ice storm wasn’t really yesterday. But still….
The program year is winding down, and I’m trying to tie up a few loose ends, schedule a few more meetings, and do a little more organizing of my office before I drive to Chicago on June 19. The next day I’ll fly to Kansas City for General Assembly, where I’m looking forward to connecting with colleagues and picking up new ideas. Immediately after returning to Chicago, we’ll drive (and take the ferry) to Washington Island, WI, where my family has vacationed many times over the years. My daughter, two sons and their partners, and two grandbabies will rendezvous with my husband and me, and our family will spend a week together before everybody scatters once again. The first two weeks of July are unscheduled so far, but I have a long list of things I want to accomplish while I’m in Chicago, including spending a little time with friends and doing a little bit of nothing. Third week of July I’ll be in Orlando visiting my godchild and her mother, and the fourth week I plan to participate in an interim ministry conference. I’ll return to Midland just in time to be back in the pulpit on July 29. Whew!
Although this sounds to me like something of a whirlwind, I plan to focus in and enjoy the places I’ll be and the people I’ll be with. And I’ll be glad to be back again to my home-away-from-home in Midland.I’ll be reachable in the event of an emergency, and please let me know if you’d like to talk with me before I leave.
I’m looking forward to another year with you!
In faith and hope,
June 2 is recognized as National Gun Violence Awareness Day/Wear Orange. The Great Lakes Bay Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense Group is extending an invitation to supporters to attend the Dow Diamond Loons Game on June 2 and asking for help to turn the center field lawn area orange! They will be the community organization for the evening and will have the honor of throwing out the first pitch, having a live interview during the game, and a table regarding gun safety for homes on the concourse.
Fellowship Calendar & Room Reservation
The UUFoM Calendar is located on our website and is accessible to everyone. You can connect to the calendar from the home page. The link is located in the left side toolbar. Two weeks of the calendar is posted on the right side of each webpage.
Do you need to reserve a room for a Fellowship meeting or event? Please fill out the Reservation form to reserve a room and be placed on the calendar. Forms are also available in the rack outside of the office. If you have any questions, please contact Wendy Altmeier, Office Assistant.
You can access the Member Directory on the password-protected Member section of the website. The Member Directory contains names and contact information for all members and pledging friends. Please notify the office if you need to change your information or you do not wish your information to appear in the online directory.
Joys & Sorrows are listed on the password-protected Member section of the website. If you wish to have your words included on the website, please write the information before or after the service on Sundays in the book on the Joys & Sorrows table in the Sanctuary. If you you have any questions, please contact the office.
Minister's Discretionary Fund
Sometimes, members of the UUFoM community have emergency financial needs, to pay a utility bill, buy groceries, or cover a car repair or other critical expense. The Minister’s Discretionary Fund was established so that members of the congregation can help others in need by donating to the fund, which is then available for the minister to disburse.
The minister maintains an overview of needs in the congregation, and uses judgment to make equitable and appropriate distribution. If you or someone you know has an emergency need for financial assistance, please contact Rev. Connie Grant.
If you wish to make a donation to the fund, please make a check payable to Minister’s Discretionary Fund and give it to Rev. Connie Grant.
The 2018 debut of Hospitality Groups was a success! We are coming together with a group of specified members to serve our beloved UUFoM family - often in ways we've never served before. And with this cooperation, we are building friendships and reinforcing bonds in this spiritual home we share. In other words, we are actively participating in the strategic goals we made for ourselves. Updated Hospitality Group assignments, effective June 3, are on the website. Don’t see your name and would like to be in a Hospitality Group? Contact Shannon Sonoras at [email protected] or 989-708-5348.
The Announcements insert in the order of service is intended to summarize and serve as a reminder of upcoming activities. Please email [email protected] with items to be included in the Announcements insert. Spoken announcements during the Sunday morning worship service need to be brief, of relevance to the entire congregation, and approved in advance by the minister.
From the Worship Team
This Week at the Fellowship
06/03 |
10:30 am |
Sunday Service |
10:30 am |
Children's Religious Education |
11:45 am |
Special Congregational Meeting |
7:00 pm |
AA Meeting (Rental) |
06/05 |
11:30 am |
Staff Meeting |
6:30 pm |
Engagement Team Meeting |
7:00 pm |
Religious Education Team Meeting |
06/06 |
5:30 pm |
Three Jewels Sangha |
8:00 pm |
AA Meeting (Rental) |
Reserve a space.
Pastoral Care Ministry Team
June contact: Mary Johnson 989-859-1940
Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team is here for you. We can provide a meal, a ride, some respite or a supportive ear and a cup of coffee.
We maintain a volunteer list where you can identify ways to help a fellowship member in need. Please click here to fill out the Pastoral Care Volunteer Form online.
Joys & Sorrows of the congregation are available to members and friends on our website.
The Weekly Candle Flame is published each Friday. Submission deadline is Monday for Friday publication. Please send submissions to Wendy Altmeier, Office Assistant, using only this address [email protected].
Fellowship Office Hours
Monday 10am-1pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 9am-3pm
[email protected]
Rev. Connie Grant
Interim Minister
Office Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 11am-3pm or by appointment
No Office Hours June 19 through July 28
[email protected]
(847) 840-8542
In case of a pastoral emergency, call anytime
Heather Cleland-Host
Director of Religious Education
Office Hours
Tues. & Thurs. 10:00 am-12:00 pm or by appointment
[email protected]
Wendy Altmeier
Office Assistant
Office Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 9:00 am-1:00 pm
[email protected]
Sandy Hay
[email protected]
(918) 698-0311
In case of building emergency, call anytime