Sunday Morning Service at 10:30am
May 12
“The Mother of Invention” One of my colleagues, mother of several children, once preached a sermon a titled “Why I Hate Mother’s Day.” I’ll go with “Why I’m ambivalent….” But then what? Rev. Connie Grant speaking.
It’s time for our annual spring cleaning and meet-the-earth ritual of pulling weeds, removing brush, throwing away trash, cleaning up indoors, and making our UU Fellowship building and grounds look smashing.
Please plan to come and work alongside your fellow UUs on THIS Friday, May 10. We’ll start around 1:00pm and work until we’re all tired and hungry, which is usually around 5:00pm. We have inside jobs (cleaning & organizing) and outside jobs, repairs and some simple improvements to do, and a great need for weeding. Please bring yourselves, rakes, shovels, a dandelion digger, pruning shears, gloves, a hat, and anything else you think might be needed. Don't forget your sunscreen! This is a great opportunity to get to know your fellow UUs! Please contact Luis Mulford if you’d like to add something to the job list.
Worship Service Development Workshop Part 2
Saturday, May 11, 1:30 – 3:30pm
Do you have a sermon in you? Would you like some help to get it out?
It’s been said that every person has at least one sermon in them! Explore the possibilities in this workshop sponsored by the Worship Team and led by Rev. Connie Grant. We are hoping to spark some ideas and to offer some tools to help you develop your thoughts and experiences into a sermon proposal. There are open slots in our worship schedule for June, July, and August, available for lay-led services. You don’t have to commit to actually doing a service in order to attend the workshop! Please contact Sarah Nuss-Warren or Rev. Connie Grant with any questions. Whether or not you participated in Part 1 in April, please attend!
UUFoM's New Settled Minister
On Sunday, May 5, 2019, the congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland voted unanimously to call Eric Severson as our settled minister and Eric accepted. Eric and his wife, Ellen, come to us from Lacrosse, Wisconsin, where Eric is completing an internship. He has a bachelor's degree from the University of Wisconsin and a Master of Divinity degree from Meadville Lombard in Chicago, Illinois.
Eric has experience as a UU lay leader, while he worked in publishing and other aspects of business. He has experience as a hospital chaplain.
During the week of his candidacy, he conducted two services and attended committee and staff meetings as well as several cottage meetings at the homes of members. He was able to meet many of us and answer questions about his outlook on ministry and his vision of becoming a part of our community.
Over the next months, Eric and Ellen will be making arrangements to join us here in Midland. His first official service will be on August 18. We look forward to welcoming Eric and Ellen to our community.
Beyond Binary: A Conversation About Gender
Friday, May 17, 6:30 – 9:00pm at UUFoM
An interactive presentation and panel discussion. Amy McDonald, an outpatient therapist at Family & Children’s Services who specializes in LGBTQ issues, will talk about some terms and provide education in a presentation full of humor, grace, and support. After the presentation there will be a panel discussion with members of the Tri-Cities transgender and gender non-conforming community.
A petition with 22 member signatures has been presented to the Board to hold a congregational meeting to vote on a Statement of Advocacy as follows:
We affirm the full inclusion and participation of people of all genders in our religious community and in society at large.
In witness to this Statement of Advocacy, a “Progress Pride” flag will be hung on a flagpole on the Fellowship grounds.
More information about the congregational meeting, planned for June 2, will be forthcoming. Information about the “Progress Pride” flag is available here https://quasar.digital/shop/product/progress-pride-flag/?v=7516fd43adaa
Sponsored by the UUFoM Living Our Values Everyday (L.O.V.E.) Team.
UUFoM & You
Saturday, May 18 9:00am-12:00pm
How do people of diverse beliefs become part of one congregation? “UUFoM & You,” led by Rev. Connie Grant and representatives of the Welcome and Engagement Teams will be held on Saturday, May 18 9:00am-12:00pm.
If you think you have found a spiritual home at UUFoM and are ready to consider becoming a member, or if you are already a member and want to know more, please come! Register here or on the Events bulletin board. This event will be held if six people are registered by Wednesday, May, 14.
May 18, 8:30am, Eastman Road Area TBD
The Midland Business Alliance is coordinating Midland Blooms, an annual beautification project for the community. Midland Blooms is in its 30th year and involves over 500 community volunteers to make it happen. As in years past, we will be planting on both sides of Eastman Ave. for a two-and-a-half mile stretch.
Mary Johnson is coordinating the effort for UUFoM. Eight to ten volunteers are needed. Mary will have sign-up sheets at the Fellowship, along with more information, if you are interested in signing up.
UU Discovery Day Camp: Blue Boat Home
Campers ages 5 to 12
June 24 – 27 9:00am - 3:00pm
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland
Mark your calendars if you have interested campers! We will be holding full-day camp again this year at the Fellowship during the last week of June. This year’s theme will be Earth-centered. Children will learn about how to care for and appreciate it. We will be exploring fun ways to better appreciate and protect our world! Some features: a visit to the Cooper Farm, water fun, nature art, drama, team building, learning activities about the interconnected Web of Life, and more.
Regular registration will end June 1. Cost is $75 per child, with a $10 discount for siblings. Scholarships are available. We also welcome any donation to help children attend.
Sign-ups will be available at the Fellowship or by emailing Heather Cleland-Host, [email protected].
May 12
“The Mother of Invention” One of my colleagues, mother of several children, once preached a sermon a titled “Why I Hate Mother’s Day.” I’ll go with “Why I’m ambivalent….” But then what? Rev. Connie Grant speaking.
May 19
"Journeys of a UUnique Community" This year has been a transformative year for many of us in our congregation. We are changing and learning as a community. Earlier this year, we enjoyed hearing the credos of several adult members of our congregation. In this service, several of our teens will be sharing their credos or faith expressions. We will be recognizing all of the teens who have completed their Coming of Age program, and we will be Bridging our graduating youth. We will celebrate these transitions as we continue on our UUnique Journey in anticipation of all the great things to come in the future. Please come support our children, youth, mentors, teachers, staff and other religious education volunteers in celebrating the completion of our UUnique Journey through this year. Heather Cleland-Host, Director of Religious Education, leading.
May 26
“For Peace and a New Hope?” The poet Archibald MacLeish wrote "The young dead soldiers do not speak. Nevertheless, they are heard in the still houses…. They say: whether our lives and our deaths were for peace and a new hope or for nothing we cannot say; it is you who must say this….” How will we respond? Rev. Connie Grant speaking.
Midland County Emergency Food Pantry Network Donations
The Midland County Emergency Food Pantry Network is a cooperative effort of area churches and other organizations to provide food and supplies to people in Midland County who have emergency needs and are living near or below the Federal poverty level income guidelines.
At UUFoM, we collect donations on an ongoing basis. Bring your donations with you when you come to the Fellowship and place them in one of the bins in the UUFoM Donation Center outside the sanctuary, and we will transport them to the Food Pantry. Non-perishable foods, self-care items, paper products and cleaning supplies are accepted. The Food Pantry is unable to accept any types of medication, including vitamins and over the counter medications.
Please check your pantries for any unopened food items that can be donated.
Empty Ink Cartridge Collection
UUFoM can receive $1.00 each for recyclable empty ink cartridges. Not all cartridge types are eligible, but please bring to the Fellowship any empty cartridges you have and they will be turned in, with a credit then being issued to the UUFoM for eligible cartridges. Ineligible cartridges will be properly disposed of. This is an on-going collection effort that in the past was facilitated by RG Converse. Please bring in empty cartridges and deposit them in the labeled collection bin in the UUFoM Donation Center outside the sanctuary. If you are allowed to collect empty ink cartridges from your workplace this can greatly increase our return.
The goals of Brave New Voices are to build community, promote a vision of inclusion, and inspire hope through music and the spoken words of people whose voices are often silent. They believe that music speaks powerfully to bravery, authenticity, and belonging - themes central to all human experience - and that all persons have a place at the table. Unique to this concert experience is the spoken word and poetry of members of the African American, immigrant, and LGBTQ communities.
Our UUFoM Fellowship Choir is participating, along with other choir groups from the Tri-Cities region.
Ticket Information. Admission is $5 each (plus $1.04 service fee if purchased online via Eventbrite) or tickets may be purchased prior to the night of the performance at the ticket office. Cash or check is accepted.
A reception follows the concert in the Band Room adjacent to the auditorium. Sponsors and participants, including UUFoM, will have information tables at the reception.
Check out more information about Brave New Voices online.
This Week at the Fellowship
Fellowship Office Hours
The Fellowship Office is usually open Mondays through Thursday from 9:30 am until 3:00 pm. Please email the office or call 989-631-1162 if you need to get in touch at any other time.
Thu 5/9 |
6:30pm |
Engagement Team Meeting |
8:00pm |
Lifespan Religious Education Team Meeting |
Fri 5/10 |
1:00pm |
UUFoM Spring Clean-Up |
Sat 5/11 |
1:30pm |
Worship Service Development Workshop Part 2 |
Sun 5/12 |
Happy Mother's Day! |
10:30am |
Sunday Service |
6:00pm |
AA District Business Meeting (Rental) |
7:00pm |
AA Meeting (Rental) |
Mon 5/13 |
6:00pm |
Our Examined Lives (Cov Grp) |
Wed 5/15 |
4:00pm |
Where Do We Go From Here? (Cov Grp) |
5:00pm |
Three Jewels Sangha Tea & Meditation |
7:00pm |
Choir Rehearsal |
8:00pm |
AA Meeting (Rental) |
Thu 5/16 |
7:00pm |
WOMAN (Rental) |
Fri 5/17 |
10:00am |
Pastoral Care Team Meeting |
6:30pm |
Beyond Binary: A Conversation About Gender |
Sat 5/18 |
9:00am |
UUFoM & You |
7:00pm |
Full Moon Ritual |
Reserve a space.
Pastoral Care Ministry Team
May Contact: Beth Sperry 415-419-1747
Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team is here for you. We can provide a meal, a ride, some respite or a supportive ear and a cup of coffee.
We maintain a volunteer list where you can identify ways to help a Fellowship member in need. Please click here to fill out the Pastoral Care Volunteer Form online.
You can access the Member Directory on the password-protected Member section of the website. The Member Directory contains names and contact information for all members and pledging friends. Please notify the office if you need to change your information or you do not wish your information to appear in the online directory.
The Weekly Candle Flame is published each Thursday. Submission deadline is Monday for Thursday publication. Please send submissions to Wendy Altmeier, Office Assistant, using only this address [email protected].
Wi-fi password for the Fellowship is yellowdeer807.
Fellowship Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:30am-3:00pm
[email protected]
Rev. Connie Grant
Interim Minister
Office Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 11am-3pm
[email protected]
(847) 840-8542
In case of a pastoral emergency, call anytime
Heather Cleland-Host
Director of Religious Education
Office Hours by appointment only
[email protected]
Wendy Altmeier
Office Assistant
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:30am-3:00pm
[email protected]
Sandy Hay
[email protected]
(918) 698-0311
In case of building emergency, call anytime