Newsletter 2019-05-31 Week 5 Thursday

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  May 30, 2019 

Sunday Morning Service at 10:30am

June 2
“Flower Celebration” 
How is this congregation like a bouquet of flowers? Bring a flower (or a few) from your garden (or flower shop) and take a different flower home. We’ll celebrate the traditional Unitarian flower communion and recognize the many volunteers who help this congregation flourish. This is a multigenerational service.  Led by Rev. Connie Grant and the Engagement Team.

Special Congregational Meeting

Notice of Congregational Meeting - June 2, 2019

Special business meeting:  By-laws amendments and Statement of Advocacy
A special business meeting of the congregation will be held at noon on Sunday, June 2 for members to vote on (1) proposed changes to our By-laws recommended by the Board of Directors and on (2) a statement of advocacy proposed by the Living Our Values Everyday (L.O.V.E.) Team.

(1) Proposed By-laws changes are as follows:
Add to ARTICLE VI. BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Section 1. Composition and Election

Two or more members of the same household or family may not serve on the Board of Directors at the same time
Term Limits:  No member may serve more than two consecutive two-year terms.  A two-year interval must elapse before a person is eligible to be elected again after serving two consecutive full terms. Appointment or election to fill a partial term will not count toward the maximum of two consecutive two-year terms.  

Vacancies:  A vacancy on the Board of Directors occurring between Annual Meetings of the Congregation will be filled by majority vote of the remaining Board members.  A Board member so-appointed will serve until the end of the fiscal year.  If a full year still remains at the time of the next Annual Meeting, the Nominating Committee will recommend a candidate to be elected by the Congregation to serve the remaining partial (one-year) term.
(2) The proposed Statement of Advocacy is as follows:
We, the members of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland, hereby endorse the following Congregational Statement of Advocacy:
We affirm the full inclusion and participation of people of all genders in our religious community and in society at large.

In witness to this Statement of Advocacy, a “Progress Pride” flag will be hung on a flagpole on the Fellowship grounds.
 Those who have been members for a minimum of 45 days are eligible to vote.

The required quorum for the meeting is thirty percent of members.  Our By-laws may be amended by two-thirds majority vote.  A Statement of Advocacy requires 75% affirmative vote of those present in order to pass. 

A member may issue a general or limited proxy for use at a meeting of the Fellowship. No person shall be entitled to vote more than one proxy, proxies shall be in writing and filed with the Board Secretary before being exercised, and only members may be named as proxies.   A proxy card is available at the Fellowship.
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Celebration & Farewell

It is time to celebrate our two years with the Rev. Connie Grant and say good-bye. After the service on June 9, there will be some special music from the choir and our Sound Explorers band, tributes, presentations and a chance to say personal good-byes with Connie over a chicken (and vegetarian option) lunch. Please sign up here for sides and desserts.

If you would like to make a contribution toward the cost of the lunch and gift. Please contact Kathy Kinkema at [email protected].

Below are some additional ways you can be involved in making this a special day for Connie!

Party Planning Committee: Sara Clavez, Amelia Amy Rogers, Mary Johnson, Linda Ann Rectorr, Gisela Bailey, Joanne Rummel, Donna Wedge, Kathy Kinkema

Don't forget to create your masterpiece for Rev. Connie and bring your finished piece(s) back to the Fellowship and deposit in the plastic bin located on the Events Board table BY SUNDAY. Some ideas are attached!  Sunday will be the last day to submit your farewell page for Connie’s book.  The paper is in the top plastic box near the Bulletin Board or 81/2” x 11” copy paper can be used.  Personalize it anyway you might like with possibly photos, a message, art work, cartoons etc. Place it in the bottom box when finished.  Putting it in a plastic sleeve is not necessary.

Sunday, June 2 is the last date to be included.


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From the Director of Religious Education

Looking back in gratitude

One of the wonderful things about the end of each year of religious education programming is the opportunity to look back at all the amazing things that we have done in just nine months.  Here is just a taste of some of the things the children and teens have done this year.

Explorations Of Faith And Religions:  The Children’s Circle charted their path as they explored Faithful Journeys.  They created art and shared ideas about their beliefs.  They learned how they fit into the congregation and greater community.  They explored the many powerful components of being Unitarian Universalist: community building, supporting one another, teaching one another, learning from one another, shaping their own ideas, and working to make the world better through the work of their hands and social action.  Our Middle School and Youth selected and led a pageant inspired by the Single Shard, and our youth completed the Coming of Age program with the creation of their own expressive credos.  We Bridged our oldest youth. 

Celebrating And Honoring Spiritual Practices:  We explored different ways of meditating and creating sacred space.  We visited a Buddhist Monastery.  We also explored many sacred traditions of Unitarian Universalism, beginning with Ingathering (Water Communion in September), sharing of Joys and Sorrows, lighting our classroom chalice, Serendipity Auction, Welcoming of New Members, and soon we will celebrate the Flower Communion.

Actions And Outreach:   This year our children and youth gave back to their community: Fundraising for the Rainforest, Shelterhouse, the Community Garden, and more.

I feel privileged to have worked with all of these volunteers and children this year.  This has been an amazing year, exploring our own individual religious paths and that of our community – transforming ourselves, acting with courage, learning the wisdom of the ages, sharing our love, seeking the truth, and celebrating life.  I could not feel prouder when we stood in a circle at the end of Sunday’s program renewing our commitment to this congregation.

Many, many thanks!

Thank you to those who served with us on the Lifespan Religious Education Team this year:
Carol Cooper,  Amanda Clifton, Amanda Van Regenmorter, Paula Bauer (stepping down)

Thank you to those who served in the Nursery, Children’s Circles,  Coming of Age program, Middle School / Youth programming, or as a guest presenter, pageant assistant, multigenerational service participant,  or any of the many ways you have helped in religious education:

Paula Bauer, Maia and Shaina Clynick, Andy Salogar, Shana Barth, Jim Crissman, Scott and Monica Hughes, Amanda Clifton, Dan Sealey, Jon Cleland-Host, Kaedon & Adair Cleland-Host, Amanda and Jon Van Regenmorter, Lisa Janetski, Shannon Sonoras, Kurt Sonoras, Roxanne LaForest, Mary Beth and Elspeth Hetrick, Judith Hill, Gisela Bailey, Michaele Malecki, Rosalie Tithoff, Mary Johnson, Dani Fillmore, Dave Letts, Kevin and Donna King, Jessie Parham, Sarah and Andrew Schulz, Krista Mann, and Marsha McDonald, plus the many of you who helped with services, donated supplies, told a children’s story, played the piano for a children’s song, or acted out a role playing game with a child or teen.

A special thanks to:
Jan Shea, our staff nursery provider, for being there every week with our littlest ones.
Wendy Altmeier, our Office Assistant, for helping get out announcements and scheduling rooms.

Looking Forward with Joy
I am looking forward in anticipation to the coming year and the new adventures it will bring.  Soon, the Religious Education Team will be introducing the programming for the coming year.  We will be exploring the interconnections between Unitarian Universalism and other world religions as we explore the many beliefs around us.  I hope you will share our excitement about the program.
On a personal note, this is also a time of change for my family.  We will be moving this summer to Lake Orion, Michigan, where Jon is already living and working.  I will be continuing as Director of Religious Education through next year.  I will be commuting to Midland for the weekends, Friday through Sunday.  My office hours will fall on these days, with the remainder of my work being completed from home.  I am very glad to be able to continue building our religious education programming during the first year with our new minister.  It promises to be a wonderful new year!

Yours in Fellowship,
Heather Cleland-Host

Summer Sundays, Cool UU

Sundays, June 2 through September 1

Volunteers needed for Summer Sundays!
Come join us in the COOLEST place in the Fellowship!  We are looking for volunteers for summer Sundays. We have a teen assistant and a nursery attendant running the nursery and watching older kids as well, if the numbers are low. If the numbers are high, then the volunteers take the older kids and do a project bag! We need 2 volunteers each week to act as back-up support for high attendance Summer Sundays.  If the numbers are low, the back-up volunteers are free to join the service.
Contact the Director of Religious Education, Heather Cleland-Host, at [email protected] if you would like to help!  You can also sign up at the Fellowship or online:

UU Discovery Day Camp:  Blue Boat Home 

Campers ages 5 to 12
June 24 – 27 9:00am - 3:00pm
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland

Mark your calendars if you have interested campers!  We will be holding full-day camp again this year at the Fellowship during the last week of June.  This year’s theme will be Earth-centered.  Children will learn about how to care for and appreciate it. We will be exploring fun ways to better appreciate and protect our world!  Some features: a visit to the Cooper Farm, water fun, nature art, drama, team building, learning activities about the interconnected Web of Life, and more.  

gular registration will end June 1. Cost is $75 per child, with a $10 discount for siblings.  Scholarships are available.  We also welcome any donation to help children attend.

Sign-ups will be available at the Fellowship or by emailing Heather Cleland-Host, [email protected].

Lifespan Religious Education Team Meeting

June 13, 7:00pm in UL301
The Lifespan Religious Education Team meets monthly to support and develop the religious education program at the Fellowship.  If you are interested in helping on the team or just interested in knowing more about what we do, feel free to attend our meeting and see what it is all about! Contact Heather Cleland-Host, for more information ahead of the meeting, especially if you are interested in joining the team.

Midland County Emergency Food Pantry Network Donations

The Midland County Emergency Food Pantry Network is a cooperative effort of area churches and other organizations to provide food and supplies to people in Midland County who have emergency needs and are living near or below the Federal poverty level income guidelines. 

At UUFoM, we collect donations on an ongoing basis.  Bring your donations with you when you come to the Fellowship and place them in one of the bins in the UUFoM Donation Center outside the sanctuary, and we will transport them to the Food Pantry. Non-perishable foods, self-care items, paper products and cleaning supplies are accepted.  The Food Pantry is unable to accept any types of medication, including vitamins and over the counter medications. 

Please check your pantries for any unopened food items that can be donated.  

Empty Ink Cartridge Collection

UUFoM can receive $1.00 each for recyclable empty ink cartridges. Not all cartridge types are eligible, but please bring to the Fellowship any empty cartridges you have and they will be turned in, with a credit then being issued to the UUFoM for eligible cartridges. Ineligible cartridges will be properly disposed of. This is an on-going collection effort that in the past was facilitated by RG Converse. Please bring in empty cartridges and deposit them in the labeled collection bin in the UUFoM Donation Center outside the sanctuary. If you are allowed to collect empty ink cartridges from your workplace this can greatly increase our return.

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PRIDE  Night at Dow Diamond

June 14 at 7:00pm 
Dow Diamond

Loons vs Dayton Dragons

PRIDE Night – Presented By GLAD

Post-Game Concert by Valentiger – Presented By Midland Center for the Arts

Game Highlight: Feel Good Friday ft. Extra Innings – Kick the weekend off right with 32oz domestic drafts for $9.50. Stay after the game for Extra Innings, featuring live music at field level and yard games and drinks on the field. | Presented By Midland Center for the Arts

Buy Tickets:

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This Week at the Fellowship

Fellowship Office Hours
The Fellowship Office is usually open Mondays through Thursday from 9:30 am until 3:00 pm.  Please email the office or call 989-631-1162 if you need to get in touch at any other time. 
Sun 6/02 10:30am Sunday Service
  12:00pm Special Congregational Meeting
  7:00pm AA Meeting (Rental)
Mon 6/03 7:00pm New Moon in Gemini
  7:00pm Finance Committee Meeting
Wed 6/04 5:00pm Three Jewels Sangha Tea & Meditation
  7:00pm Choir Rehearsal
  8:00pm AA Meeting (Rental)

Reserve a space.

Stop the Invaders!

Pests are trying to invade the Fellowship!  Please do not leave any open food packages or containers on the kitchen counters or anywhere else in the Fellowship building.  Before you leave the building, please take any trash containing food waste to the large trash bin outside the back door. 

Maintenance Requests 

Have you noticed a burned-out light bulb or something in need of repair at the Fellowship?  Please fill out a Maintenance Request form, located in the rack outside the office door, and return it to the top slot in the rack.  Our sexton, Sandy Hay, will fix the problem as soon as possible!

Pastoral Care Ministry Team 

May Contact:  Beth Sperry 415-419-1747
June Contact:  Linda Rector 989-259-7492

Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team is here for you.  We can provide a meal, a ride, some respite or a supportive ear and a cup of coffee.

We maintain a volunteer list where you can identify ways to help a Fellowship member in need.  Please click here to fill out the Pastoral Care Volunteer Form online

Member Directory

You can access the Member Directory on the password-protected Member section of the website.  The Member Directory contains names and contact information for all members and pledging friends.  Please notify the office if you need to change your information or you do not wish your information to appear in the online directory. 


The Weekly Candle Flame is published each Thursday.  Submission deadline is Monday for Thursday publication.  Please send submissions to Wendy Altmeier, Office Assistant, using only this address [email protected].


Wi-fi password for the Fellowship is yellowdeer807.  

Fellowship Office

Fellowship Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:30am-3:00pm
[email protected]

Rev. Connie Grant
Interim Minister
Office Hours

Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 11am-3pm
[email protected]
(847) 840-8542
In case of a pastoral emergency, call anytime

Heather Cleland-Host
Director of Religious Education

Office Hours by appointment only
[email protected]

Wendy Altmeier
Office Assistant

Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:30am-3:00pm
[email protected]

Sandy Hay

[email protected]
(918) 698-0311
In case of building emergency, call anytime
Copyright ©2017 UUFoM, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland
6220 Jefferson Avenue
Midland, MI 48640

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