Sunday Morning Service at 10:30am
November 24
"Thanks for Simple Gifts" As we approach the Thanksgiving Day holiday, let's prepare ourselves for gatherings of people, overconsumption, and the winter holiday countdown by focusing on small, more immediate sources of joy. Eric Severson speaking..
Lower Elementary
Footprints Treading Softly on the Earth (Moral Tales, Lesson 10)
Story: Parachuting Cats to the Rescue – This modern-day story explores what happens when a new species is introduced into an ecosystem and then humans attempt to fix it.
Upper Elementary
Light into Darkness (Sacred Stories)
Story: Grandmother Spider Brings the Sun – This story tells how the animals brought light into the world. The legend is from the Cherokee and Muscogee people. It is also similar to a Kiowa tale.
For upcoming Sunday Services, click here.
Please remember to silence your phones and that only covered drinks are allowed in the sanctuary.
November 24
"Thanks for Simple Gifts"
Leadership Workshop - Keeping Stress Productive
UUFoM Adopt-A-Road Pick-Up
Sunday, November 24 
Eastman Road
Last spring, UUFoM adopted a stretch of Eastman Road, the west side from Monroe to the north fairgrounds entrance. We did the heavy work with the first pick-up this spring.
Let's live our values by continuing to keep Midland beautiful! Our fall Adopt-a-Road Pick-Up will take place on Sunday, November 24, at 12:30pm. We'll gather in the foyer after the service to divide into teams, discuss safety, and distribute tools. We'll be working near a busy road, so no young children, please. You'll want to dress weather-appropriate and keep in mind the area we will be working in includes brushy terrain, and possibly water in ditches. Rubber boots, gloves, rugged clothing, and eye protection are highly recommended. The City of Midland will supply safety vests and trash bags.
Sign Up Here!
LOVE Racial Justice Group Meeting
Fellowship Office Information

The Fellowship Office will be closed Wednesday, November 27, and Thursday, November 28. Please submit all newsletter articles, announcements and any other information to Wendy Altmeier THIS Sunday, November 24.
Interested in Circle Dinners?
Would you be interested in participating in a Circle Dinner, spring 2020, on the weekend of April 19 or 25? Please vote for a weekend in our doodle poll! If enough members express interest, the Engagement Team will assist with the organization of these dinners.
Circle Dinners are held in the homes of UUFoM Members. The goals are to:
- Make new friends
- Grow and learn
- Share a meal together
This is a modified potluck. Your host(s) will provide an entrée and you & other guests will bring the rest of the meal. Your host will help you decide what to bring. These are adult only events.
Vote here!
Over the next few months, you will see changes to our website: some major, some minor. Then, a major overhaul in 2020. While we are making these changes, we would like to know what kind of things do you like and dislike about our website currently. What type of changes would you like to see? What kind of topics would you like us to address? We want the good, the bad and the ugly. We are interested in the slightest changes. Share your recommendations and suggestions here. If you need access to Members section of the website, please contact Wendy Altmeier, Office Administrator.
Currently, when you access our website via Google, the link does not take you to our current website. It takes you to a website that we cannot access in the Fellowship Office. We are working towards resolving this issue with Google. We recently set the link up to go to our Facebook page for the present time as that is much more accurate than the page it was linked to. We ask for your patience as we attempt to manage the situation.
Toys for Tots Drop-Off Location
US Marine Reserve Toys for Tots program collects new and unwrapped toys each year to distribute as Christmas gifts to children and youth ages 0-17 in the community. Midland is hosting a Toys for Tots drive and the Fellowship is a drop-off location. Please bring in a NEW and UNWRAPPED gift to the Toys for Tots box located in the lobby area before Sunday, December 8. Toys for Tots does not accept realistic looking weapons and gifts with food.
Distribution will be held on December 14 at the Midland Mall, Midland. There are no income requirements but you must be a resident of Midland County. You will need your driver's license, proof of residency, and birth certificate(s) for all children and youth participating. Sign up before December 1 to participate.
Contact Wendy at [email protected] if you have any questions!
November Theme - "Thanks and Praise"
November 24
"Thanks for Simple Gifts" As we approach the Thanksgiving Day holiday, let's prepare ourselves for gatherings of people, overconsumption, and the winter holiday countdown by focusing on small, more immediate sources of joy. Eric Severson speaking.
November Lifespan Religious Education
Children's Circles
Lower Elementary Children’s Circle, Room UL303 (Age 4 to grade 2)
This year they are learning how different values and ideas are viewed by many religions and cultures, including our own. November’s theme is “Gratitude and Generosity.” They will be learning about the value placed on hospitality and gratitude. November volunteers are Jon Van Regenmorter and Cricket Krengel.
November 24: Footprints Treading Softly on the Earth (Moral Tales, Lesson 10)
Story: Parachuting Cats to the Rescue – This modern-day story explores what happens when a new species is introduced into an ecosystem and then humans attempt to fix it.
Upper Elementary Children’s Circle, Room UL302 (Grades 2 to 5)
Upper Elementary Children’s Circle meets every Sunday in UL302. Second graders may join the Upper Elementary on a case by case basis. This class is learning about the stories of the world’s religions. In October, their focus was on Hinduism. November’s focus will be on “Earth-Centered Traditions.” Lessons will include Pagan and Native American traditions, and the students will get a taste of stories from these traditions. November’s volunteers are Lisa Janetski, Sasha King and Jessie Parham.
November 24: Light into Darkness (Sacred Stories)
Story: Grandmother Spider Brings the Sun – This story tells how the animals brought light into the world. The legend is from the Cherokee and Muscogee people. It is also similar to a Kiowa tale.
Crossing Paths Program
Secondary Class, Room LL304 (Grade 6 and up)
Volunteer facilitators and co-explorers: Monica and Scott Hughes, Linda Bozzelli
Our Crossing Paths Program meets every Sunday during the service. Crossing Paths is a world religions survey class, where participants have an opportunity to learn about and visit other religious communities that make up our mid-Michigan region. They also explore how our Unitarian Universalist faith connects with these communities. The secondary class is co-facilitated by one adult and one pre-teen. Additional adults are invited to participate as co-explorers. In accordance with Safe Church guidelines, all co-explorers must be approved for participation in a youth class, so please sign up if you are interested!
November’s focus is Earth-Based Traditions. We will be focusing on Pagan traditions and Anishinaabe traditions. We will have one lesson on each followed by a visit to or from each tradition.
Calling all children and volunteers! It’s time to sign up for the pageant!
This year’s Winter Pageant will be on December 15. This is an early pageant, so rehearsals will be starting before Thanksgiving. The pageant service will be aligned with the December theme, which is focused on "The Unexpected/Awe.” Rehearsals will begin on November 24. Contact Heather Cleland-Host, at [email protected], if you or your child are interested in participating in the pageant service. Opportunities include: being in the pageant, sharing a talent, singing songs with the congregation, volunteering to help guide the children in rehearsal and during the service.
Dates to remember:
November 24: First rehearsal 12:00-2:00pm
December 1: Rehearsal 12:00-2:00pm
December 8: Rehearsal 10:30-2:00pm (During the service and after lunch)
December 15: Warm-up - Arrival Time 9:00am; young children 10:00am)
Pageant Service 10:30-11:30am
- 11/27/2019 Community Thanksgiving Dinner (Salvation Army)
- 12/14/2019 Toys for Tots (Midland Mall) Sign-up online. Must pre-register.
- 12/14/2019 Jayden's Toy Store (Messiah Lutheran)
- 12/18/2019 Christmas Toy Shop (Salvation Army) - Register at the Salvation Army (989) 496-2787(income guidelines apply.)
- Adopt-A-Family (Salvation Army) Contact Salvation Army at (989) 496-2787.
Sundays are busy and exciting at our Fellowship! Sunday worship activities, religious education classes and coffee hour run from 9:30am until 12:30pm in the building. In addition, many groups are meeting after the service.
Please use the following guidelines when scheduling your meetings to better facilitate transitioning throughout the building:
All rooms may be reserved beginning at 12:30pm. UL301 (food permitted) or the sanctuary (food not permitted) may be reserved beginning at 12:00pm.
Please do not disturb worship and religious education programming in order to set up. Please store any supplies for Sunday meetings in UL305 or the kitchen, not in the classrooms. If childcare is requested, please communicate with your participants where and when childcare will take place.
If you have any questions, please contact Wendy Altmeier, Office Administrator.
The UUFoM Library is now located in its permanent home - UL301. Enjoy reading a book in a comfy chair upstairs or bring a book home to read. If books are your thing, our library group is looking for some helpful volunteers. Please contact Marsha McDonald if you are interested!
We need one to four volunteers to record sermons and upload them to a shared Google Drive so people who miss the Sunday service can listen to them. There is a recorder available for this purpose. The idea would be to rotate through the volunteers so no one has to do it every week. Training on the use of the device and uploading the file will be provided. If you are interested, please fill out this form or contact Sarah Nuss-Warren.
The Worship Team would like to prepare for 2020 by compiling a list of speakers we might call on when Eric is not in the pulpit. If you have a suggestion for an outside speaker, or a lay-led service, please fill out this form or contact Sarah Nuss-Warren.

There are two hearing aid headphones available for use during Sunday services. If you would like to use one, please let an usher know at least five minutes before the service.
Pastoral Care Team Request
The Pastoral Care Team and our minister, Eric Severson, have been contacted by a UU who recently moved to the south side of Saginaw. She would like to attend services, but has no transportation. If you are able to provide a ride occasionally, or have an idea how she could connect with someone using public transport or another resource, please contact a member of the Pastoral Care Team (Beth Sperry is the November contact) or our minister, Eric Severson.

Welcome, New Members!
Please give a warm welcome to our newest members:
From left to right: Teresa Lynch, Nigh Cvengros, Ae Alexander, Chris Seman, Heather Self
Congratulations! We're so glad you are with us!
Will You Welcome a Guest at Your Table?
 The idea behind Guest at Your Table is to take a box home and place an amount of money in the box each day over the winter holidays, an amount that we might spend to host a guest in our homes. Guest at Your Table donations support the work of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, protecting and promoting basic human rights.
This year’s Guest at Your Table theme is Women Leaders, Strong Communities. UUSC is highlighting the following women leaders from UUSC partner organizations:
- A climate activist from Kiribati, Pelenise, is responding boldly to the climate change in the Pacific.
- Marta is working to support victims of violence and eradicate violence against women in Honduras.
- Wai Wai is helping prevent violence and bridge ethnic and religious divides in Burma.
- In Mexico and the US, Monica is using the arts to bolster resiliency and leadership among migrants.
Please pick up a Guest at Your Table box or envelope. If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Clifton at [email protected].
 It's time for the Sharing Tree! The tree has 2 different tags. The green tags represent a request for this Christmas. The red tags represent a need to be filled throughout the year. Please return gifts, either wrapped (in a way that they can be inspected before distribution) or in a gift bag to the fellowship by December 2. You may also return them to another Sharing Tree location or directly to the Salvation Army location on Waldo Road. Thank you for your generosity to others in our community, during this holiday season. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Maxine Guettler.
We collect donations on an ongoing basis for the Midland County Emergency Food Pantry Network. Place your donations in one of the bins outside the sanctuary, and we will transport them to the Food Pantry. Non-perishable foods, self-care items, paper products and cleaning supplies are accepted. Thank you!
We recently donated 42 items to the pantry!
This Week at the Fellowship
Fellowship Office Hours
The Fellowship Office is open Mondays through Thursdays, from 9:30am until 2:30pm. If you have any questions about upcoming events, please email the office or call 989-631-1162.
Fri 11/22 |
7:00pm |
Owning Your Religious Past |
Sat 11/23 |
9:00am |
Keeping Stress Productive |
Sun 11/24 |
10:30am |
Sunday Service |
12:00pm |
Pageant Rehearsal |
12:30pm |
LOVE Racial Justice Group |
12:30pm |
Adopt-A-Road Pick-Up |
7:00pm |
AA Meeting (rental) |
Tue 11/26 |
10:00am |
Becoming Women of Wisdom (Cov Grp) |
6:00pm |
Rise Up (Cov Grp) |
7:00pm |
Choir Rehearsal |
Wed 11/27 |
Fellowship Office Closed |
8:00pm |
AA Meeting (rental) |
Thu 11/28 |
Happy Thanksgiving! - Fellowship Office Closed |
Reserve a space.

Have you noticed a burned-out light bulb or something in need of repair at the Fellowship? Please fill out a Maintenance Request form, located in the rack outside the office door, and return it to the top slot in the rack. Our sexton, Sandy Hay, will fix the problem as soon as possible! Please respect that Sandy does not work on Sundays.
Pastoral Care Ministry Team
November Contact: Beth Sperry 415-419-1747
Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team is here for you. We can provide a meal, a ride, some respite or a supportive ear and a cup of coffee.
We maintain a volunteer list where you can identify ways to help a Fellowship member in need. Please click here to fill out the Pastoral Care Volunteer Form online.
You can access the Member Directory on the password-protected Member section of the website. The Member Directory contains names and contact information for all members and pledging friends. Please notify the office if you need to change your information or you do not wish your information to appear in the online directory.
The Weekly Candle Flame is published each Friday. Submission deadline is Monday for Friday's publication. Please send submissions to Wendy Altmeier, Office Assistant, at [email protected].
Wi-fi password for the Fellowship is yellowdeer807.
Fellowship Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:30am-2:30pm
Eric Severson
Office Hours
Tuesday - Thursday 11:00am-3:00pm
Other times by appointment.
[email protected]
(608) 738-2694
Unavailable Mondays, except in emergencies.
In case of a pastoral emergency, call anytime.
Heather Cleland-Host
Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Office Hours by appointment only
[email protected]
Wendy Altmeier
Office Assistant
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:30am-3:00pm
[email protected]
(989) 631-1162
Sandy Hay
[email protected]
(918) 698-0311
In case of building emergency, call anytime