Sunday Morning ONLINE Service at 10:30am
April 5
"Hitting the Reset Button" Big changes in our lives (like the current crisis) can help us see life differently, even liberate us from our routines. We have a chance to rethink our priorities. Led by Eric Severson, Minister.
Please arrive 15 minutes early for Zoom instructions. Here's a video on how to install the Zoom app. Please contact Wendy Altmeier, [email protected], if you have issues connecting or you need help with installing.
This Week at the Fellowship
Many teams and groups have decided to meet via Zoom instead of face to face during this time. Please contact your team/group leader if you need further guidance. If you have any questions about upcoming events, please email the office or call 989-631-1162.
All meetings listed below are via Zoom unless stated otherwise.
Tue 3/31 |
2:00pm |
Story Time |
Kids Hanging Out |
7:00pm |
Engagement Team Meeting |
7:00pm |
Bedtime Story |
Wed 4/1 |
12:00pm |
Staff Meeting |
2:00pm |
Story Time |
5:00pm |
Three Jewels Sangha Tea and Meditation |
7:00pm |
Bedtime Story |
Thu 4/2 |
2:00pm |
Afternoon Tea with the Minister |
2:00pm |
Story Time |
Kids Hanging Out |
7:00pm |
Bedtime Story |
Fri 4/3 |
2:00pm |
Reading Hour |
7:00pm |
Bedtime Story |
Sat 4/4 |
7:00pm |
Evening Tea with the Minister |
Sun 4/5 |
10:30am |
Online Sunday Service |
1:00pm |
Online Religious Education |
Mon 4/6 |
2:00pm |
Story Time |
7:00pm |
Bedtime Story |
Mon 4/7 |
2:00pm |
Story Time |
Kids Hanging Out |
6:30pm |
Finance Committee Meeting |
7:00pm |
Bedtime Story |
Zoom Links
Serendipity Auction
If you have an auction item to donate, enter it here: bit.ly/SerendipityAuction.
UUFoM Online Donations
UUFoM is still accepting pledges, offerings and donations to the minister's fund. You may write a check and send it to:
6220 Jefferson Avenue
Midland, MI 48640
We are also accepting online donations. Note that we are charged 2.9% and $.30 per transaction. Click on the button below to donate!
Webinars with the MidAmerica Region
The MidAmerica Region is offering free webinars via Zoom. You may go to their website and sign up for any webinar offered. Sometimes there is limited seating. Most webinars are recorded and you will be able to view them on their website after they have finished.
Here's a list of their upcoming offerings. Click on the link to find out information about a webinar you are interested in.
How to Use Zoom 3/31/2020 - 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm EDT
Hosting a Virtual Game Night for Your Congregation 3/31/2020 - 7:45 pm to 9:00 pm EDT
How to Use Zoom - April 2 4/2/2020 - 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm EDT
Pastoral Care in Times of Crisis and Challenge 4/2/2020 - 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm EDT
How to Use Zoom - April 7 4/7/2020 - 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm EDT
How to Use Zoom - April 9 4/9/2020 - 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm EDT
How to Use Zoom - April 14 4/14/2020 - 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm EDT
Human Resources 101 4/14/2020 - 7:45 pm to 9:00 pm EDT
Virtual Tea with the Minister
Since we are not meeting in person regularly, if you would like to connect casually with our minister, Eric Severson, he will be holding virtual tea sessions via Zoom, per the schedule below. Please add one or more to your calendar if you wish. If you would prefer to schedule a private conversation, click here.
Morning Tea with the Minister: Tuesdays at 10:00am
Afternoon Tea with the Minister: Thursdays at 2:00pm
Evening Tea with the Minister: Saturdays at 7:00pm
Story Time with Friends
“Story Time with Friends” (Private Facebook Group) - Mondays-Fridays
Our office assistant, Wendy Altmeier, and Director of Lifespan Religious Education, Heather Cleland-Host, are holding daily story times. (This coming week we are switching to weekdays only.)
2:00pm – “Reading Hour,” with Wendy Altmeier. Children are invited to read to each other.
7:00pm – “Bedtime Story,” hosted by Heather Cleland-Host. Children and adults are invited to sign up for a night and read a story before bedtime. If you are interested, join the Facebook Group and connect with us. If you are interested in reading stories to children, contact Heather.
Hanging Out with Friends
Hanging out with Friends (K-12) - This is a “Google Classroom” based group that has links for our children and youth to connect through activities, games, chats and zoom get-togethers via Zoom. The Zoom Meetings will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00am starting April 2. It is moderated by the Director of Lifespan Religious Education, Heather Cleland-Host, with the assistance of parents and volunteers.
Heather Cleland-Host, Director of Lifefspan Religious Education, is creating Google Classrooms for use by kids to share and post information as well as Sunday classrooms. Sections will be available for kids to join. Heather will be sending codes to current parents. If your child is interested and not currently on our list, please email her at [email protected].
Family Resources
“UUFoM Homebound Families Resources” (Private Facebook Group)
This private group is for sharing ideas for families who are homebound in the Mid-Michigan Region. This is for those moments when we need something to do and are all out of ideas. It is also a place where you can share ideas! Post educational links to resources from your school systems, virtual zoos, and other resources. Offer your ideas for outdoor options, crafts, and activities (especially ones that can be redone or reused). Please feel free to share information about food resources, free internet providers, and other supportive resources in the area as well!
UUFoM Parents Circle
The UUFoM Parents Circle is a private Facebook group for parents, grandparents, and caregivers of children of all ages, who are rearing their children with Unitarian Universalist values and who seek support and knowledge from one another. Please join us.
Upcoming Connections
Religious Paths Exploration - materials from lessons on different religions from this year. It will be organized by religion. They will be available both for individual study (older material) and for Sunday classes (newer material).
Story Circle - story based lessons from the lower & upper elementary classes and will organize by theme / moral instead of by religion. This will also be available for individual study (older material) and for Sunday classes (newer material).
Note: any age is welcome to use the materials individually. Classes will continue to be divided by focus (lower elementary and preschool - by theme; and upper elementary and middle school - by religion). More information will be sent in this Friday's Newsletter.
To contact Director of Lifespan Religious Education, Heather Cleland-Host, email [email protected] or call 989-423-5932.
Virtual Meetings
Please add ALL of your meetings to the calendar, whether you are using a Fellowship account or a personal account. Email [email protected] with your meeting name, date and time and your zoom link.
Worship service and Religious Education are scheduled between 10:00am-3:00pm on Sundays. To allow full participation of the congregation in these programs, please schedule meetings outside of this
time block. If you absolutely need to meet during this time, you will need to use a personal free
If you can hold your meeting in 40 minutes or if you can easily stop and restart your meeting,
please use a personal free account.
Fellowship Pro Accounts will be scheduled by the Director of Lifespan Religious Education, Board President, and Office Administrator according to the following guidelines:
- Only one meeting can be scheduled during a specific time period on a particular account.
- Please keep to your assigned time period.
- Heather Cleland-Host, Director of Lifespan Religious Education, handles Religious Education classes, Sangha, and other Religious Education programming. Please contact her if you need a meeting set up.
- Shannon Sonoras, Board President, handles Board Meetings, and board-related functions. Please contact her if you need a meeting set up.
- Wendy Altmeier, Office Administrator, handles Building and Grounds, Sunday Worship, staff meetings, ministry teams,covenant groups, and all others. Please contact her if you need a meeting set up.
Sermon Help
Here's a chance to help your minister with a sermon.
The April 5 topic is: "Hitting the Reset Button" - Big changes in our lives (like the current crisis) can help us see life differently, even liberate us from our routines. We have a chance to rethink our priorities.
What has staying at home taught you about yourself, your routines, and how you cope? What have you come to appreciate? How might your priorities have changed? Please email Eric Severson with your thoughts.
Thank you!
Upcoming Services
April Theme - "Liberation"
April 5
"Hitting the Reset Button" Big changes in our lives (like the current crisis) can help us see life differently, even liberate us from our routines. We have a chance to rethink our priorities. Led by Eric Severson, Minister.
April 12
"Our Prophetic Potential" How best can we serve one another and others? Unitarian Universalist minister the Rev. Meg Riley identifies three aspects of a "prophetic congregation." Come reflect on the liberating potential of our faith tradition and imagine what that could look like in our little corner of the world. Led by Eric Severson, Minister.
April 19
To Be Announced.
April 26
"Music Sunday" Music from our homes.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, under the federal CARES Act, signed an agreement between Michigan and U.S. Dept. of Labor to implement Pandemic Unemployment Assistance and Compensation programs that grant benefits to workers who do not already qualify for state unemployment benefits.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Sen. Mike Shirkey, Sen. Jim Ananich, Rep. Lee Chatfield, and Rep. Christine Greig issued a joint statement on the signing of two supplemental budget bills that provide $150 million in new state funding in the current fiscal year for the response to COVID-19.
The declaration means that Michigan is now eligible for participation in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) programming to provide relief for Michiganders impacted by the COVID-19 virus and measures to slow the spread of the virus.
MDHHS and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced that approximately 350,000 Michigan families will have access to additional food assistance benefits as a response to the COVID-19 outbreak and about 27,000 individuals will be temporarily exempt from federal work requirements.
COVID-19 Pastoral Message from Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray
Check out this video from Unitarian Universalist Association President, Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray.
2020 General Assembly
Rhode Island Convention Center and Omni Providence (Headquarter Hotel)
Providence, RI
June 24-28, 2020
Adult full-time registration is $400 through March 15.
General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Anyone may attend; congregations must certify annually to send voting delegates.
Early Registration Open!
**If you are interested in becoming a delegate, please contact Shannon Sonoras or Beth Sperry.**
2020 MidAmerica Regional Assembly - Registration Open
Zoom Meeting
April 18, 2020
Please save the date for our upcoming Regional Assembly, which will be held ONLINE on Saturday, April 18, 2020. Our keynote speaker will be Taquiena Boston, Special Advisor to the UUA President for Institutional Inclusion, Equity, and Change. The day will feature worship, the annual business meeting, lunch, keynote presentation, and select workshops.
Please click below for information about Regional Assembly including pricing, hotel information, our schedule of events, workshop information, how to register, and much more: https://www.uua.org/midamerica/ra/2020.
**If you are interested in becoming a delegate, please contact Shannon Sonoras or Beth Sperry.**
Fellowship Building Access
Under the governor's directive, no one should be in the building except designated persons performing "minimum basic operations." At the Fellowship, this includes
- Eric Severson, Minister
- Sandy Hay, Sexton
- Vicki Rothhaar, Treasurer (mail and check processing)
- Pete Carlson, Finance (donations, deposits)
All other staff and volunteers are working from home. If exceptions need to be made, please contact Eric Severson.
Maintenance Requests
If you notice a burned-out light bulb or a needed repair, please fill out a Maintenance Request form, located in the rack outside the main office, and return it to the top slot. Our sexton, Sandy Hay, will fix the problem as soon as possible. Please note that Sandy does not work on Sundays.
Shannon Sonoras
Beth Sperry
Marsha McDonald
Vicki Rothhaar
Chris Nakamura
Pastoral Care Ministry Team
April Contact: Beth Sperry 415-419-1747
Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team is here for you. We can provide a meal, a ride, some respite or a supportive ear and a cup of coffee.
Fellowship Office Hours
Tuesday - 9:30am-2:00pm
Wednesday - 9:30am-2:00pm
Thursday - 9:30am-11:00am
Eric Severson
Office Hours
Tuesday - Thursday 11:00am-3:00pm
Other times by appointment.
[email protected]
(608) 738-2694
Unavailable Mondays, except in emergencies.
In case of a pastoral emergency, call anytime.
Heather Cleland-Host
Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Office Hours by appointment only
[email protected]
Wendy Altmeier
Office Assistant
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:30am-3:00pm
December Hours
Tuesday-Thursday 9:30am-3:00pm
[email protected]
(989) 631-1162
Sandy Hay
[email protected]
(918) 698-0311
In case of building emergency, call anytime
Andrew Schulz
Choir Director
Melanie Willison