Newsletter 2020-04-14 COVID19 – 7T

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    April 14, 2020  


Sunday Morning ONLINE Service at 10:30am

April 19
“The Great Escape” Liberation requires hope, determination, and a plan. Though we can’t predict the future, we can spend some time plotting our eventual release from self-isolation. What’s the first thing you will do? Led by Eric Severson, Minister.

If you have a candle or chalice at home, please have it ready to light together when the time comes.

Please arrive 15 minutes early for Zoom instructions.  Here's a video on how to install the Zoom app. Please contact Wendy Altmeier, [email protected], if you have issues connecting or you need help with installing. 

****NEW ZOOM LINK *****
Meeting ID: 943 984 845
Password: uufom

For upcoming Sunday Services, click here.

UUFoM YouTube Channel

Did you miss the service last week? You can see a replay (minus Joys and Sorrows) below and on our YouTube Channel. We invite you to subscribe to our channel to stay up-to-date with all videos.  

April 12, 2020 "Our Prophetic Potential"
This Week at the Fellowship
All teams and groups have decided to meet via Zoom instead of face to face during this time.  Please contact your team/group leader if you need further guidance.  If you have any questions about upcoming events, please email the office or call 989-631-1162. 

All meetings listed below are via Zoom unless stated otherwise.
Tue 4/14 10:00am Morning Tea with the Minister
  12:00pm Staff Meeting
  6:30pm Finance Committee Meeting
  7:15pm Engagement Team Meeting
  7:30pm Bedtime Story
Wed 4/15 1:30pm Racial Justice Group Meeting
  2:00pm Story Time
  5:00pm Three Jewels Sangha
  7:00pm Worship Team Meeting
  7:30pm Bedtime Story
Thu 4/16 2:00pm Afternoon Tea with the Minister
  2:00pm Story Time
  7:30pm Bedtime Story 
Fri 4/17 2:00pm Story Time 
  7:30pm Bedtime Story
Sat 4/18 7:00pm Evening Tea with the Minister
Sun 4/19 10:30am Online Sunday Service
  12:30pm Ancient Shore CUUPS
  1:00pm Online Religious Education
Mon 4/20 2:00pm Story Time
  7:30pm Bedtime Story


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Virtual Egg Hunt Winners!
We held a virtual egg hunt during our online worship service on Sunday, April 12.  

Our virtual egg hiders were Eric Severson, Melanie Willison, Heather Cleland-Host, Sara Clavez, Kevin King, Lilah and Lincoln Van Regenmorter, Beth Sperry, The Barth Family, Carol Cooper, Maxine Guettler, Linda Rector, Marlene Hickman, Sasha King, Wendy Altmeier and Dot Hornsby.  There were a total of 28 eggs hidden during the service.  

Our top egg seekers were Doug, Shana, Liam, Ryder and Maple Barth, who found a total of 23 eggs, and Lisa Janetski, Karmon and Nolen Catacasinos found 21 hidden eggs.

Thanks for playing!  
Engagement Team:  Bright Ideas
The Engagement Team would like to post a weekly list of ideas on how each of us can be of help during these unusual times.  We invite members to email additional ideas to Estella Thomas, [email protected]. Also, if you see an idea you like, invite other members to join with you on the project, while always maintaining social distancing.  Let’s join together to stay connected and get through this together!

New Ideas
-Decorate a window or door with hearts and positive messages.
-Place a thank you message in your mailbox for your postal worker.

Past Ideas
-Volunteer to help with the RE daily story times - contact Heather at [email protected]
-Start some flower seeds at home to plant at the fellowship, Mary Johnson suggests petunias or short marigolds
-Write notes of appreciation to our healthcare worker members (Kathryn Hay, Maxine Guettler, Amanda Clifton, Jacob Guettler, Becky Carlson, Doug Barth)
-Download the free app C25K and train for a 5K, recruit friends to train with you
-Sew masks for healthcare workers, contact [email protected] for pattern and directions

We look forward to hearing other ideas and also reports on the activities you are doing!
Online Worship Service
Safety Concerns
The Fellowship Staff is taking every precaution to ensure safety during zoom meetings.  All meetings are now password-protected.  We also have enabled waiting rooms.  Our meetings are not publicly accessible in Zoom, either.  We will continue to monitor best practices.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Wendy.
We will start to link the online worship services weekly.  The recordings will not include the shared joys and sorrows or breakout room discussions.  Once approved, they will be uploaded to the UUFoM YouTube channel.
Breakout Rooms
After the service, we are offering virtual coffee hour for small groups in breakout rooms.  You will be placed automatically and receive a notification on your screen which you will need to accept before Zoom moves you into the room.  A few minutes after this, we will check to make sure the breakout rooms are full.  If there are two people or less in your room, we will move you to a different room.  You may always come back to our UUFoM zoom room and Wendy Altmeier can move you to a different breakout room.   

Currently, children using their own devices will not be able to join breakout rooms.  
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Virtual Tea with the Minister

Since we are not meeting in person regularly, if you would like to connect casually with our minister, Eric Severson, he will be holding virtual tea sessions via Zoom, per the schedule below. Please add one or more to your calendar if you wish. If you would prefer to schedule a private conversation, click here.

Morning Tea with the Minister: Tuesdays at 10:00am

Afternoon Tea with the Minister: Thursdays at 2:00pm

Evening Tea with the Minister: Saturdays at 7:00pm

Story Time with Friends

“Story Time with Friends” (Private Facebook Group) - Mondays-Fridays
Our office assistant, Wendy Altmeier, and Director of Lifespan Religious Education, Heather Cleland-Host, are holding daily story times. 

2:00pm – “Story Time,” with Wendy Altmeier. Children are invited to read to each other.

7:00pm – “Bedtime Story,” hosted by Heather Cleland-Host. Children and adults are invited to sign up for a night and read a story before bedtime. If you are interested, join the Facebook Group and connect with us.  If you are interested in reading stories to children, contact Heather.  
Need to Connect with Someone?

HOW ARE YOU? For many of us, our daily lives have been turned upside down. We may be lonely, miss our daily routine and being with friends or family,  feel trapped inside... and have trouble not touching our faces. 

Whatever you are experiencing, it may be new feelings or bring back difficult memories from the past. Regardless, there are Pastoral Care people who would be glad to visit with you over the phone. You're welcome to call any member of the Pastoral Care Team.
Mary Johnson (989) 859-1490
Gisela Bailey (989) 708-1344
Linda Rector (989) 259-7492
Beth Sperry (415) 419-1747
Amy Rogers (989) 750-6989
Donna King (989) 488-2886
Speed Malecki (989) 835-1915

Family Resources

“UUFoM Homebound Families Resources” (Private Facebook Group)  
This private group  is for sharing ideas for families who are homebound in the Mid-Michigan Region. This is for those moments when we need something to do and are all out of ideas. It is also a place where you can share ideas!  Post educational links to resources from your school systems, virtual zoos, and other resources. Offer your ideas for outdoor options, crafts, and activities (especially ones that can be redone or reused). Please feel free to share information about food resources, free internet providers, and other supportive resources in the area as well!
Hanging Out with Friends

Hanging Out With Friends is ready for joining. Participants, in grades K through 12, meet twice a week on Zoom on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11am for a Virtual Recess with Friends.  There are also fun activities in the Google Classroom for participants in kindergarten through high school.

How to get on: 

1.      Email [email protected] for the Class Code.  Please do not share this code. 
2.      Go to Google Classroom at
3.      Sign in with a Google gmail account. (See “If you do not have a Google account” below for               pointers).
4.      In the top right corner click on the plus mark that says create or join your first class.
5.      Then click "join class" which will prompt you to enter a code.
6.      Enter the class code I sent you, and you are in! You will not have to enter the code again.
7.      Zoom links are announced in the Google Classroom.

Virtual Meetings

Please add ALL of your meetings to the calendar, whether you are using a Fellowship account or a personal account.  Email [email protected] with your meeting name, date and time and your zoom link.  

Worship service and Religious Education are scheduled between 10:00am-3:00pm on Sundays. To allow full participation of the congregation in these programs, please schedule meetings outside of this time block. If you absolutely need to meet during this time, you will need to use a personal free

If you can hold your meeting in 40 minutes or if you can easily stop and restart your meeting,
please use a personal free account.

Meetings via Fellowship Pro Accounts will be scheduled by the Director of Lifespan Religious Education, Board President, and Office Administrator according to the following guidelines:

  • Only one meeting can be scheduled during a specific time period on a particular account.
  • Please keep to your assigned time period.
  • Heather Cleland-Host, Director of Lifespan Religious Education, handles Religious Education classes, Sangha, and other Religious Education programming.  Please contact her if you need a meeting set up. 
  • Shannon Sonoras, Board President, handles Board Meetings, and board-related functions.  Please contact her if you need a meeting set up. 
  • Wendy Altmeier, Office Administrator, handles Building and Grounds, Sunday Worship, staff meetings, ministry teams,covenant groups, and all others.  Please contact her if you need a meeting set up.
Virtual Gatherings 
No Circle Dinners for now. We are rescheduling the dinners in October.  Meanwhile, many of us are looking for opportunities to connect beyond our self-quarantine family. 

Do you have the technical skills to host a Zoom virtual gathering of 4-5 participant devices?  If so, please contact Sara Clavez with the date and time that is convenient for you.  If you want to set a theme (not necessary, but might be fun) for your virtual gathering, include that as well.  We will post your invitation and ask people to contact you for Zoom sign-in information.  We encourage you to accept no more than 5 participants so there will be an opportunity for people to talk without too much confusion.
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Upcoming Services
April Theme - "Liberation"

April 19
"The Great Escape" Liberation requires hope, determination, and a plan. Though we can't predict the future, we can spend some time plotting our eventual release from self-isolation. What's the first thing you will do? Led by Eric Severson, Minister.

April 26
"All In" In order to be just, liberation must be collective. So, come rain or shine, we're all in this together. How do we make the grass seem greener on both sides of the fence? Led by Eric Severson, Minister.
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Serendipity Auction

Auction items due Wednesday, April 15!


If you have an auction item to donate, enter it here:



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Webinars with the MidAmerica Region

The MidAmerica Region is offering free webinars via Zoom.  You may go to their website and sign up for any webinar offered.  Sometimes there is limited seating.  Most webinars are recorded and you will be able to view them on their website after they have finished.  

Here's a list of their upcoming offerings.  Click on the link to find out information about a webinar you are interested in. 
Human Resources 101 4/14/2020 - 7:45pm
#VoteLove - Personal Narrative 4/25/2020 - 9:30am
#VoteLove - Recruiting 5/2/2020 - 9:30am
#VoteLove - Conversational Persuasion 5/9/20020 - 9:30am
#VoteLove - Congregational Engagement 5/30/2020 - 9:30am 

Here is a list of previously recorded webinars you may be interested in.  You may go to their website and click on the video to start watching.  

Human Resources 101 Part 1
How to Host a Virtual Game Night
Digital Giving
How to Do Small Group Online Gatherings
Virtual Gatherings for Small Congregations
Working with Anxiety
Ritual of Healing and Recharging

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Pantry Opportunities

May 21, 2020
Trinity Lutheran Church
3701 Jefferson Ave, Midland
Registration 9:00
Distribution 11:30
Sponsor: Trinity Lutheran

June 24, 2020
Blessed Sacrament Church
3109 Ashman, Midland
Registration: 9:30
Distribution: 11:00
Sponsor: Blessed Sacrament Church

July 25, 2020
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church
3516 E Monroe Rd, Midland
Registration: 9:00
Distribution 11:30
Sponsor: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church


Fellowship Building Access

Under the governor's directive, no one should be in the building except designated persons performing "minimum basic operations." At the Fellowship, this includes

  • Eric Severson, Minister
  • Sandy Hay, Sexton
  • Vicki Rothhaar, Treasurer (mail and check processing)
  • Pete Carlson, Finance (donations, deposits)

All other staff and volunteers are working from home.  If exceptions need to be made, please contact Eric Severson.

UUFoM Online Donations

UUFoM is still accepting pledges, offerings and donations.  You may write a check and send it to:

6220 Jefferson Avenue
Midland, MI 48640

Directions for Donating to Minister's Discretionary Fund
Thank you to all who have donated to the Minister's Discretionary Fund, especially recently. If you are in a position to donate in the future (for example, if you won't need the federal funds coming in a few weeks), please follow these directions:

1. Make checks out to "UUFoM" (NOT "Eric Severson"). These donations do not enter the fellowship's general fund and are not tax-deductible.
2. Write "Minister's Discretionary Fund" on the memo line.
3. During the stay-at-home order, please mail or drop off checks (as well as restaurant, grocery, or gasoline gift cards, or other items) to 4204 Swede Avenue, Midland, MI 48642. This is Eric's home address and will allow him to deposit your donations more quickly into a UUFoM minister's discretionary fund account at Chemical Bank. (He does his personal banking elsewhere.)
4.  If you prefer to drop things off, please place items in the box next to Eric's front door (on the south side of the house -- to the right).

1. Please click on the "Paypal Donate Now" button below. This will take you to PayPal.
2. Enter the dollar amount you wish to donate. (If you are willing to cover PayPal's fees of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction, please add this to your amount.)
3. Select "Minister's Fund" from the drop-down menu.
4. To make this a recurring monthly donation, click that box.
5. Enter your debit or credit card info, billing details, and contact info. If you would like PayPal to save this info, click that box. (To transfer funds from your own PayPal account, click "Log in.")
6. Click on "Donate now."

If you have questions about this process, please contact our treasurer, Vicki Rothhaar, or our office administrator, Wendy Altmeier. Thank you again!

Maintenance Requests

If you notice a burned-out light bulb or a needed repair, please fill out a Maintenance Request form, located in the rack outside the main office, and return it to the top slot.  Our sexton, Sandy Hay, will fix the problem as soon as possible.  Please note that Sandy does not work on Sundays.  

Board of Directors

Shannon Sonoras

Beth Sperry

Marsha McDonald

Vicki Rothhaar

Chris Nakamura

Pastoral Care Ministry Team 

April Contact:  Beth Sperry 415-419-1747
Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team is here for you.  We can provide a meal, a ride, some respite or a supportive ear and a cup of coffee.

Fellowship Staff

Fellowship Office Hours
Fellowship Office currently closed due to Governor's Whitmer executive order. 

Eric Severson
[email protected]

(608) 738-2694
In case of a pastoral emergency, call anytime.

Heather Cleland-Host
Director of Lifespan Religious Education

Office Hours by appointment only
[email protected]

Wendy Altmeier
Office Assistant

[email protected]
(989) 631-1162

Sandy Hay

[email protected]
(918) 698-0311
In case of building emergency, call anytime

Andrew Schulz
Choir Director

Melanie Willison
Copyright ©2017 UUFoM, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland
6220 Jefferson Avenue
Midland, MI 48640

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