Sunday Morning SPECIAL Online Check-In at 10:30am
May 24
“Coming Together” – Due to the flooding disaster that has hit our area, we will gather for a very simple service, an opportunity to check in with one another, process this trauma together, and reunite around our mission and vision.
If you have a candle or chalice at home, please have it ready to light together when the time comes.
If you haven't zoomed with us before, please arrive 15 minutes early for Zoom instructions. Here's a video on how to install the Zoom app. Please contact Wendy Altmeier, [email protected], if you have issues connecting or you need help with installing.
UUFoM YouTube Channel
Did you miss the service last week? You can see a replay (minus Joys and Sorrows) below and on our YouTube Channel. We invite you to subscribe to our channel to stay up-to-date with all videos.
May 17 - “The Economics of Poverty”
This Week at the Fellowship
All teams and groups have decided to meet via Zoom instead of face to face during this time. Please contact your team/group leader if you need further guidance. If you have any questions about upcoming events, please email the office or call 989-631-1162.
All meetings listed below are via Zoom.
Sun 5/24 |
10:30am |
Online Sunday Service |
Tue 5/26 |
10:00am |
Morning Tea with the Minister |
10:00am |
Becoming Women of Wisdom (Cov Grp) |
12:00pm |
Staff Meeting |
Wed 5/27 |
1:30pm |
Racial Justice Group Meeting |
5:00pm |
Three Jewels Sangha |
Thu 5/28 |
2:00pm |
Afternoon Tea with the Minister |
Fri 5/29 |
10:00am |
Pastoral Care Team Meeting |
3:00pm |
Games in the Presidential Suite |
Pastoral Response to Historic Flooding
Greetings, everyone.
As I write this, the water level is slowly falling. The gravest threat appears to have passed. All of our people are accounted for. Many were forced to evacuate. Many of you have taken people in. Many face a daunting clean-up. I hope those with needs will share them and that those who can help will do so. This is a time when the value of community shines.
The board and I have kept a close eye on the situation. We opened the fellowship building as an emergency shelter despite the pressures of the ongoing pandemic. A handful of folks have spent a night or two. We have received numerous offers of help and concern from other UU congregations and clergy, and the board is researching possible emergency funds available.
****I changed this around****With time, more information about damages will become clear. It will take time to grieve our losses. We held a Zoom gathering this past Thursday at 5:30pm for anyone who needed the comfort of seeing one another’s faces, of hearing one another’s voices, and of telling our own stories. We will hold a very similar event in lieu of a worship service on Sunday.
The board, pastoral care team, and I remain available to you as we weather this devastating event. Please let us know if you have any needs.
May each of us find continuing blessings,
Eric Severson
Help is Here
The Fellowship is rallying to help all our friends in need. Here are a few comprehensive lists of tools, items and services offered by various UU friends. They will be updated as needed. You can contact people directly, or contact the office, or the minister, or any member of Pastoral Care team for any other needs you may have. We are here for you!
List of tools/items offered
List of services offered
What Do You Need? What Can You Offer?
UUFoM was in the process of creating this form before COVID-19, but due to the absolute devastation of the flood that has affected many in our community, we wanted to get this out as soon as possible. Please fill out the UUFoM Resources: Haves and Needs form. You may fill it out more than once if your needs increase when you are able to re-assess your situation. And you may fill it out to offer services or donations anytime. Maybe you have something to offer and a need for yourself - include it all! We will try to match them up all up and contact you at a later date. Also, if you would rather donate financially, the Minister's Discretionary Fund is always available. If you have any questions or are unable to access the form, please contact Wendy Altmeier.
UUA Recommends Long-Term Closure
The Unitarian Universalist Association has shared with congregations its recommendations for coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes the following text: "Based on advice from experts, we continue to recommend that congregations not gather in person. We also recommend that congregations begin planning for virtual operations for the next year (through May 2021)." Read the full text here.
Our fellowship's board will discuss these recommendations at its next meeting and will make decisions about future activities. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Shannon Sonoras, Beth Sperry, or Eric Severson.
Wonderland Tea Party
Serendipity Auction Results
The UUFOM Wonderland Tea Party was a purr-fectly delightful event! In the live Zoom auction, there were 53 mad tea partiers whose fast and furious bidding raised almost $12,200! The online silent auction raised $4,900 more, resulting in a grand total of $17,100 for UUFOM plus $1,475 for the Bridge Center. These are incredible results! Truly worthy of Wonderland. A huge thanks to the auction team for their dedication, creativity and out-of-the-box thinking; to everyone who donated goods and services to be sold; and to all of you mad and wonderful bidders! Because this was our first virtual auction, we are very interested in learning what went well and what could have been improved. Please watch for an upcoming survey to gather your feedback.
Please email both pictures to [email protected] for inclusion in these programs by May 26 to give us time to incorporate the pictures into the program. Or, better yet, take the pictures now and send them immediately! Today!
Calling All Poets!
We’re planning a poetry service for June 28, and are looking for 1- or 2-sentence contributions from any or all of you about your lived experience of the pandemic and lockdown. Jim Crissman will do his best to fuse your submissions into a collective poem to commemorate this historic time. We also plan to have a limerick interlude for the lighter side of lockdown. Email Jim Crissman with your original short contribution to the collective poem and/or a limerick, or call him at 989-297-3009 with any questions.

Photos Sought for Upcoming Worship Services
Our Minister, Eric Severson, and our Director of Lifespan Religious Education, Heather Cleland-Host, are seeking pictures for use in the June 7 Flower Communion and the June 14 worship service closing the religious education program year. We hope to have pictures of everyone – young and wise from every household:
- One picture of everyone together at home during the quarantine. These can be kids together, couples, or individuals. The most important thing is to get everyone of every age!
- A separate picture of each person holding a flower for the Flower Communion on June 7.
Please email both pictures by May 26 (this Tuesday) to [email protected] to give us time to incorporate the pictures into the service. Better yet, take the pictures now and send them today!
Website Updates
Our new website will be coming soon! The Fellowship Office needs information from you to round out the process!
- General pictures are needed for the website.
- Personal pictures (if you didn't have one taken or if you want to update) are needed for the Member Directory.
- Content for groups (covenant groups, choir, CUUPS, Sangha, Pastoral Care, etc)
- Anything else you could think of that you would like to add.
Please send all info to Wendy Altmeier, Office Administrator. Thank you!
Virtual Tea with the Minister
Since we are not meeting in person regularly, if you would like to connect casually with our minister, Eric Severson, he will be holding virtual tea sessions via Zoom, per the schedule below. Please add one or more to your calendar if you wish. If you would prefer to schedule a private conversation, click here.
Morning Tea with the Minister: Tuesdays at 10:00am
Afternoon Tea with the Minister: Thursdays at 2:00pm
Need to Connect with Someone?
HOW ARE YOU? For many of us, our daily lives have been turned upside down. We may be lonely, miss our daily routine and being with friends or family, feel trapped inside... and have trouble not touching our faces.
Whatever you are experiencing, it may be new feelings or bring back difficult memories from the past. Regardless, there are Pastoral Care people who would be glad to visit with you over the phone. You're welcome to call any member of the Pastoral Care Team.
Mary Johnson (989) 859-1490
Gisela Bailey (989) 708-1344
Linda Rector (989) 259-7492
Beth Sperry (415) 419-1747
Amy Rogers (989) 750-6989
Donna King (989) 488-2886
Speed Malecki (989) 835-1915
Gardening Together!
Vicki Reidelberger, Cricket Krengel, and Mary Johnson have been assessing our gardens over the last couple weeks and have identified our needs, both in the Community Garden and in the gardens in general. Opportunities for weeding, gathering sticks or trash from the grounds, and more are ongoing. Vicki and Cricket are also working on preparing the Community Garden for planting vegetables, berries and herbs by Memorial Day so that families can begin planting the following week. Please contact Vicki Reidelberger by texting her at 989-316-5113 for how you can help!
Special Note: Families have been adopting squares in the Community Garden. We still have 2-3 spots left. Contact Vicki Reidelberger or Heather Cleland-Host if you are interested. Planting will begin the week after Memorial Day weekend. Help prepping is welcome now!
Games in the Presidential Suite
Fridays in May - 3:00pm-4:00pm
Need some play time that doesn’t include Pet Patrol or Popsicle sticks crafts? Join the gang in the Presidential Suite for trivia, riddles, brain-teasers, Boggle, Heads-Up and more!
Join URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86176203250?pwd=NGdDZFZxRmR3UzgzaVlSNmMvU2hoQT09
Meeting ID: 861-7620-3250
Password: SPIRAL
Upcoming Services
May Theme - "Vocation"
May 24
“Coming Together” – Due to the flooding disaster that has hit our area, we will gather for a very simple service, an opportunity to check in with one another, process this trauma together, and reunite around our mission and vision.
May 31
"Mending the Brokenness" - One mask, sock, mitten, or hat at a time, people's avocations can help heal the world. Join Ellen Dodge Severson and other UUFoM crafty folks in discussing how and why they use their gifts to provide for others.
Governor Whitmer's Press Conference - May 21
Latest News
Executive Order 2020-96 allows retail businesses and auto dealerships to reopen by appointment statewide on Tuesday, May 26, as part of her MI Safe Start plan. The order also lifts the requirement that health care providers delay some nonessential medical, dental, and veterinary procedures statewide beginning on Friday, May 29. And the order authorizes small gatherings of 10 people or less starting immediately, as long as participants practice social distancing.
Drive-through and walk-up COVID-19 testing will be offered at the Muskegon Heights Farmers Market at 2600 Baker Street, Muskegon Heights beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 23, and 9 a.m. Sunday, May 24. Testing will close at 5 p.m. on both days.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer's Administration is giving Michigan counties the option of using state County Veteran Service Fund (CVSF) grants directly for COVID-19 emergency assistance to veterans and their families.
Executive Order 2020-95, which extends and further enhances protections for the health and safety of residents and employees of long-term care facilities.
May Webinars with the MidAmerica Region
The MidAmerica Region is offering free webinars via Zoom. You may go to their website and sign up for any webinar offered. Sometimes there is limited seating. Most webinars are recorded and you will be able to view them on their website after they have finished.
Here's a list of their upcoming offerings. Click on the link to sign up for a webinar you are interested in.
Stewardship Salon with UUA Stewardship and Development — Every Monday at 7:00pm
The Stewardship and Development Office holds an “office hour” where UUs from around the country gather to ask questions and share best practices for fundraising.
Stewardship for Us Webinars — Every Friday at 1:00pm
Stewardship for Us offers a FREE one-hour webinar on stewardship concerns. Recent webinars have focused on pledge drives and how to successfully conduct and complete them.
Congregational Leader Check-in Conversation – Every Tuesday at 8:00pm
This webinar series is for all congregational leaders and will respond directly to the challenges that congregations are encountering during this time of finding new ways to be in religious community and responding to this health emergency.
Congregational Leader Check-in Conversation — Every Wednesday at 1:00pm
This webinar series is for all congregational leaders and will respond directly to the challenges that congregations are encountering during this time of finding new ways to be in religious community and responding to this health emergency.
Board Basics for Virtual and Beyond — Tuesday, May 26 at 8pm
Are you a newly elected Congregational Board member? Are you wanting to refresh your Board skills? Does your board need to rethink how to be a board in a virtual environment? Then this is your webinar (will be offered again in June and July, to accommodate new elections of Board Leaders).
Here is a list of previously recorded webinars you may be interested in. You may go to their website and click on the video to start watching.
Pastoral Care in Times of Crisis and Challenge
Human Resources 101 Part 1
How to Host a Virtual Game Night
Digital Giving
How to Do Small Group Online Gatherings
Virtual Gatherings for Small Congregations
Working with Anxiety
Ritual of Healing and Recharging
Fellowship Building Access
Under the governor's directive, no one should be in the building except designated persons performing "minimum basic operations." At the Fellowship, this includes
- Eric Severson, Minister
- Sandy Hay, Sexton
- Vicki Rothhaar, Treasurer (mail and check processing)
- Pete Carlson, Finance (donations, deposits)
All other staff and volunteers are working from home. If exceptions need to be made, please contact Eric Severson.
Virtual Meetings
Please add ALL of your meetings to the calendar, whether you are using a Fellowship account or a personal account. Email [email protected] with your meeting name, date and time and your zoom link.
Worship service and Religious Education are scheduled between 10:00am-3:00pm on Sundays. To allow full participation of the congregation in these programs, please schedule meetings outside of this time block. If you absolutely need to meet during this time, you will need to use a personal free
If you can hold your meeting in 40 minutes or if you can easily stop and restart your meeting,
please use a personal free account.
Meetings via Fellowship Pro Accounts will be scheduled by the Director of Lifespan Religious Education, Board President, and Office Administrator according to the following guidelines:
- Only one meeting can be scheduled during a specific time period on a particular account.
- Please keep to your assigned time period.
- Heather Cleland-Host, Director of Lifespan Religious Education, handles Religious Education classes, Sangha, and other Religious Education programming. Please contact her if you need a meeting set up.
- Shannon Sonoras, Board President, handles Board Meetings, and board-related functions. Please contact her if you need a meeting set up.
- Wendy Altmeier, Office Administrator, handles Building and Grounds, Sunday Worship, staff meetings, ministry teams,covenant groups, and all others. Please contact her if you need a meeting set up.
UUFoM Online Donations
UUFoM is still accepting pledges, offerings and donations. You may write a check and send it to:
6220 Jefferson Avenue
Midland, MI 48640
Directions for Donating to Minister's Discretionary Fund
Thank you to all who have donated to the Minister's Discretionary Fund, especially recently. If you are in a position to donate in the future (for example, if you won't need the federal funds coming in a few weeks), please follow these directions:
1. Make checks out to "UUFoM" (NOT "Eric Severson"). These donations do not enter the fellowship's general fund and are not tax-deductible.
2. Write "Minister's Discretionary Fund" on the memo line.
3. During the stay-at-home order, please mail or drop off checks (as well as restaurant, grocery, or gasoline gift cards, or other items) to 4204 Swede Avenue, Midland, MI 48642. This is Eric's home address and will allow him to deposit your donations more quickly into a UUFoM minister's discretionary fund account.
4. If you prefer to drop things off, please place items in the box next to Eric's front door (on the south side of the house -- to the right).
1. Please click on the "Paypal Donate Now" button below. This will take you to PayPal.
2. Enter the dollar amount you wish to donate.
3. Select "Minister's Fund" from the drop-down menu.
4. To make this a recurring monthly donation, click that box.
5. Enter your debit or credit card info, billing details, and contact info. If you would like PayPal to save this info, click that box. (To transfer funds from your own PayPal account, click "Log in.")
6. Click on "Donate now."
If you have questions about this process, please contact our treasurer, Vicki Rothhaar, or our office administrator, Wendy Altmeier. Thank you again!
Shannon Sonoras
Beth Sperry
Marsha McDonald
Vicki Rothhaar
Chris Nakamura
Pastoral Care Ministry Team
May Contact: Mary Johnson 989-859-1490
Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team is here for you. We can provide a meal, a ride, some respite or a supportive ear and a cup of coffee.
Fellowship Office Hours
Fellowship Office currently closed due to Governor's Whitmer executive order.
Eric Severson
[email protected]
(608) 738-2694
In case of a pastoral emergency, call anytime.
Heather Cleland-Host
Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Office Hours by appointment only
[email protected]
Wendy Altmeier
Office Assistant
[email protected]
(989) 631-1162
Sandy Hay
[email protected]
(918) 698-0311
In case of building emergency, call anytime
Andrew Schulz
Choir Director
Melanie Willison