UUFoM YouTube Channel
Did you miss our previous services? You can see a replay (minus Joys and Sorrows) below and on our YouTube Channel. We invite you to subscribe to our channel to stay up-to-date with all videos.
This Week at the Fellowship
All teams and groups have decided to meet via Zoom instead of face to face during this time. Please contact your team/group leader if you need further guidance. If you have any questions about upcoming events, please email the office or call 989-631-1162.
All meetings listed below are via Zoom.
How a Mask Works
The following information can be found on Michigan's website.
- COVID-19 spreads mainly among people who are in close contact.
- All of us have droplets in coughs and sneezes that can carry COVID-19 to others.
- Coughs spray droplets at least 6 feet. Sneezes travel as far as 27 feet. Droplets also may spread when we talk or raise our voice.
- These droplets can land on your face or in your mouth, eyes and nose.
- When you wear a mask, it keeps more of your droplets with you.
- A mask also adds an extra layer of protection between you and other people’s droplets.
The Weekly Candle Flame Summer Editions
During the summer months, the weekly Candle Flame will be circulated on Saturdays. The newsletter will be pared down. If you wish to submit an article, please email it to Wendy Altmeier by Thursday at 8:00pm to have it included in the upcoming issue.
Due to shortened summer hours and the paring down of the newsletter, we will welcome newsletter articles at the end of August. Thank you for understanding!
Fellowship Building
For everyone's safety, the Fellowship Building is closed to everyone except: staff, Sunday musicians, Vicki Rothhhaar, and Pete Carlson.
To ensure that the most vulnerable are not put at risk, new locks were placed on the entrance door. Sandy will communicate to those who will need a key when one will be available. Please contact Sandy Hay if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Worship Service Volunteers
The Worship Team is looking for volunteers to help produce the service. We need people to help fill the following roles. If we can get 6 for each role, each person only needs to serve twice per quarter! Please contact Sarah Nuss-Warren or Wendy Altmeier if you are interested.
Video editor: take the recording of the service, edit, and post to YouTube.
Participant moderator: admit participants to worship, welcome attendees, and manage muting to avoid background noise.
Slides moderator: Go between slides and speakers for best visual experience.
Document editor: Create slides and scripts from materials provided by speaker/minister.
Office Staff Availability
Heather Cleland-Host, and Wendy Altmeier are taking self-care time on Mondays. Other availability as listed below.
Our minister, Eric Severson will be on vacation and study leave in July and August. He will be available only for emergencies. Here is a link to his recent column.
Wendy Altmeier, Office Administrator, is "working" Friday after 9:00pm, Saturday mornings, Sunday mornings, afternoons and late evening. Wendy does respond to emails throughout the day and checks voicemail as they come in the office.
July Theme - "The Earth/The Environment"
July 26
“To Grow a Seed – The Soil and Water Come First” – In a crisis it is natural to yearn for better times, and, although we may feel least prepared for careful reflection at that time, a crisis may in fact be the perfect time to reflect on what we need to survive and to thrive. We have wants, we have needs and we sometimes confuse them. Perhaps rather, the social framework of values in which we live fosters confusion. In this service we will explore some aspects of identifying how we can invest our time and resources both as individuals and collectives to pay dividends of meaningful personal and societal growth. Led by Chris Nakamura, Board Member-At-Large.
Gathering in Small Groups
Hello friends,
After months of isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland’s Board of Directors recognizes members’ desire to come together face to face.
While large-group gatherings are suspended and our building remains closed through at least the end of August, we’ve heard from members and teams about transitioning their Zoom meetings to in-person meetings.
When considering the health (physical, mental and emotional) of our community, we want to do everything possible to prevent harm. We also realize that everyone’s situation and comfort with risk is different. This complicates the answer to the question, “Should we meet in person?”
The board continues to refer to the following sources for guidance:
W.H.O. Religious Mass Gathering Decision Tree
W.H.O. Advice for Faith Based Organizations
Whitmer Report
CDC – Community and Faith-Based Organizations
Church Mutual Webinar Notes
Church Mutual Safe Return Checklist
And we’ve recently added California’s Guidance for Places of Worship as a source.
Our greatest asset is our people and everyone’s safety is paramount.
We recommend that you continue to meet via Zoom or other no-risk methods. Should your small group or team (ten or fewer) decide to meet in person, we want to offer these expectations:
Communicate openly and regularly with small group members. If anyone in your group believes it is unsafe for them to take part in in-person activities, consider whether excluding them is consistent with your covenant. Respect their position and consider alternative arrangements.
Remember 4 pillars for safe reentry into communal spaces:
Hygiene: Wash or disinfect hands before, at and after the gathering.
Distancing: Maintain at least six feet social distance.
Screening: Preferably before the meeting ask whether any member has experienced any sign of the disease—a new fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, nasal congestion, or a runny nose.
Mask use: Always wear a mask -- properly covering both nose and mouth.
Understand that social activities such as flood cleanup, justice rallies, and the governor's "opening" of businesses will only increase the likelihood of further spreading the virus and increasing everyone's risk.
Report any confirmed cases among us to any member of our staff, pastoral care team, or board, so that we can take steps to improve the safety of our congregation.
Although you may meet outside at the Fellowship, the building is closed and there are no bathroom facilities available. If you decide to use the grounds for meeting, be sure to maintain a respectable and safe distance from other groups that may be meeting at the same time.
Meeting by Zoom will continue to be available over the summer. If your group needs access to Zoom (especially if you’d like to meet for more than 40 minutes without having to restart the meeting), please contact Wendy Altmeier.&nbs
We understand that the desire to get back to normal is huge. We’ve been living in isolation without in-person meeting for three months and it’s taking its toll. In addition, the information we’re learning about the disease is increasing all the time. One of the things we’re certain of is that COVID-19 is still threatening the safety of our community.
The Board of Directors will continue to use the above sources to guide our decisions. If there is a spike in cases and/or the government determines tighter guidelines, we will follow them. We realize we need to do a better job of communicating where we’re going and promise to offer more frequent updates. Watch the newsletter for more information.
Thank you to everyone for being part of this sacred community. Please be safe.
In service,
The Board of Directors
President: Shannon Sonoras
President Elect: Beth Sperry
Treasurer: Vicki Rothhaar
Secretary: Marsha McDonald
Member at Large: Chris Nakamura
Minister: Eric Severson
Need to Connect with Someone?
HOW ARE YOU? For many of us, our daily lives have been turned upside down. We may be lonely, miss our daily routine and being with friends or family, feel trapped inside... and have trouble not touching our faces.
Whatever you are experiencing, it may be new feelings or bring back difficult memories from the past. Regardless, there are Pastoral Care people who would be glad to visit with you over the phone. You're welcome to call any member of the Pastoral Care Team.
Mary Johnson (989) 859-1490
Gisela Bailey (989) 708-1344
Linda Rector (989) 259-7492
Beth Sperry (415) 419-1747
Amy Rogers (989) 750-6989
Donna King (989) 488-2886
Speed Malecki (989) 835-1915
Governor Whitmer's Press Conference - July 15
Latest News
MDHHS released a new television ad featuring Michigan and Michigan State athletic coaches to call on Michiganders to wear a mask while they're out in public.
After every region in Michigan saw an uptick in new COVID-19 cases over the past three weeks, Governor Gretchen Whitmer took swift action by signing a new executive order to save lives. Executive Order 2020-151 extends the governor's emergency and disaster declaration until August 11, 2020 at 11:59pm.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-147, which reiterates that individuals are required to wear a face covering whenever they are in an indoor public space. It also requires the use of face coverings in crowded outdoor spaces. Most significantly, the order requires any business that is open to the public to refuse entry or service to people who refuse to wear a face covering, with limited exceptions.
Testing will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, July 18, at the Alger County Road Commission Garage, which is located at E9264 M-28 in Munising.
Michigan previously approved the additional food assistance for March through June and now that is being extended for the month of July with approval from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service.
Mask Up, Michigan
Wear a mask or cloth face covering every time you leave home, stay 6 feet from others and continue to stay home as much as possible.
Michigan is using this 1-2-3 plan to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and save lives. By taking this seriously and doing their part, all Michiganders can be part of the solution.
FAQs on Face Coverings
Answers to frequently asked questions about wearing face coverings.
LEO and MIOSHA have a set of online resources that provides guidelines, posters for employees and customers, factsheets, educational videos and a reopening checklist to keep workplaces safe.
Help is Here
The Fellowship is rallying to help all our friends in need. Here are a few comprehensive lists of tools, items and services offered by various UU friends. They will be updated as needed. You can contact people directly, or contact the office, or the minister, or any member of Pastoral Care team for any other needs you may have. We are here for you!
List of tools/items offered
List of services offered
What Do You Need? What Can You Offer?
UUFoM was in the process of creating this form before COVID-19, but due to the absolute devastation of the flood that has affected many in our community, we wanted to get this out as soon as possible. Please fill out the UUFoM Resources: Haves and Needs form. You may fill it out more than once if your needs increase when you are able to re-assess your situation. And you may fill it out to offer services or donations anytime. Maybe you have something to offer and a need for yourself - include it all! We will try to match them up all up and contact you at a later date. Also, if you would rather donate financially, the Minister's Discretionary Fund is always available. If you have any questions or are unable to access the form, please contact Wendy Altmeier.
UUA Book Offerings
How to Be an Antiracist
by Ibram X. Kendi
From the National Book Award–winning author comes a bracingly original approach to understanding and uprooting racism and inequality in our society. In How to Be an Antiracist, Ibram X. Kendi asks us to think about what an antiracist society might look like, and how we can play an active role in building it. Kendi brings together an electrifying combination of ethics, history, law, and science, bringing it all together with an engaging personal narrative of his own awakening to antiracism. How to Be an Antiracist is an essential work for anyone who wants to go beyond an awareness of racism to the next step: contributing to the formation of a truly just and equitable society.
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
by Robin DiAngelo
In this groundbreaking and timely book, antiracist educator Robin DiAngelo deftly illuminates the phenomenon of white fragility. Referring to the defensive moves that white people make when challenged racially, white fragility is characterized by emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and by behaviors including argumentation and silence. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium and prevent any meaningful cross-racial dialogue. In this in-depth exploration, DiAngelo explores how white fragility develops, how it protects racial inequality, and what we can do to engage more constructively
Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Color
by Andrea J. Ritchie
Invisible No More is a powerful examination of how Black women, Indigenous women, and other women of color experience racial profiling, police brutality, and immigration enforcement. Placing stories of individual women—such as Sandra Bland, Rekia Boyd, Dajerria Becton, Monica Jones, and Mya Hal—in the broader context of the twin epidemics of police violence and mass incarceration, it documents the evolution of movements centering women's experiences of policing and demands a radical rethinking of our visions of safety—and the means we devote to achieving it.
Mistakes and Miracles: Congregations on the Road to Multiculturalism
by Nancy Palmer Jones and Karin Lin
What calls Unitarian Universalists to create multicultural, antiracist Beloved Community? What do congregations need when they embark on this journey? What common threads run through their stories? Nancy Palmer Jones and Karin Lin—a white minister and a lay person of color—share how five diverse congregations encounter frustrations and disappointments, as well as hope and wonder, once they commit to the journey. Extensively researched, Mistakes and Miracles will guide readers to apply these stories to their own communities and develop next steps. |
Resources for Racial Justice Dialogue with Children
Embrace Race - 31 Books to support conversations on race, racism and resistance
A Mighty GIrl - Broadening the Story: 60 Picture Books Starring Black Mighty Girls
July Webinars with the MidAmerica Region
The MidAmerica Region is offering free webinars via Zoom. You may go to their website and sign up for any webinar offered. Sometimes there is limited seating. Most webinars are recorded and you will be able to view them on their website after they have finished. Please check their websitefor a list of their upcoming offerings.
Here is a list of previously recorded webinars you may be interested in. You may go to their website and click on the video to start watching.
Board Basics 2020
Virtual Circle Process
Congregations as Employers During COVID-19
Human Resources: Hiring for Success
Pastoral Care in Times of Crisis and Challenge
Human Resources 101 Part 1
How to Host a Virtual Game Night
Digital Giving
How to Do Small Group Online Gatherings
Virtual Gatherings for Small Congregations
Working with Anxiety
Ritual of Healing and Recharging
Our Mission
We are a multigenerational, liberal religious community in the Tri-City region. We offer a beacon to the religious seeker, supporting and nurturing the individual and collective pursuit of spiritual fulfillment.To achieve this mission, we:
- Empower members, friends, and the surrounding community to think freely, live ethically, and grow spiritually through lifelong learning, as we explore our values, live the principles of Unitarian Universalism, and search for truth and meaning.
- Assemble in supportive and beloved community, sharing life’s joys and sorrows, and embracing all of our wondrous diversity.
- Gather for stimulating worship experiences and rites of passage that inspire and provide opportunities to examine, clarify, and strengthen our personal value systems.
- Create a more just, peaceful and sustainable world through our words of influence, constructive deeds, and engaging love.
We focus on these four social issues in order to improve the community and demonstrate our commitment to the inherent worth and dignity of all people.
- Global Climate Change
- Racial Justice
- Homelessness
- LGBT Rights
Shannon Sonoras
Beth Sperry
Marsha McDonald
Vicki Rothhaar
Chris Nakamura
Pastoral Care Ministry Team
July Contact: Linda Rector 989-259-7492
Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team is here for you. We can provide a meal, a ride, some respite or a supportive ear and a cup of coffee.
Fellowship Office Hours
Fellowship Office currently closed due to Governor's Whitmer executive order.
Eric Severson
[email protected]
(608) 738-2694
On vacation and study leave through August 2020.
Heather Cleland-Host
Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Office Hours by appointment only
[email protected]
Wendy Altmeier
Office Assistant
[email protected]
(989) 631-1162
Sandy Hay
[email protected]
(918) 698-0311
In case of building emergency, call anytime
Andrew Schulz
Choir Director
Melanie Willison