Sunday Morning Online Service at 10:30am
October 25
"Vote Love, Defeat Hate: Organizing for the Long Haul" In the midst of global pandemic, rising authoritarianism, and uprising, lives hang in the balance and the future of democracy is on the line. In response, Unitarian Universalists are answering the call of our faith, building powerful partnerships to mobilize our communities to #VoteLove and #DefeatHate in the 2020 elections. Join UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray, the UU the Vote team, and a lineup of powerful, prophetic UU voices as we explore the intersections of faith, justice, and democracy in this collective virtual service.
ZOOM LINK https://zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=eWxsYWxqakJpOEhrZkxKE1ab2JYdz09
Meeting ID: 943 984 845
Password: uufom
Dial In Phone Number: (312) 626-6799
For upcoming Sunday Services, click here.

Jon Lipowitz - Celebration of Life
Jon Lipowitz passed away due to cardiac-related complications on Wednesday, September 30, 2020, at Mid-Michigan Medical Center.
Jon was born in Paterson, New Jersey on April 25, 1937. He graduated from Eastside High School in 1954 and attended Rutgers University. He received a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh and continued post-doctoral studies at Penn State University. In his career at Dow Corning Corporation, he received the designation of Scientist.
He was an active member in the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Midland.
Jon enjoyed classical music and travel as well as skiing, and was an avid sailor throughout the Saginaw Bay and Great Lakes.
Surviving family are his wife of 59 years, Evelyn, his son Robert, his daughter Suzanne Feldschmied (Georg Feldschmied) and his sister Harriet Lipowitz. He was preceded in death by his brother Isaac and parents Alex and Esther Knoble Lipowitz.
A virtual memorial event is planned for this Saturday, October 24, 2020 at 3:00 pm. RSVP to [email protected].
Those wishing to honor Jon’s memory are asked to consider a donation to the political candidate of their choice or to WCMU Public Radio, 199 E. Campus Drive, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859, or online at
UUFoM YouTube Channel
Did you miss our previous services? You can see a replay (minus Joys and Sorrows) below and on our YouTube Channel. We invite you to subscribe to our channel to stay up-to-date with all videos.
10/18/2020 - Funeral for Shame
This Week at the Fellowship
All teams and groups have decided to meet via Zoom instead of face to face during this time. Please contact your team/group leader if you need further guidance. If you have any questions about upcoming events, please email the office or call 989-631-1162.
All meetings listed below are via Zoom unless noted otherwise.

NEW: Introducing Rev. John Eric Severson
On Saturday, October 17, 2020, UUFoM ordained and installed Rev. Eric. If you missed the virtual service or you just want to see it again, check below this article.
If you would like to write or record your congratulations or a blessing to Eric and Ellen, please go to www.uufom.org/ordination and follow the links.
The Ordination and Installation of Rev. John Eric Severson
NEW: Stewardship 2021 Update
As of 10/21/2020
From Sara Clavez
Stewardship is love in action.
I hope you were all able to attend the ordination and installation ceremony with our minister, now officially the Reverend Eric Severson. It was beautiful and moving. He pledged his commitment to us and our Fellowship. We pledge our commitment to his ministry with us.
It seems perfectly appropriate that we made these commitments during our stewardship campaign; the time when we make our pledges of commitment to support our Fellowship in the coming year.
We have now heard from 53 individuals and families who have affirmed their commitment to our Fellowship by submitting a pledge form and there are a few more who have said they intend to get it in. Despite the difficult circumstances we are facing this year, several have been able to increase their pledge amounts. We are very grateful to each and every one of you for your support and participation. And we need to hear from the rest of you. If the work of this Fellowship and the ministry of Eric Severson has value for you, we need you to submit your pledge now. You can access our pledge materials through the Candle Flame or by using the link in the chat during the zoom service.
As you can see in the graphic, we are within 83% of our monetary goal. We have commitments of $147,720 that people plan to give in 2021. That leaves us with $29,808 to go to meet our goal. If you have not yet made your pledge, we need to hear from you now.
Our Finance Committee and Board worked hard to present us with a lean budget proposal. It would be very difficult to make cuts without having significant impact on our staff and programs.
The Stewardship Committee consisting of Sara Clavez, Alisha Toyzan, Fred Thomas, Craig Murchison, Vicki Reidelberger, Chris Nakamura and our stewardship volunteers consisting of Tom Bailey, Tim Wagner and Janelle Dombek, Marlene Hickman, Maxine Guettler, and Shannon Sonoras all thank you again for your thoughtful consideration.

Click images to download documents.
NEW: Shared Story Writing
With winter arriving soon, the Engagement Team would like to invite all UU Members to participate in a shared story writing activity. We have divided members into small, somewhat neighborhood groups, each with a designated team leader. The team leader for each group will soon be sending a package with the story writing activity directions. This will be a “pay it forward” story, so don’t be alarmed if you do not immediately receive a story book package. Our hope is the story book will circulate amongst all team members during the month of November. Please join in on the fun, be creative, and enjoy staying connected to your fellow UU Members!
UPDATED: 2020 Unsung Hero Nominations
Please nominate a UUFoM member(s) whom you feel has made and continues to make a significant contribution to UUFoM. The contributions may not be generally well-known by members and friends of the congregation. You may nominate more than one person. Please use a separate form for each nominee. Please click here to nominate your Unsung Hero online or email Wendy Altmeier for other alternatives.
Please submit your nomination by THIS SUNDAY, October 25, 2020. Our Unsung Hero will be announced at our Annual Meeting on Sunday, November 8.
Annual Meeting Date Change
We have a jam-packed calendar in October and we have decided to move our Virtual Annual Meeting to Sunday, November 8, 2020 at 12:15pm! We hope you all can make it! More information regarding the Annual Meeting will be shared soon.
Currently the Nominating Committee is looking to fill
- Nominating Committee Member (2 year)
- Nominating Committee Member (1 year)*
Please contact the Nominating Committee (Donna King, Linda Rector, Sasha King) if you are interested or have anyone to recommend.
*The Nominating Committee Member serving one year will be completing the second year of a two-year term for a member unable to fulfill it.
Post-Election Vigil & Community Gathering

Thursday, November 5 - 8:00pm-9:15pm
Save the date. No matter the results of the election this year, we know we will want to gather in community. Please save the date and join the UUA, Side with Love, and UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray for this event.
Hosted on Zoom, Facebook Live, and YouTube.
More information on Facebook.
Upcoming Services
October 2020 Theme - "Deep Listening"
October 25
"Vote Love, Defeat Hate: Organizing for the Long Haul" In the midst of global pandemic, rising authoritarianism, and uprising, lives hang in the balance and the future of democracy is on the line. In response, Unitarian Universalists are answering the call of our faith, building powerful partnerships to mobilize our communities to #VoteLove and #DefeatHate in the 2020 elections. Join UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray, the UU the Vote team, and a lineup of powerful, prophetic UU voices as we explore the intersections of faith, justice, and democracy in this collective virtual service.
November 2020 Theme - "Healing"
November 1
"You Can't Pour From an Empty Cup" - Especially during these times of crisis and division, self-care is an essential tool in serving others. We must combat our own exhaustion and compassion fatigue by refilling our cups from whatever healing sources we can find. Join us for a pre-election reminder about being available to others by being present to our own needs. Led by our minister, Rev. Eric Severson
November 8
"Healing Indra's Net" - According to Buddhist and Hindu philosophy, a jeweled web stretches infinitely in all directions, and in each jewel is reflected every other jewel. This metaphor for our interconnections is strong. But what if there is a tear in the net, in our social systems, for example? Join us for a post-election discussion exploring what it might take to rebuild relationships, repair our communities, and heal social ills. Led by our minister, Rev. Eric Severson
Donations for Food Pantry Network
Thanksgiving Baskets
The Midland County Emergency Food Pantry Network and Aldersgate United Methodist Church will be coordinating the Community Thanksgiving Food Basket program again this year. The Thanksgiving Basket program supplies approximately 350 families with turkey and other fresh food items.
This year a semi-truck full of fresh food will be ordered from the Eastern Food Bank instead of collecting food items locally. This will allow the preparation of the items to be cut from multiple days to one day and drastically reduce the number of volunteers, reducing the danger of COVID transmission. The purchasing of the food truck / gift certificates will require over $15,000 in monetary donations. Please help the UUFoM continue support of this Midland County Emergency Food Pantry yearly project.
Monetary donations for the Thanksgiving Baskets may be made directly with checks payable to Midland County EFPN and mailed to: Midland County EFPN, PO Box 2521, Midland, MI 48641-2521 or online by credit card to https://midlandcountyefpn.org/ . Please note on check or online that you are giving to Thanksgiving Baskets on behalf of UUFoM. The Food Pantry is a non-profit 501c(3) organization with all monetary gifts being tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
There are a couple of options for making food item donations to the normal operations of the Food Pantry.
• Drop off donations in the box outside of EFPN SAMS Pantry, 503 S Saginaw Rd (enter off Cambridge). The box is on the side of the building facing Cambridge.
• We can pick up food donations from your house. Email your pickup address and date of pick up to Vicki Reidelberger.
Thank you for helping those in need in Midland County (including Midland, Bullock Creek, North Midland County, West Midland County, Sanford, Coleman food pantry locations).
The Fellowship LOVE Team.
UUFoM Social Justice Fellowship Read
From Denise Reiling
To recognize Indigenous People's month of awareness, as leader of the Racial Justice section of the LOVE Team, I would like to begin a "fellowship read." My idea is that every month (perhaps every six weeks), interested parties would all read the same book, then gather together via Zoom to discuss the book. Eventually, I would like to see this initiative grow into a larger, community read.
To start us off, I would like to suggest that we read a novel, written by Leslie Marmon Silko: Ceremony. You will see that the novel interweaves many racial complexities. Silko considers herself to be multi-racial, of Laguna Pueblo Indian, Anglo-American, and Mexican-American lineage.
The book sells through Barnes & Noble for $15.99, but certainly can be purchased from other sources, too. You might also be able to obtain the book through the library (note that libraries are requiring a seven-day quarantine of books from interlibrary loan). Sharing books can be arranged, too. Please let me know if financial support would be welcome.
I envision these opportunities as events, not necessarily as a commitment to group membership. It's not intended to be a book "club," as such. Participants should feel free to come and go, according to their interest in the book being offered. We'll read both fiction and non-fiction. All books will be authored by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color). At the end of each meeting, we'll discuss options for the next read. I will send out a similar email announcing each new read. We will meet via Zoom. The date/time will be arranged after each reading group has been organized.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. If you are interested in participating in this first fellowship read, please reply to me via email at [email protected]. If you have already replied to me via Facebook (posted to Friends of UU Facebook Group on September 12), there is no need to reply. Thank you!
Our Mission
We are a multigenerational, liberal religious community in the Tri-City region. We offer a beacon to the religious seeker, supporting and nurturing the individual and collective pursuit of spiritual fulfillment.To achieve this mission, we:
- Empower members, friends, and the surrounding community to think freely, live ethically, and grow spiritually through lifelong learning, as we explore our values, live the principles of Unitarian Universalism, and search for truth and meaning.
- Assemble in supportive and beloved community, sharing life’s joys and sorrows, and embracing all of our wondrous diversity.
- Gather for stimulating worship experiences and rites of passage that inspire and provide opportunities to examine, clarify, and strengthen our personal value systems.
- Create a more just, peaceful and sustainable world through our words of influence, constructive deeds, and engaging love.
We focus on these four social issues in order to improve the community and demonstrate our commitment to the inherent worth and dignity of all people.
- Global Climate Change
- Racial Justice
- Homelessness
- LGBT Rights
copyright Unitarian Universalist Association
The Weekly Candle Flame Fall/Winter Editions
During the fall and winter months, the weekly Candle Flame will be circulated on Fridays. If you wish to submit an article, please email it to Wendy Altmeier by Wednesday at 5:00pm to have it included in the upcoming issue.
Previous Newsletter Articles
Fellowship Building
For everyone's safety, the Fellowship Building is closed to everyone except: staff, Sunday musicians, Vicki Rothhhaar, and Pete Carlson.
To ensure that the most vulnerable are not put at risk, new locks were placed on the entrance door. Sandy will communicate to those who will need a key when one will be available. Please contact Sandy Hay if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Shannon Sonoras, President
Beth Sperry, President-Elect
Marsha McDonald, Secretary
Vicki Rothhaar, Treasurer
Chris Nakamura, Member-At-Large
Pastoral Care Ministry Team
October Contact
Mary Johnson 989-859-1490
Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team is here for you. We can provide a meal, a ride, some respite or a supportive ear and a cup of coffee.
Fellowship Office Hours
Fellowship Office is currently closed due to Governor's Whitmer executive order.
Rev. Eric Severson - Minister
[email protected]
(608) 738-2694
Heather Cleland-Host - Director of Lifespan Religious Education
Office Hours by appointment only
[email protected]
Wendy Altmeier - Office Assistant
[email protected]
(989) 631-1162
Sandy Hay - Sexton
[email protected]
(918) 698-0311
In case of building emergency, call anytime
Melanie Willison - Accompanist