Sunday Morning Online Service at 10:30am
January 24
"An Invincible Summer" French philosopher Albert Camus once wrote, "In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer." During this time of unease and unrest, let us be grounded and heartened by the enduring strengths we already possess. Led by our minister, Rev. Eric Severson.
Meeting ID: 943 984 845
NEW Password: 62201162
Dial In Phone Number: (312) 626-6799 (*6 to mute and unmute)

UUFoM YouTube Channel
Did you miss our previous services? You can see a replay (minus Joys and Sorrows) below and on our YouTube Channel. We invite you to subscribe to our channel to stay up-to-date with all videos. Don't miss a thing. Click and subscribe now!
This Week at the Fellowship
All teams and groups have decided to meet via Zoom instead of face to face during this time. Please contact your team/group leader if you need further guidance. If you have any questions about upcoming events, please email the office or call 989-631-1162.
All meetings listed below are via Zoom unless noted otherwise.

Weekly Zoom Links
Sunday Virtual Service
Sundays at 10:30am
Meeting ID: 943 984 845
Passcode: 62201162
Dial In Phone Number: (312) 626-6799
Three Jewels Sangha
Whether you have been practicing with us often, are curious about meditation or Buddhism, or find yourself in need of connection, all are welcome to join the Three Jewels Sangha weekly Wednesday meeting. We will be gathering at our usual time, 5:00-6:30 for conversation and meditation via Zoom. We will have some time to share how we are doing, some silent restorative meditation, and a reading from our current book.
Wednesdays at 5:00pm
Meeting ID: 200 926 356
Password: uufom
Saturday Rehearsal
Saturdays at 10:00am
NEW: Religious Education Updates
Religious Education Zoom sessions, led by RE Coordinator Shana Barth, will resume on Sunday, January, 31, at 1:00 pm. Biweekly sessions will run through May 2021. Please email Shana if you, your children, or grandchildren would like to participate. See all dates below.
The curriculum we will be using is Sitting Together - a family-centered curriculum on mindfulness, meditation, and Buddhist teachings.
The next RE Team Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, February 20, at 11:30am. If you are interested in joining the team, please contact Shana.
Upcoming Religious Education Classes - Sundays at 1:00pm
January 31
February 14
February 28
March 14
March 28
April 11
April 25
May 9
May 23
NEW: Sunday Service Feedback
NEW: Fellowship Joins Nationwide Memorial
On January 19 our Fellowship joined communities and organizations nationwide in holding a brief vigil for people who have died so far to COVID-19. Luminarias were assembled and placed along the Jefferson Avenue sidewalk for an hour. Some held the names of Midland County and other pandemic victims. Rev. Eric Severson provided a brief memorial prayer (below).
In Memory of Those Who Have Died of COVID-19
Today marks a solemn, sobering milestone. We gather to honor and remember the more than 400,000 people who have died of COVID-19 in our nation so far this year, among two million worldwide.
Front-line workers and elders, people from every walk of life, of every stripe, every persuasion -- each of them someone’s grandparent, aunt, uncle, parent, sibling, child, or grandchild. Some of their names we have written here, even as they have been written in the Book of Life.
We mark their deaths by lighting candles, echoing the glimmer that was in their eyes and in their hearts. We mark their deaths with mixed emotions: anger, sadness, frustration, relief. We wonder, why them? Why us? Why now? Why?
As we join mourners across the country and around the world, let us take a moment of silence to mark this moment, each in our own private way.
May we dedicate our minds, hearts, and hands to the tasks of healing and of love. For it is in the name of Love that we pray.
Thank you to the many who helped make such a moment possible: Sara Clavez, Jill Crissman, Maxine Guettler, Sandy Hay, Marlene Hickman, Judith Hill, Kathy Kinkema, Carolyn Mahaffey, Cathy Mitzel, Kaeson Reidelberger, Vicki Reidelberger, Linda Rector, Peter Sinclair, Alex Sonoras, Kurt Sonoras, Shannon Sonoras, Beth Sperry, Melanie Willison.
Worship Team Recruitment
Would you like to be part of an AWARD-WINNING ministry team? The Worship Team is looking for new members! You would attend meetings via Zoom on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 - 8:30 pm, help us plan lay-led services, and help recruit volunteers for worship roles. We are also looking for someone who might be interested in taking over as chair in 2022, and would join the team this year in preparation for a smooth transition. Email Sarah Nuss-Warren to join or get more information.
UUFoM Neighborhood Storybook Project
Please help the Engagement Team complete the UUFoM Neighborhood Storybook Project. Packets were mailed in November 2020 asking participants to add a story or pictures to a small booklet and to then mail on to the next participant. The pandemic, national events, and the holidays have made this a very busy time, but we are hopeful the booklets will continue to move through the neighborhood groups and find their way back to us! Thank you for your help in completing this activity!
UUA's National New Day Rising Conference
Are you ready to take a new step in changing white supremacy culture? Want to learn what your fellow congregations are working on, and how you might apply it at home? Join a continent of UUs as we explore next steps in creating Beloved UU Communities.
On Your Own:
Watch compelling video TED-talk style testimonials from selected congregations around the continent sharing their learnings, hopes and next steps in their quest for racial equity in their congregations.
Together on February 27, 12:00pm-9:00pm
Worship ~ Workshops ~ Caucusing - With plenty of breaks
Register Here
Cost will be a sliding scale fee of your choosing: $20/30/40/50. Registration fees are on a sliding scale, based on your assessment of your ability to pay. Those who pay at the two highest levels are making a donation to help those in financial need for this event. Please remember that for a sliding scale to work, we need the same number of people with means to generously pay more to balance the needs of those who can afford less. (This is one way we try to build the Beloved Community!) If you are part of a congregational team of three or more, please pay the lowest fee.
Brought to you by the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Exploring Unitarian Universalism Virtual Workshops
Our first workshop is Saturday, January 23. This is an opportunity for new and long-time members of UUFoM to explore five different aspects of Unitarian Universalism.
"Exploring Unitarian Universalism" is a pilot project developed by the Engagement Team. The sessions will be limited to 10 participants and registration is required for each session. Participants may attend any number of sessions they choose. Registration is on a first come, first serve basis.
All sessions are 1:00-3:00pm on the dates listed below.
Feb 06 - Workshop 2: Where Do We Come From? Unitarian Universalist Roots (FULL)
Feb 20 - Workshop 3: How We Grow in Faith: Philosophy of Religious Education (Two seats remaining)
Mar 06 - Workshop 4: Social Justice Philosophy and Practice (Four seats remaining)
Mar 20 - Workshop 5: How Are Decisions Made? Governance and Policy (Three seats remaining)
To register for a workshop, please sign up here.
If your desired workshop session is full, please contact Wendy Altmeier to be placed on a wait list. Your Zoom links will be sent once registration is completed.
If you would like additional information on the content for the sessions, please contact any member of the Engagement Team: Sara Clavez, Christina VanPoucker, Estella Thomas, Joanne Rummel, or Kathy Kinkema.
January 2021 Theme - "Imagination"
January 24
"An Invincible Summer" French philosopher Albert Camus once wrote, "In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer." During this time of unease and unrest, let us be grounded and heartened by the enduring strengths we already possess. Led by our minister, Rev. Eric Severson.
January 31
"Reimagining" Each of us has constructed for ourselves to believe, and for others to read, a narrative about who we are. An open book we want others to read so that they might know us, and we might know ourselves. Each of us has also constructed a narrative about “others,” and about our relationships to, and with them. What if those stories are wrong? Fellowship member Denise Reiling will speak about “redemptive narratives” verses “contamination narratives” as she encourages a new way of seeing ourselves and others.
Our Mission
We are a multigenerational, liberal religious community in the Tri-City region. We offer a beacon to the religious seeker, supporting and nurturing the individual and collective pursuit of spiritual fulfillment.To achieve this mission, we:
- Empower members, friends, and the surrounding community to think freely, live ethically, and grow spiritually through lifelong learning, as we explore our values, live the principles of Unitarian Universalism, and search for truth and meaning.
- Assemble in supportive and beloved community, sharing life’s joys and sorrows, and embracing all of our wondrous diversity.
- Gather for stimulating worship experiences and rites of passage that inspire and provide opportunities to examine, clarify, and strengthen our personal value systems.
- Create a more just, peaceful and sustainable world through our words of influence, constructive deeds, and engaging love.
We focus on these four social issues in order to improve the community and demonstrate our commitment to the inherent worth and dignity of all people.
- Global Climate Change
- Racial Justice
- Homelessness
- LGBT Rights
copyright Unitarian Universalist Association
Previous Newsletter Articles
UUFoM Board Announcement
Regarding Building Access During COVID-19
For everyone's continued safety through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of Directors has determined that the building will remain closed and in-person activities will remain suspended through June 1, 2021 at the earliest. The Board of Directors will continue to reassess based on all available information, and continue to regularly communicate updates as conditions evolve.
Fellowship Building
For everyone's safety, the Fellowship Building is closed to everyone except: staff, Sunday musicians, Vicki Rothhaar, and Pete Carlson.
Thank you!
Beth Sperry - President
Sasha King - President-Elect
Shannon Sonoras - Secretary
Tim Wagner - Treasurer
Chris Nakamura - Member-At-Large
Marsha McDonald - Member-At-Large
Pastoral Care Ministry Team
January Contact:
Gisela Bailey 989-708-1344
Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team is here for you. We can provide a meal, a ride, some respite or a supportive ear and a cup of coffee.
Fellowship Office Hours
Fellowship Office is currently closed due to Governor's Whitmer executive order.
Rev. Eric Severson - Minister
[email protected]
(608) 738-2694
Unavailable Mondays, except in emergencies.
Wendy Altmeier - Office Assistant
[email protected]
(989) 631-1162
Unavailable Mondays.
Shana Barth - Online RE Coordinator
[email protected]
(989) 631-1162
Sandy Hay - Sexton
[email protected]
(918) 698-0311
In case of building emergency, call anytime
Melanie Willison - Accompanist
[email protected]