This Week at the Fellowship
All teams and groups have decided to meet via Zoom instead of face to face during this time. Please contact your team/group leader if you need further guidance. If you have any questions about upcoming events, please email the office or call 989-631-1162.
All meetings listed below are via Zoom unless noted otherwise.

Weekly Zoom Links
Sunday Virtual Service
Sundays at 10:30am
Meeting ID: 943 984 845
Passcode: 62201162
Dial In Phone Number: (312) 626-6799
Three Jewels Sangha
Whether you have been practicing with us often, are curious about meditation or Buddhism, or find yourself in need of connection, all are welcome to join the Three Jewels Sangha weekly Wednesday meeting. We will be gathering at our usual time, 5:00-6:30 for conversation and meditation via Zoom. We will have some time to share how we are doing, some silent restorative meditation, and a reading from our current book.
Wednesdays at 5:00pm
Meeting ID: 200 926 356
Password: uufom
Saturday Rehearsal
Saturdays at 10:00am
NEW: Printable Member Directory
A new, printable Staff, Members and Friends Directory is available on our password-protected Members pages. You can find the printable version in the Directory located here. You can download and/or print.
If you have any questions or have problems accessing it, please contact Wendy Altmeier.
NEW: COVID-19 Task Force Information
If you have tested positive for or been vaccinated for COVID-19 and are willing to share that information in confidence, please contact Maxine at [email protected] or 989-492-4413. Thank you! Stay well!
Annual Data Certification
Each year, member congregations report annual membership, financial and other data figures to the UUA through the certification process. The UUA uses this information to determine Annual Program Fund (APF) contributions, proportional delegates for elections and General Assembly, and to compile data about overall indicators and trends within Unitarian Universalism.
The following data was submitted this year. Please contact Wendy at [email protected] if you have any questions. Special thanks to Vicki Rothhaar, Tim Wagner, Tom Bailey, Shana Barth and Rev. Eric Severson for supplying information to complete the report.
Public Radio Bundling
Do you enjoy listening to programs such as All Things Considered, Science Friday, Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me, The 1A, or World Café on Delta College or WCMU Public Radio? If you appreciate our local public radio stations, you can support them and help others learn about UUFOM at the same time, by joining our annual public radio bundling initiative.
For the last 13 years, UUFOM members and friends have been getting extra value from their public radio donations by combining their payments into UUFOM “bundles” that get sent to Delta College and to WCMU in Mount Pleasant. Our Fellowship gets free advertising from the money, and donors get the satisfaction of helping out both public radio and our church.
Please join us! To have your check bundled with others from UUFOM, make it out to WCMU 89.5 or Delta 90.1, then mail it before the end of February to:
Tim Wagner
5313 Gardenbrook Drive
Midland, MI 48642.
To let Tim know your check is coming, please send him an email at [email protected] or call 989-839-0912. Checks will be accepted through end of February, and every amount counts.
Resources for Black History Month
Organize a book circle to read Breathe: A Letter to My Sons, the UUA ’s 2020-2021 Common Read. Note: Available from many retailers as a book, ebook and an audiobook.
Watch and share a story about the life of Fannie Lou Hamer, voting rights activist and leader in the Civil Rights Movement. Shared in simple language with engaging visuals.
Read Four Hundred Souls: A Community History of African America, 1619-2019 and buy it from a Black-owned bookstore.
Watch the Democracy Now! feature on the upcoming documentary "My Name is Pauli Murray". Murray was a Black queer trans legal scholar and religious leader who influenced both Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Thurgood Marshall and their groundbreaking civil rights cases before the Supreme Court.
Ministers Discretionary Fund
If your ability to work has been affected by work closures, illness, or layoffs and you’re experiencing financial hardship, please contact Rev. Eric at [email protected] to ask about the Minister’s Discretionary Fund. It exists to assist congregation members and friends and folks in the wider community who have financial emergency needs.
Exploring Unitarian Universalism Virtual Workshops
"Exploring Unitarian Universalism" is developed by the Engagement Team. This is an opportunity for new and long-time members of UUFoM to explore different aspects of Unitarian Universalism. The sessions are limited to 10 participants and registration is required for each session. Participants may attend any number of sessions they choose. Registration is on a first come, first serve basis.
All sessions are 1:00-3:00pm on the dates listed below.
Mar 06 - Workshop 4: Social Justice Philosophy and Practice (Three seats remaining)
Mar 20 - Workshop 5: How Are Decisions Made? Governance and Policy (Three seats remaining)
To register for a workshop, please sign up here.
If your desired workshop session is full, please contact Wendy Altmeier to be placed on a wait list. Your Zoom links will be sent once registration is completed.
UUA's National New Day Rising Conference
Are you ready to take a new step in changing white supremacy culture? Want to learn what your fellow congregations are working on, and how you might apply it at home? Join a continent of UUs as we explore next steps in creating Beloved UU Communities.
On Your Own:
Watch compelling video TED-talk style testimonials from selected congregations around the continent sharing their learnings, hopes and next steps in their quest for racial equity in their congregations.
Together on February 27, 12:00pm-9:00pm
Worship ~ Workshops ~ Caucusing - With plenty of breaks
Register Here
Cost will be a sliding scale fee of your choosing: $20/30/40/50. Registration fees are on a sliding scale, based on your assessment of your ability to pay. Those who pay at the two highest levels are making a donation to help those in financial need for this event. Please remember that for a sliding scale to work, we need the same number of people with means to generously pay more to balance the needs of those who can afford less. (This is one way we try to build the Beloved Community!) If you are part of a congregational team of three or more, please pay the lowest fee.
Brought to you by the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Virtual Religious Education Dates
Religious Education Zoom sessions are led by RE Coordinator Shana Barth. Biweekly sessions will run through May 2021. Please email Shana if you, your children, or grandchildren would like to participate. See all dates below.
Virtual Religious Education Team Meeting
Saturday, February 20 at 11:30am
Virtual Religious Education Classes - Sundays at 1:00pm
February 28
March 14
March 28
April 11
April 25
May 9
May 23
February 2021 Theme - "Beloved Community"
February 21
"There's Something In Your Teeth" - When did you last accept a difficult truth? In our efforts to bring about a beloved community, we will examine our resilience even in the face of hard or uncomfortable truths. Led by our minister, the Rev. Eric Severson.
February 28
"On Beloved Community" - Drawing on the writings of Dr. King, Toni Morrison, and others, we'll explore the functions of racism, the need for accountability, and the goal of Beloved Community. Our virtual choir will sing "I Have a Dream." Led by the Rev. Eric Severson.
Our Mission
We are a multigenerational, liberal religious community in the Tri-City region. We offer a beacon to the religious seeker, supporting and nurturing the individual and collective pursuit of spiritual fulfillment.To achieve this mission, we:
- Empower members, friends, and the surrounding community to think freely, live ethically, and grow spiritually through lifelong learning, as we explore our values, live the principles of Unitarian Universalism, and search for truth and meaning.
- Assemble in supportive and beloved community, sharing life’s joys and sorrows, and embracing all of our wondrous diversity.
- Gather for stimulating worship experiences and rites of passage that inspire and provide opportunities to examine, clarify, and strengthen our personal value systems.
- Create a more just, peaceful and sustainable world through our words of influence, constructive deeds, and engaging love.
We focus on these four social issues in order to improve the community and demonstrate our commitment to the inherent worth and dignity of all people.
- Global Climate Change
- Racial Justice
- Homelessness
- LGBT Rights
copyright Unitarian Universalist Association
Previous Newsletter Articles
Building Access During COVID-19
For everyone's continued safety through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of Directors has determined that the building will remain closed and in-person activities will remain suspended through June 1, 2021 at the earliest. The Board of Directors will continue to reassess based on all available information, and continue to regularly communicate updates as conditions evolve.
For everyone's safety, the Fellowship Building is closed to everyone except: staff, Sunday musicians, Vicki Rothhaar, and Pete Carlson.
Thank you!
Beth Sperry - President
Sasha King - President-Elect
Shannon Sonoras - Secretary
Tim Wagner - Treasurer
Chris Nakamura - Member-At-Large
Marsha McDonald - Member-At-Large
Pastoral Care Ministry Team
February Contact:
Amy Rogers 989-750-6989
Our Pastoral Care Ministry Team is here for you. We can provide a meal, a ride, some respite or a supportive ear and a cup of coffee.
Rev. Eric Severson - Minister
[email protected] (608) 738-2694
Unavailable Mondays, except in emergencies.
Wendy Altmeier - Office Assistant
[email protected] (989) 631-1162
Unavailable Mondays.
Shana Barth - Online RE Coordinator
[email protected] (989) 631-1162
Sandy Hay - Sexton
[email protected] (918) 698-0311
In case of building emergency, call anytime
Melanie Willison - Accompanist
[email protected]
Andrew Schulz - Choir Director
(Leave of Absence)
Jan Shea - Nursery Provider
(Leave of Absence)