Speaker: Jim Falender

This I Believe

Fellowship members (Marlene Hickman, Maxine Guettler, and Chris Nakamura) answer key questions about their personal beliefs in this periodic credo service. A multiplatform service led by Fellowship member Jim Falender. ZOOM LINK  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09Meeting ID: 943 984 845Password: 62201162

“Saginaw Rising”

Zigmond (Ziggy) Kozicki and Stephanie Baiyasi, who produced a film called “Saginaw Rising,” will give a talk related to their film titled “Social Determinants, Equity, and Civil Rights.” The film is about people in Saginaw are not accepting the problems of the past and instead are initiating initiatives for a more promising future.  In their talk … Continue reading “Saginaw Rising”

This I Believe

Fellowship members answer key questions about their personal beliefs in this periodic credo service. Led by Fellowship member Jim Falender. ZOOM LINK  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09Meeting ID: 943 984 845Password: 62201162

This I Believe

Fellowship members answer key questions about their personal beliefs in this periodic credo service. A multiplatform service led by Fellowship member, Jim Falender.