Speaker: Rev. Eric Severson

A Measure of Thanks

Join us in an all-ages service celebrating life’s seasons of beauty and bounty, with special musical offerings by the choir and Music Team, followed by a cider and cornbread “communion.” Led by Rev. Eric Severson, DRE Jennifer Page, and others. ZOOM LINK  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09Meeting ID: 943 984 845Password: 62201162

Grappling With Our Fears

Perhaps we have done all that we can and still are afraid of what might come. Join us in welcoming fear as a teacher and learning how we might cope with our fears in coming days or years. Led by Rev. Eric Severson. Annual meeting to follow.

Living Our Values: Safeguarding Democracy

The single greatest threat of oppression, perhaps, in our lifetimes may be the enactment of the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025/Agenda 47. Join us in discussing how our Unitarian Universalist values call us to help safeguard our democratic institutions. Led by Rev. Eric Severson. ZOOM LINK  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09Meeting ID: 943 984 845Password: 62201162

Living Our Values: Celebrating Community

Join us for our annual all-ages ingathering/homecoming/water communion service. Help us welcome one another by bringing water that represents important experiences you or your family have had in the past year. Will include a new member ceremony and “backpack blessing” for anyone returning to school. Led by Rev. Eric Severson and DRE Jennifer Page. A … Continue reading Living Our Values: Celebrating Community

Look What We Did!

Join us as we celebrate this year’s accomplishments — especially in religious education — in this final regular service of the program year. We will hear about our teens’ visits to other religious sites, receive a song from our children, recognize and thank our educators and all of our volunteers, and much more. Led by … Continue reading Look What We Did!